Source code for eazy.sps

Tools for making FSPS templates
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9

FLAM_CGS = u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom
LINE_CGS = 1.e-17*u.erg/u.second/**2

    from dust_attenuation.baseclasses import BaseAttAvModel
    BaseAttAvModel = object

from astropy.modeling import Parameter
import astropy.units as u

    from fsps import StellarPopulation
    # Broken, but imports
    StellarPopulation = object

from . import utils
from . import templates

DEFAULT_LABEL = 'fsps_tau{tau:3.1f}_logz{logzsol:4.2f}_tage{tage:4.2f}_av{Av:4.2f}'

WG00_DEFAULTS = dict(geometry='shell', dust_type='mw', 

__all__ = ["Zafar15", "ExtinctionModel", "SMC", "Reddy15", "KC13",
           "ParameterizedWG00", "ExtendedFsps", "fsps_line_info", 

class ArrayExtCurve(BaseAttAvModel):
    Alam interpolated from arrays
    name = 'Array'
    #bump_ampl = 1.
    Rv = 2.21 # err 0.22
    xarray = np.arange(0.09, 2.2, 0.01)
    yarray = xarray*0.+1
    def Alam(self, mu):
        klam, eq. 1
        Alam = np.interp(mu, self.xarray, self.yarray, 
                         left=self.left, right=self.right)
        return Alam
    def evaluate(self, x, Av):
        if not hasattr(x, 'unit'):
            xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.micron
            xin = np.atleast_1d(x)
        mu =

        alam = self.Alam(mu) #*self.Rv
        return np.maximum(alam*Av, 0.)

[docs] class Zafar15(BaseAttAvModel): """ Quasar extinction curve from Zafar et al. (2015) """ name = 'Zafar+15' #bump_ampl = 1. Rv = 2.21 # err 0.22
[docs] @staticmethod def Alam(mu, Rv): """ klam, eq. 1 """ x = 1/mu # My fit coeffs = np.array([0.05694421, 0.57778243, -0.12417444]) Alam = np.polyval(coeffs, x)*2.21/Rv # Only above x > 5.90 fuv = x > 5.90 if fuv.sum() > 0: Afuv = 1/Rv*(-4.678+2.355*x + 0.622*(x-5.90)**2) + 1. Alam[fuv] = Afuv[fuv] return Alam
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.micron else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) mu = alam = self.Alam(mu, self.Rv) #*self.Rv # Rv = Av/EBV # EBV=Av/Rv # Ax = Alam/Av # # klam = Alam/EBV # Alam = klam*EBV = klam*Av/Rv return np.maximum(alam*Av, 0.)
[docs] class ExtinctionModel(BaseAttAvModel): """ Modify `dust_extinction.averages.G03_SMCBar` to work as Att """ #from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar #SMCBar = G03_SMCBar() curve_type = 'smc' init_curve = None #@property def _curve_model(self): if self.init_curve == self.curve_type: return 0 if self.curve_type.upper() == 'SMC': from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar as curve elif self.curve_type.upper() == 'LMC': from dust_extinction.averages import G03_LMCAvg as curve elif self.curve_type.upper() in ['MW','F99']: from dust_extinction.parameter_averages import F99 as curve else: raise ValueError(f'curve_type {self.curve_type} not recognized') self.curve = curve() self.init_curve = self.curve_type
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av): self._curve_model() if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) xinv = 1./ curve = self.curve xr = [x for x in curve.x_range] xr[0] *= 1.001 xr[1] *= 0.999 print('xxx', xr) if 'Rv' in curve.param_names: klam = curve.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, xr[0]/u.micron, xr[1]/u.micron), Rv=curve.Rv) else: klam = curve.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, xr[0]/u.micron, xr[1]/u.micron)) return klam*Av
[docs] class SMC(BaseAttAvModel): """ Modify `dust_extinction.averages.G03_SMCBar` to work as Att """ from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar SMCBar = G03_SMCBar() bump_ampl = Parameter(description="Amplitude of UV bump", default=0., min=0., max=10.) bump_gamma = 0.04 bump_x0 = 0.2175
[docs] def uv_bump(self, mu, bump_ampl): """ Drude profile for computing the UV bump. Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects wavelengths in [micron] x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of the UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. Returns ------- np array (float) lorentzian-like Drude profile Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ return bump_ampl * (mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2 / ((mu**2 - self.bump_x0**2)**2 + mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2))
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av, bump_ampl): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) xinv = 1./ klam = self.SMCBar.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, 0.301/u.micron, 9.99/u.micron)) if bump_ampl > 0: klam += self.uv_bump(, bump_ampl) return klam*Av
[docs] class Reddy15(BaseAttAvModel): """ Attenuation curve from Reddy et al. (2015) With optional UV bump """ name = 'Reddy+15' #bump_ampl = 1. bump_ampl = Parameter(description="Amplitude of UV bump", default=2., min=0., max=10.) bump_gamma = 0.04 bump_x0 = 0.2175 Rv = 2.505 @staticmethod def _left(mu): """ klam, mu < 0.6 micron """ return -5.726 + 4.004/mu - 0.525/mu**2 + 0.029/mu**3 + 2.505 @staticmethod def _right(mu): """ klam, mu > 0.6 micron """ return -2.672 - 0.010/mu + 1.532/mu**2 - 0.412/mu**3 + 2.505 @property def koffset(self): """ Force smooth transition at 0.6 micron """ return self._left(0.6) - self._right(0.6)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av, bump_ampl): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) mu = left = mu < 0.6 klam = mu*0. # Reddy Eq. 8 kleft = self._left(mu) kright = self._right(mu) klam[left] = self._left(mu[left]) klam[~left] = self._right(mu[~left]) + self.koffset # Rv = Av/EBV # EBV=Av/Rv # klam = Alam/EBV # Alam = klam*EBV = klam*Av/Rv return np.maximum((klam + self.uv_bump(mu, bump_ampl))*Av/self.Rv, 0.)
[docs] def uv_bump(self, mu, bump_ampl): """ Drude profile for computing the UV bump. Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects wavelengths in [micron] x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of the UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. Returns ------- np array (float) lorentzian-like Drude profile Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ return bump_ampl * (mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2 / ((mu**2 - self.bump_x0**2)**2 + mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2))
[docs] class KC13(BaseAttAvModel): """ Kriek & Conroy (2013) attenuation model, extends Noll 2009 with UV bump amplitude correlated with the slope, delta. Slightly different from KC13 since the N09 model uses Leitherer (2002) below 1500 Angstroms. """ name = 'Kriek+Conroy2013' delta = Parameter(description="delta: slope of the power law", default=0., min=-3., max=3.) #extra_bump = 1. extra_params = {'extra_bump':1., 'beta':-3.2, 'extra_uv':-0.4} # Big range for use with FSPS x_range = [0.9e-4, 2.e8] def _init_N09(self): from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # Allow extrapolation #shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.9e-4, 2.e8] #averages.x_range_C00 = [0.9e-4, 2.e8] #averages.x_range_L02 = [0.9e-4, 0.18] shapes.C00.x_range = self.x_range shapes.N09.x_range = self.x_range if self.x_range[0] < 0.18: shapes.L02.x_range = [self.x_range[0], 0.18] else: shapes.L02.x_range = [0.097, 0.18] self.N09 = shapes.N09()
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av, delta): import dust_attenuation if not hasattr(self, 'N09'): self._init_N09() #Av = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_V) x0 = 0.2175 gamma = 0.0350 ampl = (0.85 - 1.9*delta)*self.extra_params['extra_bump'] if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = x wred = np.array([2.199e4])*u.Angstrom if self.N09.param_names[0] == 'x0': Alam = self.N09.evaluate(xin, x0, gamma, ampl, delta, Av) Ared = self.N09.evaluate(wred, x0, gamma, ampl, delta, Av)[0] else: Alam = self.N09.evaluate(xin, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, delta) Ared = self.N09.evaluate(wred, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, delta)[0] # Extrapolate with beta slope red = xin > wred[0] if red.sum() > 0: Alam[red] = Ared*(xin[red]/wred[0])**self.extra_params['beta'] blue = xin < 1500*u.Angstrom if blue.sum() > 0: plblue = np.ones(len(xin)) wb = xin[blue].to(u.Angstrom).value/1500 plblue[blue] = wb**self.extra_params['extra_uv'] Alam *= plblue return Alam
[docs] class ParameterizedWG00(BaseAttAvModel): coeffs = {'Av': np.array([-0.001, 0.026, 0.643, -0.016]), 'x0': np.array([ 3.067e-19, -7.401e-18, 6.421e-17, -2.370e-16, 3.132e-16, 2.175e-01]), 'gamma': np.array([ 2.101e-06, -4.135e-05, 2.719e-04, -7.178e-04, 3.376e-04, 4.270e-02]), 'ampl': np.array([-1.906e-03, 4.374e-02, -3.501e-01, 1.228e+00, -2.151e+00, 8.880e+00]), 'slope': np.array([-4.084e-05, 9.984e-04, -8.893e-03, 3.670e-02, -7.325e-02, 5.891e-02])} # Turn off bump include_bump = 0.25 wg00_coeffs = {'geometry': 'shell', 'dust_type': 'mw', 'dust_distribution': 'homogeneous'} name = 'ParameterizedWG00' # def __init__(self, Av=1.0, **kwargs): # """ # Version of the N09 curves fit to the WG00 curves up to tauV=10 # """ # from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # # # Allow extrapolation # shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.01, 1000] # averages.x_range_C00 = [0.01, 1000] # averages.x_range_L02 = [0.01, 0.18] # # self.N09 = shapes.N09() def _init_N09(self): from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # Allow extrapolation shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.009, 2.e8] averages.x_range_C00 = [0.009, 2.e8] averages.x_range_L02 = [0.009, 0.18] self.N09 = shapes.N09()
[docs] def get_tau(self, Av): """ Get the WG00 tau_V for a given Av """ tau_grid = np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) av_grid = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_grid) return np.interp(Av, av_grid, tau_grid, left=0., right=tau_grid[-1])
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av): import dust_attenuation if not hasattr(self, 'N09'): self._init_N09() tau_V = self.get_tau(Av) #Av = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_V) x0 = np.polyval(self.coeffs['x0'], tau_V) gamma = np.polyval(self.coeffs['gamma'], tau_V) if self.include_bump: ampl = np.polyval(self.coeffs['ampl'], tau_V)*self.include_bump else: ampl = 0. slope = np.polyval(self.coeffs['slope'], tau_V) if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = x if self.N09.param_names[0] == 'x0': return self.N09.evaluate(xin, x0, gamma, ampl, slope, Av) else: return self.N09.evaluate(xin, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, slope)
[docs] def fsps_line_info(wlimits=None): """ Read FSPS line list """ try: info_file = os.path.join(os.getenv('SPS_HOME'), 'data/emlines_info.dat') with open(info_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() except: return [], [] waves = np.array([float(l.split(',')[0]) for l in lines]) names = np.array([l.strip().split(',')[1].replace(' ','') for l in lines]) if wlimits is not None: clip = (waves > wlimits[0]) & (waves < wlimits[1]) waves = waves[clip] names = names[clip] return waves, names
DEFAULT_LINES = fsps_line_info(wlimits=[1200, 1.9e4])[0] BOUNDS = {} BOUNDS['tage'] = [0.03, 12, 0.05] BOUNDS['tau'] = [0.03, 2, 0.05] BOUNDS['zred'] = [0.0, 13, 1.e-4] BOUNDS['Av'] = [0.0, 15, 0.05] BOUNDS['gas_logu'] = [-4, 0, 0.05] BOUNDS['gas_logz'] = [-2, 0.3, 0.05] BOUNDS['logzsol'] = [-2, 0.3, 0.05] BOUNDS['sigma_smooth'] = [100, 500, 0.05]
[docs] def wuyts_line_Av(Acont): """ Wuyts prescription for extra extinction towards nebular emission """ return Acont + 0.9*Acont - 0.15*Acont**2
[docs] class ExtendedFsps(StellarPopulation): """ Extended functionality for the `fsps.StellarPopulation` object """ lognorm_center = 0. lognorm_logwidth = 0.05 is_lognorm_sfh = False lognorm_fburst = -30 cosmology = WMAP9 scale_lyman_series = 0.1 scale_lines = OrderedDict() line_av_func = None # Smoothing parameters for fitting lsf_func = None FFT_SMOOTH = False #_meta_bands = ['v'] @property def izmet(self): """ Get zmet index for nearest ``self.zlegend`` value to ``loggzsol``. """ NZ = len(self.zlegend) logzsol = self.params['logzsol'] zi = np.interp(logzsol, np.log10(self.zlegend/0.019), np.arange(NZ)) return np.clip(np.cast[int](np.round(zi)), 0, NZ-1) @property def fsps_ages(self): """ (linear) ages of the FSPS SSP age grid, Gyr """ if hasattr(self, '_fsps_ages'): return self._fsps_ages _ = self.get_spectrum() fsps_ages = 10**(self.log_age-9) self._fsps_ages = fsps_ages return fsps_ages
[docs] def set_lognormal_sfh(self, min_sigma=3, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Set lognormal tabular SFH """ try: from grizli.utils_c.interp import interp_conserve_c as interp_func except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve if 'lognorm_center' in kwargs: self.lognorm_center = kwargs['lognorm_center'] if 'lognorm_logwidth' in kwargs: self.lognorm_logwidth = kwargs['lognorm_logwidth'] if self.is_lognorm_sfh: self.params['sfh'] = 3 if verbose: msg = 'lognormal SFH ({0}, {1}) [sfh3={2}]' print(msg.format(self.lognorm_center, self.lognorm_logwidth, self.is_lognorm_sfh)) xages = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fsps_ages[0]), np.log10(self.fsps_ages[-1]), 2048) mu = self.lognorm_center#*np.log(10) # sfh = 1./t*exp(-(log(t)-mu)**2/2/sig**2) logn_sfh = 10**(-(np.log10(xages)-mu)**2/2/self.lognorm_logwidth**2) logn_sfh *= 1./xages # Normalize logn_sfh *= 1.e-9/(self.lognorm_logwidth*np.sqrt(2*np.pi*np.log(10))) self.set_tabular_sfh(xages, logn_sfh) self._lognorm_sfh = (xages, logn_sfh)
[docs] def lognormal_integral(self, tage=0.1, **kwargs): """ Integral of lognormal SFH up to t=tage """ from scipy.special import erfc mu = self.lognorm_center*np.log(10) sig = self.lognorm_logwidth*np.sqrt(np.log(10)) cdf = 0.5*erfc(-(np.log(tage)-mu)/sig/np.sqrt(2)) return cdf
def _set_extend_attrs(self, line_sigma=50, lya_sigma=200, **kwargs): """ Set attributes on `fsps.StellarPopulation` object used by `narrow_lines`. sigma : line width (FWHM/2.35), km/s. lya_sigma : width for Lyman-alpha Sets `emline_dlam`, `emline_sigma` attributes. """ # Line widths, native FSPS and new wave, line = self.get_spectrum(tage=1., peraa=True) dlam = np.diff(wave) self.emline_dlam = [np.interp(w, wave[1:], dlam) for w in self.emline_wavelengths] # Angstrom self.emline_sigma = [line_sigma for w in self.emline_wavelengths] #kms # Separate Ly-alpha lya_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - 1216.8)) self.emline_sigma[lya_ix] = lya_sigma # Line EWs computed in `narrow_emission_lines` self.emline_eqw = [-1e10 for w in self.emline_wavelengths] # Emission line names waves, names = fsps_line_info() if np.allclose(self.emline_wavelengths, waves, 0.5): self.emline_names = names else: self.emline_names = ['?'] * len(self.emline_wavelengths) for w, n in zip(waves, names): dl = np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - w) if dl.min() < 0.5: self.emline_names[np.argmin(dl)] = n for l in self.emline_names: self.scale_lines[l] = 1. # Precomputed arrays for WG00 reddening defined between 0.1..3 um self.wg00lim = (self.wavelengths > 1000) & (self.wavelengths < 3.e4) self.wg00red = (self.wavelengths > 1000)*1. self.exec_params = None self.narrow = None
[docs] def narrow_emission_lines(self, tage=0.1, emwave=DEFAULT_LINES, line_sigma=100, oversample=5, clip_sigma=10, verbose=False, get_eqw=True, scale_lyman_series=None, scale_lines={}, force_recompute=False, use_sigma_smooth=True, lorentz=False, **kwargs): """ Replace broad FSPS lines with specified line widths tage : age in Gyr of FSPS model FSPS sigma: line width in A in FSPS models emwave : (approx) wavelength of line to replace line_sigma : line width in km/s of new line oversample : factor by which to sample the Gaussian profiles clip_sigma : sigmas from line center to use for the line scale_lyman_series : scaling to apply to Lyman-series emission lines scale_lines : scaling to apply to other emission lines, by name Returns: `dict` with keys wave_full, flux_full, line_full = wave and flux with fine lines wave, flux_line, flux_clean = original model + removed lines ymin, ymax = range of new line useful for plotting """ if not hasattr(self, 'emline_dlam'): self._set_extend_attrs(line_sigma=line_sigma, **kwargs) self.params['add_neb_emission'] = True if scale_lyman_series is None: scale_lyman_series = self.scale_lyman_series else: self.scale_lyman_series = scale_lyman_series if scale_lines is None: scale_lines = self.scale_lines else: for k in scale_lines: if k in self.scale_lines: self.scale_lines[k] = scale_lines[k] else: print(f'Line "{k}" not found in `self.scale_lines`') # Avoid recomputing if all parameters are the same (i.e., change Av) call_params = np.hstack([self.param_floats(params=None), emwave, list(self.scale_lines.values()), [tage, oversample, clip_sigma, scale_lyman_series]]) try: is_close = np.allclose(call_params, self.exec_params) except: is_close = False if is_close & (not force_recompute): if verbose: print('use stored') return self.narrow self.exec_params = call_params wave, line = self.get_spectrum(tage=tage, peraa=True) line_ix = [np.argmin(np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - w)) for w in emwave] line_lum = [self.emline_luminosity[i] for i in line_ix] line_wave = [self.emline_wavelengths[i] for i in line_ix] fsps_sigma = [np.sqrt((2*self.emline_dlam[i])**2 + (self.params['sigma_smooth']/3.e5*self.emline_wavelengths[i])**2) for i in line_ix] if line_sigma < 0: lines_sigma = [-line_sigma for ix in line_ix] elif (self.params['sigma_smooth'] > 0) & (use_sigma_smooth): lines_sigma = [self.params['sigma_smooth'] for ix in line_ix] else: lines_sigma = [self.emline_sigma[ix] for ix in line_ix] line_dlam = [sig/3.e5*lwave for sig, lwave in zip(lines_sigma, line_wave)] clean = line*1 wlimits = [np.min(emwave), np.max(emwave)] wlimits = [2./3*wlimits[0], 4.3*wlimits[1]] wfine = utils.log_zgrid(wlimits, np.min(lines_sigma)/oversample/3.e5) qfine = wfine < 0 if verbose: msg = 'Matched line: {0} [{1}], lum={2}' for i, ix in enumerate(line_ix): print(msg.format(line_wave[i], ix, line_lum[i])) ######### # Remove lines from FSPS # line width seems to be 2*dlam at the line wavelength for i, ix in enumerate(line_ix): if self.params['nebemlineinspec']: gauss = 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*fsps_sigma[i]**2) gauss *= np.exp(-(wave - line_wave[i])**2/2/fsps_sigma[i]**2) clean -= gauss*line_lum[i] # indices of fine array where new lines defined qfine |= np.abs(wfine - line_wave[i]) < clip_sigma*line_dlam[i] # Linear interpolate cleaned spectrum on fine grid iclean = np.interp(wfine[qfine], wave, clean) # Append original and fine sampled arrays wfull = np.append(wave, wfine[qfine]) cfull = np.append(clean, iclean) so = np.argsort(wfull) wfull, uniq = np.unique(wfull, return_index=True) cfull = cfull[uniq] gfull = cfull*0. for i in range(len(line_wave)): if lorentz: # astropy.modeling.functional_models.Lorentz1D.html # gamma is FWHM/2., integral is gamma*pi gam = 2.35482*line_dlam[i]/2. gline = gam**2/(gam**2 + (wfull-line_wave[i])**2) norm = line_lum[i]/(gam*np.pi) else: # Gaussian gline = np.exp(-(wfull - line_wave[i])**2/2/line_dlam[i]**2) norm = line_lum[i]/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*line_dlam[i]**2) if self.emline_names[line_ix[i]].startswith('Ly'): norm *= scale_lyman_series if self.emline_names[line_ix[i]] in self.scale_lines: norm *= self.scale_lines[self.emline_names[line_ix[i]]] gfull += gline*norm if get_eqw: clip = np.abs(wfull - line_wave[i]) < clip_sigma*line_dlam[i] eqw = np.trapz(gline[clip]*norm/cfull[clip], wfull[clip]) self.emline_eqw[line_ix[i]] = eqw cfull += gfull # For plot range ymin = iclean.min() line_peak = [1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*dlam**2)*lum for dlam,lum in zip(line_dlam, line_lum)] ymax = iclean.max()+np.max(line_peak) data = OrderedDict() data['wave_full'] = wfull data['flux_full'] = cfull data['line_full'] = gfull data['wave' ] = wave data['flux_line' ] = line data['flux_clean'] = clean data['ymin' ] = ymin data['ymax' ] = ymax self.narrow = data return data
[docs] def set_fir_template(self, arrays=None, file='templates/magdis/magdis_09.txt', verbose=True, unset=False, scale_pah3=0.5): """ Set the far-IR template for reprocessed dust emission """ if unset: if verbose: print('Unset FIR template attributes') for attr in ['fir_template', 'fir_name', 'fir_arrays']: if hasattr(self, attr): delattr(self, attr) return True if os.path.exists(file): if verbose: print(f'Set FIR dust template from {file}') _ = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True) wave, flux = _[0], _[1] self.fir_name = file elif arrays is not None: if verbose: print(f'Set FIR dust template from input arrays') wave, flux = arrays self.fir_name = 'user-supplied' else: if verbose: print(f'Set FIR dust template from FSPS (DL07)') # Set with fsps self.params['dust1'] = 0 self.params['dust2'] = 1. self.params['add_dust_emission'] = True wave, flux = self.get_spectrum(tage=1., peraa=True) self.params['add_dust_emission'] = False wave, flux_nodust = self.get_spectrum(tage=1., peraa=True) flux -= flux_nodust self.fir_name = 'fsps-dl07' if scale_pah3 is not None: if verbose: print(f'Scale 3.3um PAH: {scale_pah3:.2f}') ran = np.abs(wave-3.3e4) < 0.5e4 line = np.abs(wave-3.3e4) < 0.3e4 px = np.polyfit(wave[ran & ~line], flux[ran & ~line], 3) scaled_line = (flux[ran] - np.polyval(px, wave[ran]))*scale_pah3 flux[ran] = np.polyval(px, wave[ran]) + scaled_line fir_flux = np.interp(self.wavelengths, wave, flux, left=0, right=0) self.fir_template = fir_flux/np.trapz(fir_flux, self.wavelengths) self.fir_arrays = arrays return True
[docs] def set_dust(self, Av=0., dust_obj_type='WG00x', wg00_kwargs=WG00_DEFAULTS): """ Set `dust_obj` attribute dust_obj_type: 'WG00' = `dust_attenuation.radiative_transfer.WG00` 'C00' = `dust_attenuation.averages.C00` 'WG00x' = `ParameterizedWG00` 'KC13' = Kriek & Conroy (2013) with dust_index parameter 'R15' = Reddy et al. (2015) with dust bump parameter ir_template: (wave, flux) Template to use for re-emitted IR light """ from dust_attenuation import averages, radiative_transfer self.params['dust1'] = 0. self.params['dust2'] = 0. needs_init = False if not hasattr(self, 'dust_obj'): needs_init = True if hasattr(self, 'dust_obj_type'): if self.dust_obj_type != dust_obj_type: needs_init = True if needs_init: self.dust_obj_type = dust_obj_type if dust_obj_type == 'WG00': self.dust_obj = radiative_transfer.WG00(tau_V=1.0, **WG00_DEFAULTS) elif dust_obj_type == 'WG00x': self.dust_obj = ParameterizedWG00(Av=Av) elif dust_obj_type == 'C00': self.dust_obj = averages.C00(Av=Av) elif dust_obj_type == 'R15': self.dust_obj = Reddy15(Av=Av, bump_ampl=2.) elif hasattr(dust_obj_type, 'extinguish'): self.dust_obj = dust_obj_type else: self.dust_obj = KC13(Av=Av) print('Init dust_obj: {0} {1}'.format(dust_obj_type, self.dust_obj.param_names)) self.Av = Av if dust_obj_type == 'WG00': Avs = np.array([0.151, 0.298, 0.44 , 0.574, 0.825, 1.05 , 1.252, 1.428, 1.584, 1.726, 1.853, 1.961, 2.065, 2.154, 2.318, 2.454, 2.573, 2.686, 3.11 , 3.447, 3.758, 4.049, 4.317, 4.59 , 4.868, 5.148]) taus = np.array([ 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. , 1.5 , 2. , 2.5 , 3. , 3.5 , 4. , 4.5 , 5. , 5.5 , 6. , 7. , 8. , 9. , 10. , 15. , 20. , 25. , 30. , 35. , 40. , 45. , 50. ]) tau_V = np.interp(Av, Avs, taus, left=0.25, right=50) self.dust_obj.tau_V = tau_V self.Av = self.dust_obj(5500*u.Angstrom) elif dust_obj_type == 'KC13': self.dust_obj.Av = Av = self.params['dust_index'] else: self.dust_obj.Av = Av
[docs] def redden(self, wave): if hasattr(self.dust_obj, 'extinguish'): return self.dust_obj.extinguish(wave, Av=self.Av) else: return 10**(-0.4*self.dust_obj(wave))
[docs] def get_full_spectrum(self, tage=1.0, Av=0., get_template=True, set_all_templates=False, z=None, tie_metallicity=True, **kwargs): """ Get full spectrum with reprocessed emission lines and dust emission dust_fraction: Fraction of the SED that sees the specified Av """ # Set the dust model if Av is None: Av = self.Av if 'dust_obj_type' in kwargs: self.set_dust(Av=Av, dust_obj_type=kwargs['dust_obj_type']) elif hasattr(self, 'dust_obj'): self.set_dust(Av=Av, dust_obj_type=self.dust_obj_type) else: self.set_dust(Av=Av, dust_obj_type='WG00x') # Lognormal SFH? if ('lognorm_center' in kwargs) | ('lognorm_logwidth' in kwargs): self.set_lognormal_sfh(**kwargs) if 'lognorm_fburst' in kwargs: self.lognorm_fburst = kwargs['lognorm_fburst'] # Burst fraction for lognormal SFH if self.is_lognorm_sfh: if not hasattr(self, '_lognorm_sfh'): self.set_lognormal_sfh() t1 = self.lognormal_integral(tage) dt = (tage-self._lognorm_sfh[0]) t100 = (dt <= 0.1) & (dt >= 0) sfhy = self._lognorm_sfh[1]*1. sfhy += t1*10**self.lognorm_fburst/100e6*t100 self.set_tabular_sfh(self._lognorm_sfh[0], sfhy) # Set FSPS parameters for k in kwargs: if k in self.params.all_params: self.params[k] = kwargs[k] if 'zmet' not in kwargs: self.params['zmet'] = self.izmet if ('gas_logz' not in kwargs) & tie_metallicity: self.params['gas_logz'] = self.params['logzsol'] # Run the emission line function if tage is None: tage = self.params['tage'] _ = self.narrow_emission_lines(tage=tage, **kwargs) wave = _['wave_full'] flux = _['flux_full'] lines = _['line_full'] contin = flux - lines #self.sfr100 = self.sfr_avg(dt=np.minimum(tage, 0.1)) # Apply dust if self.dust_obj_type == 'WG00': # To template red = (wave > 1000)*1. wlim = (wave > 1000) & (wave < 3.e4) red[wlim] = self.redden(wave[wlim]*u.Angstrom) # To lines red_lines = (self.emline_wavelengths > 1000)*1. wlim = (self.emline_wavelengths > 1000) wlim &= (self.emline_wavelengths < 3.e4) line_wave = self.emline_wavelengths[wlim]*u.Angstrom red_lines[wlim] = self.redden(line_wave) else: red = self.redden(wave*u.Angstrom) if self.line_av_func is None: self.Av_line = self.Av*1. red_lines_full = red line_wave = self.emline_wavelengths*u.Angstrom red_lines = self.redden(line_wave) else: # Differential reddening towards nebular lines self.Av_line = self.line_av_func(Av) self.set_dust(Av=self.Av_line, dust_obj_type=self.dust_obj_type) red_lines_full = self.redden(wave*u.Angstrom) line_wave = self.emline_wavelengths*u.Angstrom red_lines = self.redden(line_wave) # Reset for continuum self.set_dust(Av=Av, dust_obj_type=self.dust_obj_type) # Apply dust to line luminosities lred = [llum*lr for llum, lr in zip(self.emline_luminosity, red_lines)] self.emline_reddened = np.array(lred) # Total energy e0 = np.trapz(flux, wave) # Energy of reddened template reddened = contin*red+lines*red_lines_full e1 = np.trapz(reddened, wave) self.energy_absorbed = (e0 - e1) # Add dust emission if hasattr(self, 'fir_template') & self.params['add_dust_emission']: dust_em = np.interp(wave, self.wavelengths, self.fir_template) dust_em *= self.energy_absorbed else: dust_em = 0. meta0 = self.meta self.templ = self.as_template(wave, reddened+dust_em, meta=meta0) # Set template attributes if set_all_templates: # Original wavelength grid # owave = self.wavelengths # owave = owave[self.wg00lim]*u.Angstrom # self.wg00red[self.wg00lim] = self.redden(owave) # ofir = self.fir_template*self.energy_absorbed # fl_orig = _['flux_line']*self.wg00red + ofir # self.templ_orig = self.as_template(owave, fl_orig, meta=meta0) # No lines meta = meta0.copy() meta['add_neb_emission'] = False fl_cont = contin*red + dust_em #ocont = _['flux_clean']*self.wg00red + ofir self.templ_cont = self.as_template(wave, fl_cont, meta=meta) #self.templ_cont_orig = self.as_template(owave, ocont, meta=meta) # No dust meta = meta0.copy() meta['add_neb_emission'] = True meta['Av'] = 0 self.templ_unred = self.as_template(wave, flux, meta=meta) #self.templ_unred_orig = self.as_template(owave, _['flux_clean'], # meta=meta) if get_template: return self.templ else: return self.templ.wave, self.templ.flux
[docs] def as_template(self, wave, flux, label=DEFAULT_LABEL, meta=None): """ Return a `eazy.templates.Template` object with metadata """ if meta is None: meta = self.meta templ = templates.Template(arrays=(wave, flux), meta=meta, name=label.format(**meta)) return templ
[docs] def lognorm_avg_sfr(self, tage=None, dt=0.1): """ Analytic average SFR for lognorm SFH """ if tage is None: tage = self.params['tage'] t1 = self.lognormal_integral(tage) t0 = self.lognormal_integral(np.maximum(tage-dt, 0)) sfr_avg = (t1*(1+10**self.lognorm_fburst)-t0)/(dt*1.e9) return sfr_avg
@property def sfr100(self): """ SFR averaged over maximum(tage, 100 Myr) from `sfr_avg` """ if self.params['sfh'] == 0: sfr_avg = 0. elif self.params['sfh'] == 3: # Try to integrate SFH arrays if attribute set if self.is_lognorm_sfh: sfr_avg = self.lognorm_avg_sfr(tage=None, dt=0.1) elif hasattr(self, '_sfh_tab'): try: fwd = self.params['tabsfh_forward'] except: fwd = 1 if fwd == 1: age_lb = self.params['tage'] - self._sfh_tab[0] step = -1 else: age_lb = self._sfh_tab[0] step = 1 age100 = (age_lb <= 0.1) & (age_lb >= 0) if age100.sum() < 2: sfr_avg = 0. else: sfr_avg = np.trapz(self._sfh_tab[1][age100][::step], age_lb[age100][::step])/0.1 else: sfr_avg = 0. else: sfr_avg = self.sfr_avg(dt=np.minimum(self.params['tage'], 0.1)) return sfr_avg @property def sfr10(self): """ SFR averaged over last MAXIMUM(tage, 10 Myr) from `sfr_avg` """ if self.params['sfh'] == 0: sfr_avg = 0. elif self.params['sfh'] == 3: # Try to integrate SFH arrays if attribute set if self.is_lognorm_sfh: sfr_avg = self.lognorm_avg_sfr(tage=None, dt=0.01) elif hasattr(self, '_sfh_tab'): try: fwd = self.params['tabsfh_forward'] except: fwd = 1 if fwd == 1: age_lb = self.params['tage'] - self._sfh_tab[0] step = -1 else: age_lb = self._sfh_tab[0] step = 1 age10 = (age_lb < 0.01) & (age_lb >= 0) if age10.sum() < 2: sfr_avg = 0. else: sfr_avg = np.trapz(self._sfh_tab[1][age10][::step], age_lb[age10][::step])/0.1 else: sfr_avg = 0. else: sfr_avg = self.sfr_avg(dt=np.minimum(self.params['tage'], 0.01)) return sfr_avg @property def meta(self): """ Full metadata, including line properties """ import fsps meta = self.param_dict if self._zcontinuous: meta['metallicity'] = 10**self.params['logzsol']*0.019 else: meta['metallicity'] = self.zlegend[self.params['zmet']] for k in ['log_age','stellar_mass', 'formed_mass', 'log_lbol', 'sfr', 'sfr100', 'dust_obj_type','Av','energy_absorbed', 'fir_name', '_zcontinuous', 'scale_lyman_series', 'lognorm_center', 'lognorm_logwidth', 'is_lognorm_sfh', 'lognorm_fburst']: if hasattr(self, k): meta[k] = self.__getattribute__(k) if hasattr(self, 'emline_names'): has_red = hasattr(self, 'emline_reddened') if self.emline_luminosity.ndim == 1: for i in range(len(self.emline_wavelengths)): n = self.emline_names[i] if n in self.scale_lines: kscl = self.scale_lines[n] else: kscl = 1.0 meta[f'scale {n}'] = kscl meta[f'line {n}'] = self.emline_luminosity[i]*kscl if has_red: meta[f'rline {n}'] = self.emline_reddened[i]*kscl meta[f'eqw {n}'] = self.emline_eqw[i] meta[f'sigma {n}'] = self.emline_sigma[i] # Band information if hasattr(self, '_meta_bands'): light_ages = self.light_age_band(self._meta_bands, flat=False) band_flux = self.get_mags(tage=self.params['tage'], zmet=None, bands=self._meta_bands, units='flam') band_waves = [fsps.get_filter(b).lambda_eff*u.Angstrom for b in self._meta_bands] band_lum = [f*w for f, w in zip(band_flux, band_waves)] for i, b in enumerate(self._meta_bands): meta[f'lwage_{b}'] = light_ages[i] meta[f'lum_{b}'] = band_lum[i].value try: meta['libraries'] = ';'.join([s.decode() for s in self.libraries]) except: try: meta['libraries'] = ';'.join([s for s in self.libraries]) except: meta['libraries'] = '[error]' return meta @property def param_dict(self): """ `dict` version of `self.params` """ d = OrderedDict() for p in self.params.all_params: d[p] = self.params[p] return d
[docs] def light_age_band(self, bands=['v'], flat=True): """ Get light-weighted age of current model """ self.params['compute_light_ages'] = True band_ages = self.get_mags(tage=self.params['tage'], zmet=None, bands=bands) self.params['compute_light_ages'] = False if flat & (band_ages.shape == (1,)): return band_ages[0] else: return band_ages
[docs] def pset(self, params): """ Return a subset dictionary of `self.meta` """ d = OrderedDict() for p in params: if p in self.meta: d[p] = self.meta[p] else: d[p] = np.nan return d
[docs] def param_floats(self, params=None): """ Return a list of parameter values. If `params` is None, then use full list in `self.params.all_params`. """ if params is None: params = self.params.all_params d = [] for p in params: d.append(self.params[p]*1) return np.array(d)
[docs] def parameter_bounds(self, params, limit_age=False): """ Parameter bounds for `scipy.optimize.least_squares` """ blo = [] bhi = [] steps = [] for p in params: if p in BOUNDS: blo.append(BOUNDS[p][0]) bhi.append(BOUNDS[p][1]) steps.append(BOUNDS[p][2]) else: blo.append(-np.inf) bhi.append(np.inf) steps.append(0.05) return (blo, bhi), steps
[docs] def fit_spec(self, wave_obs, flux_obs, err_obs, mask=None, plist=['tage', 'Av', 'gas_logu', 'sigma_smooth'], func_kwargs={'lorentz':False}, verbose=True, bspl_kwargs=None, cheb_kwargs=None, lsq_kwargs={'method':'trf', 'max_nfev':200, 'loss':'huber', 'x_scale':1.0, 'verbose':True}, show=False): """ Fit models to observed spectrum """ from scipy.optimize import least_squares import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import grizli.utils sys_err = 0.015 if wave_obs is None: # mpdaf muse spectrum _ = None # muse spectrum object spec = _[0].spectra['MUSE_TOT_SKYSUB'] wave_obs = spec.wave.coord() flux_obs = err_obs = np.sqrt(spec.var.filled(fill_value=np.nan)) err_obs = np.sqrt(err_obs**2+(sys_err*flux_obs)**2) mask = np.isfinite(flux_obs+err_obs) & (err_obs > 0) omask = mask #mask = omask & (wave_obs/(1+0.0342) > 6520) & (wave_obs/(1+0.0342) < 6780) mask = omask & (wave_obs/(1+0.0342) > 4800) & (wave_obs/(1+0.0342) < 5050) theta0 = np.array([self.meta[p] for p in plist]) if bspl_kwargs is not None: bspl = grizli.utils.bspline_templates(wave_obs, get_matrix=True, **bspl_kwargs) elif cheb_kwargs is not None: bspl = grizli.utils.cheb_templates(wave_obs, get_matrix=True, **cheb_kwargs) else: bspl = None kwargs = func_kwargs.copy() for i, p in enumerate(plist): kwargs[p] = theta0[i] # Model test margs = (self, plist, wave_obs, flux_obs, err_obs, mask, bspl, kwargs, 'model') flux_model, Anorm, chi2_init = self.objfun_fitspec(theta0, *margs) if show: mask &= np.isfinite(flux_model+flux_obs+err_obs) & (err_obs > 0) plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.errorbar(wave_obs[mask], flux_obs[mask], err_obs[mask], color='k', alpha=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='.') plt.plot(wave_obs, flux_model, color='pink', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8) else: fig = None bounds, steps = self.parameter_bounds(plist) #lsq_kwargs['diff_step'] = np.array(steps)/2. #lsq_kwargs['diff_step'] = 0.05 lsq_kwargs['diff_step'] = steps lmargs = (self, plist, wave_obs, flux_obs, err_obs, mask, bspl, kwargs, 'least_squares verbose') _res = least_squares(self.objfun_fitspec, theta0,bounds=bounds, args=lmargs, **lsq_kwargs, ) fit_model, Anorm, chi2_fit = self.objfun_fitspec(_res.x, *margs) result = {'fit_model':fit_model, 'Anorm':Anorm, 'chi2_fit':chi2_fit, 'least_squares':_res, 'bounds':bounds, 'plist':plist, 'lsq_kwargs':lsq_kwargs, 'bspl':bspl} return result
[docs] @staticmethod def objfun_fitspec(theta, self, plist, wave_obs, flux_obs, err_obs, mask, bspl, kwargs, ret_type): """ Objective function for fitting spectra """ import scipy.stats try: from grizli.utils_c.interp import interp_conserve_c as interp_func except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve err_scale = 1. for i, p in enumerate(plist): if p == 'err_scale': err_scale = theta[i] continue kwargs[p] = theta[i] templ = self.get_full_spectrum(**kwargs) flux_model = templ.to_observed_frame(z=self.params['zred'], lsf_func=self.lsf_func, clip_wavelengths=None, wavelengths=wave_obs, smoothspec_kwargs={'fftsmooth':self.FFT_SMOOTH}, ) # flux_model = templ.resample(wave_obs, z=self.params['zred'], # in_place=False, # return_array=True, interp_func=interp_func) flux_model = np.squeeze(flux_model.flux_flam()) if mask is None: mask = np.isfinite(flux_model+flux_obs+err_obs) & (err_obs > 0) if bspl is not None: _A = (bspl.T*flux_model) _yx = (flux_obs / err_obs)[mask] _c = np.linalg.lstsq((_A/err_obs).T[mask,:], _yx, rcond=-1) Anorm = np.mean([0])) flux_model =[0]) else: lsq_num = (flux_obs*flux_model/err_obs**2)[mask].sum() lsq_den = (flux_model**2/err_obs**2)[mask].sum() Anorm = lsq_num/lsq_den flux_model *= Anorm chi = ((flux_model - flux_obs)/err_obs)[mask] chi2 = (chi**2).sum() if 'verbose' in ret_type: print('{0} {1:.4f}'.format(theta, chi2)) if 'model' in ret_type: return flux_model, Anorm, chi2 elif 'least_squares' in ret_type: return chi elif 'logpdf' in ret_type: #return -chi2/2. lnp = scipy.stats.norm.logpdf((flux_model-flux_obs)[mask], loc=0, scale=(err_obs*flux_model)[mask]) return lnp else: return chi2
[docs] def line_to_obsframe(self, zred=None, cosmology=None, verbose=False, unit=LINE_CGS, target_stellar_mass=None, target_sfr=None, target_lir=None): """ Scale factor to convert internal line luminosities (L_sun) to observed frame If ``target_stellar_mass``, ``target_sfr``, or ``target_lir`` specified, then scale the output to the desired value using the intrinsic properties. Units are linear ``Msun``, ``Msun/yr``, and ``Lsun``, respectively. """ from astropy.constants import L_sun if zred == None: zred = self.params['zred'] if verbose: msg = 'continuum_to_obsframe: Use params[zred] = {0:.3f}' print(msg.format(zred)) if cosmology is None: cosmology = self.cosmology else: self.cosmology = cosmology if zred <= 0: dL = 1* else: dL = cosmology.luminosity_distance(zred).to( to_cgs = (1*L_sun/(4*np.pi*dL**2)).to(unit) if target_stellar_mass is not None: to_cgs *= target_stellar_mass / self.stellar_mass elif target_sfr is not None: to_cgs *= target_sfr / self.sfr100 elif target_lir is not None: to_cgs *= target_lir / self.energy_absorbed return to_cgs.value
[docs] def continuum_to_obsframe(self, zred=None, cosmology=None, unit=u.microJansky, verbose=False, target_stellar_mass=None, target_sfr=None, target_lir=None): """ Compute a normalization factor to scale input FSPS model flux density units of (L_sun / Hz) or (L_sun / \AA) to observed-frame `unit`. If ``target_stellar_mass``, ``target_sfr``, or ``target_lir`` specified, then scale the output to the desired value using the intrinsic properties. Units are linear ``Msun``, ``Msun/yr``, and ``Lsun``, respectively. """ from astropy.constants import L_sun if zred == None: zred = self.params['zred'] if verbose: msg = 'continuum_to_obsframe: Use params[zred] = {0:.3f}' print(msg.format(zred)) if cosmology is None: cosmology = self.cosmology else: self.cosmology = cosmology if zred <= 0: dL = 1* else: dL = cosmology.luminosity_distance(zred).to( # FSPS L_sun / Hz to observed-frame try: # Unit is like f-lambda _x = (1*unit).to(u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom) is_flam = True obs_unit = (1*L_sun/u.Angstrom/(4*np.pi*dL**2)).to(unit)/(1+zred) except: # Unit is like f-nu is_flam = False obs_unit = (1*L_sun/u.Hz/(4*np.pi*dL**2)).to(unit)*(1+zred) if target_stellar_mass is not None: obs_unit *= target_stellar_mass / self.stellar_mass elif target_sfr is not None: obs_unit *= target_sfr / self.sfr100 elif target_lir is not None: obs_unit *= target_lir / self.energy_absorbed return obs_unit.value
[docs] def fit_phot(self, phot_dict, filters=None, flux_unit=u.microJansky, plist=['tage', 'Av', 'gas_logu', 'sigma_smooth'], func_kwargs={'lorentz':False}, verbose=True, lsq_kwargs={'method':'trf', 'max_nfev':200, 'loss':'huber', 'x_scale':1.0, 'verbose':True}, show=False, TEF=None, photoz_obj=None): """ Fit models to observed spectrum """ from scipy.optimize import least_squares import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import grizli.utils sys_err = 0.02 flux = phot_dict['fobs'] err = phot_dict['efobs'] if 'flux_unit' in phot_dict: flux_unit = phot_dict['flux_unit'] x0 = np.array([self.meta[p] for p in plist]) # Are input fluxes f-lambda or f-nu? try: _x = (1*flux_unit).to(u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom) is_flam = True except: is_flam = False # Initialize keywords kwargs = func_kwargs.copy() for i_p, p in enumerate(plist): kwargs[p] = x0[i_p] # Initial model margs = (self, plist, flux, err, is_flam, filters, TEF, kwargs, 'model') flux_model, Anorm, chi2_init, templ = self.objfun_fitphot(x0, *margs) if show: if hasattr(show, 'plot'): ax = show else: plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) mask = err > 0 pivot = np.array([f.pivot for f in filters]) so = np.argsort(pivot) ax.errorbar(pivot[mask]/1.e4, flux[mask], err[mask], color='k', alpha=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='.') ax.scatter(pivot[so]/1.e4, flux_model[so], color='pink', alpha=0.8, zorder=100) # Parameter bounds bounds, steps = self.parameter_bounds(plist) lsq_kwargs['diff_step'] = steps # Run the optimization lmargs = (self, plist, flux, err, is_flam, filters, TEF, kwargs, 'least_squares verbose') _res = least_squares(self.objfun_fitphot, x0, bounds=bounds, args=lmargs, **lsq_kwargs) _out = self.objfun_fitphot(_res.x, *margs) xtempl = _out[3] xscale = _out[1] _fit = {} _fit['fmodel'] = _out[0] _fit['scale'] = xscale _fit['chi2'] = _out[2] _fit['templ'] = xtempl _fit['plist'] = plist _fit['theta'] = _res.x _fit['res'] = _res # Stellar mass #fit_model, Anorm, chi2_fit, templ = _phot # Parameter scaling to observed frame. # e.g., stellar mass = self.stellar_mass * scale / to_obsframe z = self.params['zred'] _obsfr = self.continuum_to_obsframe(zred=z, unit=flux_unit) _fit['to_obsframe'] = _obsfr scl = _fit['scale']/_fit['to_obsframe'] _fit['log_mass'] = np.log10(self.stellar_mass*scl) _fit['sfr'] =*scl _fit['sfr10'] = self.sfr10*scl _fit['sfr100'] = self.sfr100*scl age_bands = ['i1500','v'] ages = self.light_age_band(bands=age_bands) for i, b in enumerate(age_bands): _fit['age_'+b] = ages[i] if show: ax.scatter(pivot[so]/1.e4, _fit['fmodel'][so], color='r', alpha=0.8, zorder=101) iz = templ.zindex(z) igm = templ.igm_absorption(z, scale_tau=1.4) if is_flam: ax.plot(xtempl.wave*(1+z)/1.e4, xtempl.flux[iz,:]*xscale*igm, color='r', alpha=0.3, zorder=10000) else: ax.plot(xtempl.wave*(1+z)/1.e4, xtempl.flux_fnu(iz)*xscale*igm, color='r', alpha=0.3, zorder=10000) return _fit
[docs] @staticmethod def objfun_fitphot(theta, self, plist, flux_fnu, err_fnu, is_flam, filters, TEF, kwargs, ret_type): """ Objective function for fitting spectra """ try: from grizli.utils_c.interp import interp_conserve_c as interp_func except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve for i, p in enumerate(plist): kwargs[p] = theta[i] templ = self.get_full_spectrum(**kwargs) model_fnu = templ.integrate_filter_list(filters, z=self.params['zred'], flam=is_flam, include_igm=True) mask = (err_fnu > 0) full_var = err_fnu**2 if TEF is not None: tefz = TEF(self.params['zred']) full_var += (flux_fnu*tefz)**2 lsq_num = (flux_fnu*model_fnu/full_var)[mask].sum() lsq_den = (model_fnu**2/full_var)[mask].sum() Anorm = lsq_num/lsq_den model_fnu *= Anorm chi = ((model_fnu - flux_fnu)/np.sqrt(full_var))[mask] chi2 = (chi**2).sum() if 'verbose' in ret_type: print('{0} {1:.4f}'.format(theta, (chi**2).sum())) if 'model' in ret_type: return model_fnu, Anorm, chi2, templ elif 'least_squares' in ret_type: return chi elif 'logpdf' in ret_type: return -chi2/2 else: return chi2
[docs] def fit_grism(self, mb, plist=['tage', 'zred'], func_kwargs={'lorentz':False}, verbose=True, lsq_kwargs={'method':'trf', 'max_nfev':200, 'loss':'huber', 'x_scale':1.0, 'verbose':True}, show=False, TEF=None, photoz_obj=None, flux_unit=u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom): """ Fit models to grism spectrum """ from scipy.optimize import least_squares import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import grizli.utils x0 = np.array([self.meta[p] for p in plist]) # Initialize keywords kwargs = func_kwargs.copy() for i_p, p in enumerate(plist): kwargs[p] = x0[i_p] # Initial model margs = (self, plist, mb, TEF, kwargs, 'model') tfit, Anorm, chi2_init, templ = self.objfun_fitgrism(x0, *margs) if show: _init_fig = mb.oned_figure(tfit=tfit, show_individual_templates=True) # Parameter bounds bounds, steps = self.parameter_bounds(plist) lsq_kwargs['diff_step'] = steps # Run the optimization lmargs = (self, plist, mb, TEF, kwargs, 'least_squares verbose') _res = least_squares(self.objfun_fitgrism, x0, bounds=bounds, args=lmargs, **lsq_kwargs) _out = self.objfun_fitgrism(_res.x, *margs) xtempl = _out[3] xscale = _out[1] _fit = {} _fit['fmodel'] = _out[0] _fit['scale'] = xscale _fit['chi2'] = _out[2] _fit['templ'] = xtempl _fit['plist'] = plist _fit['theta'] = _res.x _fit['res'] = _res # Stellar mass #fit_model, Anorm, chi2_fit, templ = _phot # Parameter scaling to observed frame. # e.g., stellar mass = self.stellar_mass * scale / to_obsframe z = self.params['zred'] _obsfr = self.continuum_to_obsframe(zred=z, unit=flux_unit) _fit['to_obsframe'] = _obsfr scl = _fit['scale']/_fit['to_obsframe'] _fit['log_mass'] = np.log10(self.stellar_mass*scl) _fit['sfr'] =*scl _fit['sfr10'] = self.sfr10*scl _fit['sfr100'] = self.sfr100*scl age_bands = ['i1500','v'] ages = self.light_age_band(bands=age_bands) for i, b in enumerate(age_bands): _fit['age_'+b] = ages[i] _tfit = _out[0] if show: _fit_fig = mb.oned_figure(tfit=_tfit, show_individual_templates=True) _figs = (_init_fig, _fit_fig) else: _figs = None return _fit, _tfit, _figs
[docs] @staticmethod def objfun_fitgrism(theta, self, plist, mb, TEF, kwargs, ret_type): """ Objective function for fitting spectra """ try: from grizli.utils_c.interp import interp_conserve_c as interp_func except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve from grizli import utils for i, p in enumerate(plist): kwargs[p] = theta[i] templ = self.get_full_spectrum(**kwargs) tsp = utils.SpectrumTemplate(wave=templ.wave, flux=templ.flux_flam()) tx = {'fsps':tsp} if 'least_squares' in ret_type: out = mb.xfit_at_z(z=self.params['zred'], templates=tx, fitter='lstsq', fit_background=True, get_uncertainties=False, include_photometry=False, get_residuals=True, use_cached_templates=False) chi, _coeffs, _, _ = out chi2 = (chi**2).sum() Anorm = _coeffs[-1] else: tfit = mb.template_at_z(z=self.params['zred'], templates=tx) chi2 = tfit['chi2'] Anorm = tfit['cfit']['fsps'][0] if 'verbose' in ret_type: print('{0} {1:.4f}'.format(theta, chi2)) if 'model' in ret_type: return tfit, Anorm, chi2, templ elif 'least_squares' in ret_type: return chi elif 'logpdf' in ret_type: return -chi2/2 else: return chi2