Source code for eazy.filters

import numpy as np
import os

from astropy.table import Table
from . import utils

__all__ = ["FilterDefinition", "FilterFile", "ParamFilter"]

VEGA_FILE = os.path.join(utils.path_to_eazy_data(),
for c in VEGA.colnames:
    VEGA[c] = VEGA[c].astype(float)
[docs] class FilterDefinition: def __init__(self, name=None, wave=None, throughput=None, bp=None, photon_counter=True): """ Bandpass object Parameters ---------- name : str Label name wave : array Wavelength array, in `astropy.units.Angstrom`. throughput : array Throughput, arbitrary normalization bp : optional, `pysynphot.obsbandpass` object `pysynphot` filter bandpass photon_counter : bool Filter is associated with a photon-counting detector (e.g. CCDs). Often FIR devices are energy-counting, e.g., MIPS, Herschel. """ = name self.wave = wave self._throughput = throughput self.Aflux = 1. self.photon_counter = photon_counter if isinstance(name, str): # Set energy-counting filters ir_filts = ['mips/24','mips/70','mips/160', 'scuba2/450','scuba2/850', 'herschel/pacs/70', 'herschel/pacs/100', 'herschel/pacs/160', 'herschel/spire/200', 'herschel/spire/350', 'herschel/spire/500'] if name.split()[0] in ir_filts: self.photon_counter = False # pysynphot Bandpass if bp is not None: self.wave = np.cast[np.double](bp.wave) self._throughput = np.cast[np.double](bp.throughput) = # Set throughput accounting for photon_counter self.set_throughput()
[docs] def set_throughput(self): """ Set throughput accounting for `photon_counter` attribute """ if self._throughput is None: self.throughput = None self.norm = 1. else: if self.photon_counter: self.throughput = self._throughput else: _wfact = self.wave/np.mean(self.wave) self.throughput = self._throughput/_wfact self.norm = np.trapz(self.throughput/self.wave, self.wave)
def __repr__(self): return def __str__(self): return
[docs] def get_extinction(self, EBV=0, Rv=3.1): """ Extinction factor """ import astropy.units as u f99 = utils.GalacticExtinction(EBV=EBV, Rv=Rv) self.Alambda = f99(self.wave) self.Aflux = 10**(-0.4*self.Alambda)
[docs] def extinction_correction(self, EBV, Rv=3.1, mag=True, source_lam=None, source_flux=None): """ Get the MW extinction correction within the filter. Optionally supply a source spectrum. """ import astropy.units as u try: import grizli.utils_c interp = grizli.utils_c.interp.interp_conserve_c except ImportError: interp = utils.interp_conserve if self.wave is None: print('Filter not defined.') return False if source_flux is None: src = self.throughput*0.+1 else: src = interp(self.wave, source_lam, source_flux, left=0, right=0) if (self.wave.min() < 910) | (self.wave.max() > 6.e4): Alambda = 0. else: f99 = utils.GalacticExtinction(EBV=EBV, Rv=Rv) Alambda = f99(self.wave) src_red = np.trapz(self.throughput*src*10**(-0.4*Alambda)/self.wave, self.wave) src_nored = np.trapz(self.throughput*src/self.wave, self.wave) delta = src_red/src_nored if mag: return 2.5*np.log10(delta) else: return 1./delta
@property def ABVega(self): """ Compute AB-Vega conversion """ from astropy.constants import c import astropy.units as u try: import grizli.utils_c interp = grizli.utils_c.interp.interp_conserve_c except ImportError: interp = utils.interp_conserve # Union of throughput and Vega spectrum arrays full_x = np.hstack([self.wave, VEGA['WAVELENGTH']]) full_x = full_x[np.argsort(full_x)] # Vega spectrum, units of f-lambda flux density, cgs # Interpolate to wavelength grid, no extrapolation vega_full = interp(full_x, VEGA['WAVELENGTH'], VEGA['FLUX'], left=0, right=0) thru_full = interp(full_x, self.wave, self.throughput, left=0, right=0) # AB = 0, same units absp = 3631*1e-23**1.e10/full_x**2 # Integrate over the bandpass, flam dlam num = np.trapz(vega_full*thru_full, full_x) den = np.trapz(absp*thru_full, full_x) return -2.5*np.log10(num/den) @property def pivot(self): """ Pivot wavelength """ integrator = np.trapz num = integrator(self.wave, self.wave*self.throughput) den = integrator(self.wave, self.throughput/self.wave) pivot = np.sqrt(num/den) return pivot @property def equivwidth(self): """ Filter equivalent width """ return np.trapz(self.throughput, self.wave) @property def rectwidth(self): """ Filter rectangular width """ rect = self.equivwidth / self.throughput.max() return rect @property def ctw95(self): """ 95% cumulative throughput width """ dl = np.diff(self.wave) filt = np.cumsum((self.wave*self.throughput)[1:]*dl) ctw95 = np.interp([0.025, 0.975], filt/filt.max(), self.wave[1:]) return np.diff(ctw95)[0]
[docs] def for_filter_file(self, row_str='{i:6} {wave:.5e} {thru:.5e}'): """ Return a string that can be put in the EAZY filter file """ header = '{0} {1} lambda_c= {2:.4e} AB-Vega= {3:.3f} w95={4:.1f}' N = len(self.wave) lines = [header.format(N,'lambda_c')[0], self.pivot, self.ABVega, self.ctw95)] lines += [row_str.format(i=i+1, wave=w, thru=t) for i, (w, t) in enumerate(zip(self.wave, self.throughput))] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] class FilterFile: def __init__(self, file='FILTER.RES.latest', path='./'): """ Read a EAZY filter file. .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from eazy.filters import FilterFile res = FilterFile(path=None) print(len(res.filters)) bp = res[205] print(bp) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) ax.plot(bp.wave, bp.throughput,[0]) ax.set_xlabel('wavelength, Angstroms') ax.set_ylabel('throughput') ax.legend() ax.grid() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) """ if path is None: file_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('EAZYCODE'), 'filters', file) else: file_path = os.path.join(path, file) with open(file_path, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() self.filename = file_path filters = [] wave = [] trans = [] header = '' for line in lines: if 'lambda_c' in line: if len(wave) > 0: # Make filter from lines already read in new_filter = FilterDefinition(name=header, wave=np.cast[float](wave), throughput=np.cast[float](trans)) # = header # new_filter.wave = np.cast[float](wave) # new_filter.throughput = np.cast[float](trans) filters.append(new_filter) # Initialize filter header = ' '.join(line.split()[1:]) wave = [] trans = [] else: lspl = np.cast[float](line.split()) wave.append(lspl[1]) trans.append(lspl[2]) # last one # new_filter = FilterDefinition() # = header # new_filter.wave = np.cast[float](wave) # new_filter.throughput = np.cast[float](trans) new_filter = FilterDefinition(name=header, wave=np.cast[float](wave), throughput=np.cast[float](trans)) filters.append(new_filter) self.filters = filters @property def NFILT(self): """ Number of filters in the list """ return len(self.filters) def __getitem__(self, i1): """ Return unit-indexed filter, e.g., 161 = 2mass-j """ return self.filters[i1-1]
[docs] def names(self, verbose=True): """ Print the filter names. """ if verbose: for i in range(len(self.filters)): print('{0:5d} {1}'.format(i+1, self.filters[i].name)) else: string_list = ['{0:5d} {1}\n'.format(i+1, self.filters[i].name) for i in range(len(self.filters))] return string_list
[docs] def write(self, file='xxx.res', verbose=True): """ Dump the filter information to a filter file. """ fp = open(file,'w') for filter in self.filters: fp.write('{0:6d} {1}\n'.format(len(filter.wave), for i in range(len(filter.wave)): fp.write('{0:6d} {1:.5e} {2:.5e}\n'.format(i+1, filter.wave[i], filter.throughput[i])) fp.close() string_list = self.names(verbose=False) fp = open(file+'.info', 'w') fp.writelines(string_list) fp.close() if verbose: print('Wrote <{0}[.info]>'.format(file))
[docs] def search(self, search_string, case=False, verbose=True): """ Search filter names for ``search_string``. If ``case`` is True, then match case. """ import re if not case: search_string = search_string.upper() matched = [] for i in range(len(self.filters)): filt_name = self.filters[i].name if not case: filt_name = filt_name.upper() if, filt_name) is not None: if verbose: print('{0:5d} {1}'.format(i+1, self.filters[i].name)) matched.append(i) return np.array(matched)
[docs] class ParamFilter(FilterDefinition): def __init__(self, line='# Filter #20, RES#78: COSMOS/SUBARU_filter_B.txt - lambda_c=4458.276253'): self.lambda_c = float(line.split('lambda_c=')[1]) = line.split()[4] self.fnumber = int(line.split('RES#')[1].split(':')[0]) self.cnumber = int(line.split('Filter #')[1].split(',')[0])