Source code for eazy.templates

import os
import warnings

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyUserWarning

from . import utils

__all__ = ["TemplateError", "Template", "Redden", "ModifiedBlackBody", 
           "read_templates_file", "load_phoenix_stars", 
           "bspline_templates", "gaussian_templates"]

[docs] class TemplateError(object): def __init__(self, file='templates/TEMPLATE_ERROR.eazy_v1.0', arrays=None, filter_wavelengths=[5500.], scale=1.): """ Template error function with spline interpolation at arbitrary redshift. Parameters ---------- file : str File containing the template error function definition (columns of wavelength in Angstroms and the TEF). arrays : optional, (wave, TEF) Set from arrays rather than reading from ``file``. filter_wavelengths : list List of filter pivot wavelengths (observed-frame Angstroms). scale : float Scale factor multiplied to TEF array, e.g., the ``TEMP_ERR_A2`` parameter. Attributes ---------- te_x, te_y : arrays The input wavelength and TEF arrays. min_wavelength, min_wavelength : float Min/max of the wavelengths in ``te_x``. clip_lo, clip_hi : float Extrapolation limits to use if redshifted filters fall outside defined ``te_x`` array """ self.file = file if arrays is None: self.te_x, self.te_y = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True) else: self.te_x, self.te_y = arrays self.scale = scale self.filter_wavelengths = filter_wavelengths self._set_limits() self._init_spline() def _set_limits(self): """ Limits to control extrapolation """ nonzero = self.te_y > 0 self.min_wavelength = self.te_x[nonzero].min() self.max_wavelength = self.te_x[nonzero].max() self.clip_lo = self.te_y[nonzero][0] self.clip_hi = self.te_y[nonzero][-1] def _init_spline(self): """ Initialize the CubicSpline interpolator """ from scipy import interpolate self._spline = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.te_x, self.te_y)
[docs] def interpolate(self, filter_wavelength=5500., z=1.): """ ``filter_wavelength`` is observed wavelength of photometric filters. But these sample the *rest* wavelength of the template error function at lam/(1+z) """ return self._spline(filter_wavelength/(1+z))*self.scale
[docs] def __call__(self, z, limits=None): """ Interpolate TEF arrays at a specific redshift Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift limits : None, (float, float) Extrapolation limits. If not specified, get from ``clip_lo`` and ``clip_hi`` attributes. """ lcz = np.atleast_1d(self.filter_wavelengths)/(1+z) tef_z = self._spline(np.atleast_1d(self.filter_wavelengths)/(1+z)) if limits is None: limits = [self.clip_lo, self.clip_hi] clip_lo = (lcz < self.min_wavelength) tef_z[clip_lo] = limits[0] clip_hi = (lcz > self.max_wavelength) tef_z[clip_hi] = limits[1] return tef_z*self.scale
[docs] class Redden(object): def __init__(self, model=None, Av=0., **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for `dust_attenuation` and `dust_extinction` reddening laws .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from eazy.templates import Redden fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) wave = np.arange(1200, 2.e4) for model in ['calzetti00', 'mw', 'smc', 'reddy15']: redfunc = Redden(model=model, Av=1.0) ax.plot(wave, redfunc(wave), label=model) ax.plot(wave, wave*0+10**(-0.4), color='k', label=r'$A_\lambda = 1$', linestyle=':') ax.legend() ax.loglog() ax.set_xticks([2000, 5000, 1.e4]) ax.set_xticklabels([0.2, 0.5, 1.0]) ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel('wavelength, microns') ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation / extinction (Av=1 mag)') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) Parameters ---------- model : `extinction`/`attenuation` object or str Allowable string arguments: - 'smc': `dust_extinction.averages.G03_SMCBar` - 'lmc': `dust_extinction.averages.G03_LMCAvg` - 'mw','f99': `dust_extinction.parameter_averages.F99` - 'calzetti00', 'c00': `dust_attenuation.averages.C00` - 'wg00': `dust_attenuation.radiative_transfer.WG00` - 'kc13': Calzetti with modified slope and dust bump from Kriek & Conroy (2013) - 'reddy15': Reddy et al. (2015) Av : float Selective extinction/attenuation (passed as `tau_V` for ``WG00``) """ allowed = ['smc', 'lmc', 'mw', 'f99', 'c00', 'calzetti00', 'wg00', 'kc13','reddy15','zafar15'] if isinstance(model, str): self.model_name = model if model in ['smc']: from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar self.model = G03_SMCBar() elif model in ['lmc']: from dust_extinction.averages import G03_LMCAvg self.model = G03_LMCAvg() elif model in ['mw','f99']: from dust_extinction.parameter_averages import F99 self.model = F99() elif model in ['calzetti00', 'c00']: from dust_attenuation.averages import C00 self.model = C00(Av=Av) elif model.lower() in ['kc13']: from eazy.sps import KC13 self.model = KC13(Av=Av, **kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['reddy15']: from eazy.sps import Reddy15 self.model = Reddy15(Av=Av, **kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['zafar15']: from eazy.sps import Zafar15 self.model = Zafar15(Av=Av) elif model in ['wg00']: from dust_attenuation.radiative_transfer import WG00 if 'tau_V' in kwargs: self.model = WG00(**kwargs) else: self.model = WG00(tau_V=Av, **kwargs) else: msg = "Requested model ('{model}') not in {allowed}." raise IOError(msg.format(model=model, allowed=allowed)) else: self.model = model self.model_name = 'Unknown' for k in ['Av', 'tau_V']: if hasattr(model, k): Av = getattr(model, k) break self.Av = Av @property def ebv(self): """ E(B-V) for models that have ``Rv`` """ if hasattr(self.model, 'Rv'): return self.Av/self.model.Rv else: print('Warning: Rv not defined for model: ' + self.__repr__()) return 0. def __repr__(self): msg = '<Redden {0}, Av/tau_V={1}>' return msg.format(self.model.__repr__(), self.Av)
[docs] def __call__(self, wave, left=0, right=1., **kwargs): """ Return reddening factor. Parameters ---------- wave : array (NW) Wavelength array. If has no units, assume `~astropy.units.Angstrom`. left, right : float Extrapolation at short/long wavelengths Returns ------- ext : array (NW) Extinction / attenuation as a function of wavelength """ if not hasattr(wave, 'unit'): xu = wave*u.Angstrom else: if wave.unit is None: xu.unit = u.Angstrom else: xu = wave if 'Av' in kwargs: self.Av = kwargs['Av'] if 'tau_V' in kwargs: self.Av = kwargs['tau_V'] for k in kwargs: if hasattr(self.model, k): setattr(self.model, k, kwargs[k]) ext = np.atleast_1d(np.ones_like(xu.value)) if hasattr(self.model, 'x_range'): if hasattr(self.model, 'extinguish'): # dust_extinction has x_range in 1/micron xblue = (1./ > self.model.x_range[1] xred = (1./ < self.model.x_range[0] else: # dust_attenuation has x_range in micron xblue = ( < self.model.x_range[0] xred = ( > self.model.x_range[1] ext[xblue] = left ext[xred] = right xr = (~xblue) & (~xred) else: xr = np.isfinite(wave) if (self.model is None) | (self.Av <= 0): # Don't do anything pass elif hasattr(self.model, 'extinguish'): # extinction ext[xr] = self.model.extinguish(xu[xr], Av=self.Av) elif hasattr(self.model, 'attenuate'): # attenuation if hasattr(self.model, 'tau_V'): # WG00 self.model.tau_V = self.Av else: self.model.Av = self.Av ext[xr] = self.model.attenuate(xu[xr]) else: msg = ('Dust model must have either `attenuate` or `extinguish`' + ' method.') raise IOError(msg) if hasattr(wave, '__len__'): return ext elif ext.size == 1: return ext[0] else: return ext
[docs] def read_templates_file(templates_file=None, as_dict=False, **kwargs): """ Read templates listed in ``templates_file``. Parameters ---------- templates_file : str Filename of the ascii file containing the templates list. Has format like .. code:: 1 templates/fsps_full/tweak_fsps_QSF_12_v3_001.dat 1.0 2 templates/fsps_full/tweak_fsps_QSF_12_v3_002.dat 1.0 ... N {path} {scale} where ``scale`` is the factor needed to scale the template wavelength array to units of Angstroms. as_dict : bool Return dictionary rather than a list (e.g., for `grizli`). kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments are passed to `~eazy.templates.Template` with ``file`` and ``to_angstrom`` keywords set automatically. Returns ------- templates : list List of `eazy.templates.Template` objects (`dict` if ``as_dict``) """ lines = open(templates_file).readlines() templates = [] for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue lspl = line.split() template_file = lspl[1] if len(lspl) > 2: to_angstrom = float(lspl[2]) else: to_angstrom = 1. templ = Template(file=template_file, to_angstrom=to_angstrom, **kwargs) templates.append(templ) if as_dict: tdict = OrderedDict() for t in templates: tdict[] = t return tdict else: return templates
[docs] class Template(): def __init__(self, file=None, name=None, arrays=None, sp=None, meta={}, to_angstrom=1., velocity_smooth=0, norm_filter=None, resample_wave=None, fits_column='flux', redfunc=Redden(), redshifts=[0], verbose=True, flux_unit=(u.L_sun/u.Angstrom), **kwargs): """ Template object. Can optionally specify a 2D flux array with the first dimension indicating the template for the nearest redshift in the corresponding ``redshifts`` list. See When integrating the filter fluxes with ``integrate_filter``, the template index with the redshift nearest to the specified redshift will be used. Parameters ---------- file : str Filename of ascii or FITS template arrays : (array, array) Tuple of ``wave``, ``flux`` arrays. Here ``flux`` assumed to have units f-lambda. sp : object Object with ``wave``, ``flux`` attributes, e.g., from ``prospector``. Here ``flux`` is assumed to have units of f-nu. to_angstrom : float Scale factor such that ``wave * to_angstrom`` has units of `astropy.units.Angstrom` velocity_smooth : float Velocity smooothing in km/s, applied if > 0 resample_wave : array Grid to resample the template wavelengths read from the input fits_column : str Column name of the flux column if arrays read from a ``file`` redfunc : `eazy.templates.Redden` Object to apply additional reddening. redshifts : array-like Redshift grid for redshift-dependent templates flux_unit : `astropy.units.core.Unit` Units of ``flux`` array. Attributes ---------- wave : array wavelength in `astropy.units.Angstrom`, dimensions ``[NWAVE]``. flux : array Flux density f-lambda, can have redshift dependence, dimensions ``[NZ, NWAVE]``. name : str Label name meta : dict Metadata redfunc : `eazy.templates.Redden`, optional Object for applying dust reddening. """ import copy from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u self.wave = None self.flux = None self.flux_unit = flux_unit = 'None' self.meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) self.velocity_smooth = velocity_smooth if name is None: if file is not None: = os.path.basename(file) else: = name self.orig_table = None if sp is not None: # Prospector self.wave = np.cast[float](sp.wave) self.flux = np.cast[float](sp.flux) # already fnu self.flux *= utils.CLIGHT*1.e10 / self.wave**2 elif file is not None: # Read from a file if file.split('.')[-1] in ['fits','csv','ecsv']: tab = self.wave = tab['wave'].data.astype(float) if fits_column not in tab.colnames: msg = (f"'{fits_column}' not in {file}; " + f"available columns are {tab.colnames}.") raise ValueError(msg) self.flux = tab[fits_column].data.astype(float) self.orig_table = tab if hasattr(tab[fits_column], 'unit'): if tab[fits_column].unit is not None: self.flux_unit = tab[fits_column].unit # Transpose because FITS tables stored like NWAVE, NZ if self.flux.ndim == 2: self.flux = self.flux.T for k in tab.meta: self.meta[k] = tab.meta[k] else: _arr = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True) self.wave, self.flux = _arr[0], _arr[1] elif arrays is not None: self.wave, self.flux = arrays[0]*1., arrays[1]*1. if arrays[0].shape[0] != np.atleast_2d(arrays[1]).shape[1]: raise ValueError("Array dimensions don't match: "+ f'arrays[0]: {arrays[0].shape}, '+ f'arrays[1]: {arrays[1].shape}, ') if hasattr(self.flux, 'unit'): self.flux_unit = self.flux.unit if hasattr(self.flux, 'value'): self.flux = self.flux.value #self.set_fnu() else: raise TypeError('Must specify either `sp`, `file` or `arrays`') if self.flux.ndim == 1: # For redshift dependence self.flux = np.atleast_2d(self.flux) self.redshifts = np.zeros(1) self.NZ, self.NWAVE = self.flux.shape else: self.NZ, self.NWAVE = self.flux.shape if 'NZ' in self.meta: redshifts = [self.meta[f'Z{j}'] for j in range(self.meta['NZ'])] if len(redshifts) != self.NZ: msg = (f'redshifts ({len(redshifts)})' f' doesn\'t match flux dimension ({self.NZ})!') raise ValueError(msg) self.redshifts = np.array(redshifts) # if verbose: # print(f'Redshift dependent! (NZ={self.NZ})') # Handle optional units if hasattr(self.wave, 'unit'): if self.wave.unit is not None: self.wave = else: self.wave = else: self.wave *= to_angstrom flam_unit = u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom if hasattr(self.flux, 'unit'): if self.flux.unit is not None: equiv = u.equivalencies.spectral_density(self.wave*u.Angstrom) flam =, equivalencies=equiv) self.flux = flam.value else: self.flux = # Smoothing if velocity_smooth > 0: self.smooth_velocity(velocity_smooth, in_place=True) # Resampling self.resample(resample_wave, in_place=True) #self.set_fnu() # Reddening function self.redfunc = redfunc _red = self.redden # test to break at init if fails def __repr__(self): if is None: return self.__class__ else: return '{0}: {1}'.format(self.__class__,
[docs] def absorbed_energy(self, i=0): diff = self.flux[i,:]*(1-self.redden)*(self.redden > 0) absorbed = np.trapz(diff, self.wave) return absorbed
# if self.NZ == 1: # return absorbed[0] # else: # return absorbed @property def redden(self): """ Return multiplicative scaling from `self.redfunc`, which is expected to return attenuation in magnitudes. """ if self.redfunc is not None: red = self.redfunc(self.wave*u.Angstrom) else: red = 1. return red @property def shape(self): """ Shape of flux attribute """ return self.flux.shape
[docs] def flux_flam(self, iz=0, z=None, redshift_type='nearest'): """ Get redshift-dependent template in units of f-lambda Parameters ---------- iz : int Index of template to retrieve z : float, None If specified, get the redshift index with `~eazy.templates.Template.zindex`. redshift_type : 'nearest', 'interp' See `~eazy.templates.Template.zindex`. Returns ------- flam : array Template flux density in units of f-lambda, including any reddening specified in the ``redden`` attribute. """ if z is not None: if redshift_type == 'interp': iz, frac = self.zindex(z=z, redshift_type=redshift_type) if frac == 1: flam = self.flux[iz,:] else: flam = frac*self.flux[iz,:] flam += (1-frac)*self.flux[iz+1,:] else: iz = self.zindex(z=z, redshift_type=redshift_type) flam = self.flux[iz,:] else: flam = self.flux[iz,:] return flam * self.redden
[docs] def flux_fnu(self, iz=0, z=None, redshift_type='nearest'): """ Get redshift-dependent template in units of f-nu Parameters ---------- iz : int Index of template to retrieve z : float, None If specified, get the redshift index with `~eazy.templates.Template.zindex`. redshift_type : str See `~eazy.templates.Template.zindex`. Returns ------- fnu : array Template flux density in units of f-nu, including any reddening specified in the ``redden`` attribute. """ flam = self.flux_flam(iz=iz, z=z, redshift_type=redshift_type) return (flam * self.wave**2 / (utils.CLIGHT*1.e10))
[docs] def set_fnu(self): """ Deprecated. ``flux_fnu`` is now a more cmoplicated function. """ print('Deprecated. ``flux_fnu`` is now a function.') pass
[docs] def smooth_velocity(self, velocity_smooth, in_place=True, raise_error=False, smoothspec_kwargs={'fftsmooth':True}): """ Smooth template in velocity using ``sedpy`` (formerly in ``astro-prospector``) Parameters ---------- velocity_smooth: float Velocity smoothing *sigma*, in km/s. in_place : bool Set internal ``flux`` array to the smoothed array. If False, then return a new `~eazy.templates.Template` object. raise_error : bool If ``from sedpy.smoothing import smooth_vel`` fails, raise an exception or die quietly. """ try: from sedpy.smoothing import smoothspec except: if raise_error: raise ImportError("Couldn't import `sedpy.smoothing") else: return None if velocity_smooth <= 0: if in_place: return True else: return self sm_flux = np.array([smoothspec(self.wave, self.flux[i,:], outwave=self.wave, resolution=velocity_smooth, smoothtype='vel', **smoothspec_kwargs ) for i in range(self.NZ)]) sm_flux[~np.isfinite(sm_flux)] = 0. if in_place: self.flux_orig = self.flux*1 self.velocity_smooth = velocity_smooth self.flux = sm_flux return True else: return Template(arrays=(self.wave, sm_flux),, meta=self.meta, redshifts=self.redshifts)
[docs] def to_observed_frame(self, z=0, scalar=1., extra_sigma=0, lsf_func=None, to_air=False, wavelengths=None, smoothspec_kwargs={'fftsmooth':False}, include_igm=True, clip_wavelengths=[4500,9400], as_template=True): """ Smooth and resample to observed-frame wavelengths, including an optional Line Spread Function (LSF) Note that the smoothing is performed with `sedpy.smoothing.smoothspec <>`_, which doesn't integrate precisely over "pixels" for spectral resolutions that are similar to or less than the target smoothing factor. Parameters ---------- z : float Target redshift. Note that only the wavelength array is shifted by ``(1+z)``. The flux densities optionally include IGM absorption (and dust from the ``redfunc`` attribute) but don't include the ``fl_obs = fl_rest / (1+z)`` scaling. scalar : float, array Scalar value or array with same dimensions as ``wave`` and ``flux`` attributes extra_sigma : float Extra velocity dispersion (sigma, km/s) to add in quadrature with the MUSE LSF lsf_func : 'Bacon', function Line Spread Function (LSF). If ``'Bacon'``, then use the "UDF-10" MUSE LSF from `Bacon et al. 2017 <>`_ (Eq. 8). Can also be a ``function`` that takes an argument of wavelength in Angstroms and returns the LSF sigma, in Angstroms. If neither of these, then only `extra_sigma` will be applied. to_air : bool Apply vacuum-to-air conversion with `mpdaf.obj.vactoair <>`_ wavelengths : array, None Optional wavelength grid (observed frame) of the target output (e.g., MUSE) spectrum smoothspec_kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments to pass to the `sedpy`/`prospector` smoothing function `sedpy.smoothing.smoothspec <>`_. When testing with very high resolution templates around a specific wavelength, ``smoothspec_kwargs = {'fftsmooth':True}`` did not always work as expected, so be careful with this option (which is much faster). include_igm : bool Include IGM absorption at indicated redshift clip_wavelengths : [float, float] Trim the full observed-frame wavelength array before convolving. The defaults bracket the nominal MUSE range. Returns ------- tobs : `~eazy.template.Template` or array-like Smoothed and resampled `~eazy.template.Template` object or flux array, depending on ``is_array`` """ from astropy.stats import gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm from sedpy.smoothing import smoothspec wobs = self.wave*(1+z) if include_igm: igmz = self.igm_absorption(z, pow=include_igm) else: igmz = 1. if to_air: try: from mpdaf.obj import vactoair wobs = vactoair(wobs) except ImportError: msg = ("`to_air` requested but `from mpdaf.obj import " + "vactoair` failed") warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) if clip_wavelengths is not None: clip = wobs >= clip_wavelengths[0] clip &= wobs <= clip_wavelengths[1] if clip.sum() == 0: raise ValueError('No template wavelengths found in the '+ f'clipping range {clip_wavelengths} '+ 'Angstroms') else: clip = wobs > 0 if wavelengths is not None: clip &= wobs > 0.95*wavelengths.min() clip &= wobs < 1.05*wavelengths.max() if lsf_func in ['Bacon']: # UDF-10 LSF from Bacon et al. 2017 bacon_lsf_fwhm = lambda w: 5.866e-8 * w**2 - 9.187e-4*w + 6.04 sig_ang = bacon_lsf_fwhm(wobs[clip]) / gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm lsf_sigma = sig_ang/wobs[clip]*3.e5 lsf_func_name = 'MUSE-LSF' elif hasattr(lsf_func, '__call__'): lsf_sigma = lsf_func(wobs[clip])/wobs[clip]*3.e5 lsf_func_name = 'user' else: lsf_sigma = 0. lsf_func_name = None # Quadrature sum of LSF and extra velocities vel_sigma = np.sqrt(lsf_sigma**2 + extra_sigma**2) # In Angstroms smooth_lambda = vel_sigma / 3.e5 * wobs[clip] _templ_flux = self.flux_flam(z=z) if np.allclose(smooth_lambda, 0.): flux_smooth = (_templ_flux*igmz*scalar)[clip] else: flux_smooth = smoothspec(wobs[clip], (_templ_flux*igmz*scalar)[clip], resolution=smooth_lambda, smoothtype='lsf', **smoothspec_kwargs, ) newname = + f' z={z:.3f}' if lsf_func_name is not None: newname += ' + ' + lsf_func_name if extra_sigma > 0: newname += ' + {extra_sigma:.1f} km/s' tobs = Template(arrays=(wobs[clip], flux_smooth), name=newname, resample_wave=wavelengths, redshifts=[z], ) return tobs
[docs] def resample(self, new_wave, z=0, in_place=True, return_array=False, interp_func=None): """ Resample the template to a new wavelength grid Parameters ---------- new_wave : array New wavelength array, can have units. z : float Redshift internal wavelength before resampling. (z=0 yields no shift). in_place : bool Set internal ``wave`` and ``flux`` arrays to the resampled values return_array : bool Return the resampled ``flux`` array if true, else return a new `~eazy.templates.Template` object. interp_func : None Interpolation function. If nothing specified, tries to use `grizli.utils_c.interp.interp_conserve_c` and falls back to `eazy.utils.interp_conserve`. """ import astropy.units as u breakme = False if isinstance(new_wave, str): if new_wave == 'None': breakme = True elif not os.path.exists(new_wave): msg = 'WARNING: new_wave={0} could not be found' print(msg.format(new_wave)) breakme = True else: new_wave = np.loadtxt(new_wave) elif new_wave is None: breakme = True if breakme: if in_place: return False else: return self if hasattr(new_wave, 'unit'): new_wave = if interp_func is None: try: from grizli.utils_c import interp interp_func = interp.interp_conserve_c except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve new_flux = [interp_func(new_wave, self.wave*(1+z), self.flux[i,:]) for i in range(self.NZ)] new_flux = np.array(new_flux) if in_place: self.wave = new_wave*1 self.flux = new_flux return True else: if return_array: return new_flux else: return Template(arrays=(new_wave, new_flux),, meta=self.meta, redshifts=self.redshifts)
[docs] def zindex(self, z=0., redshift_type='nearest'): """ Get the redshift index of a multi-dimensional template array Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift to retrieve redshift_type : 'nearest', 'interp', 'floor' Interpolation type: - 'nearest': nearest step in the template redshift grid - 'interp': Returns index below ``z`` and interpolation fraction - 'floor': last index where redshift grid < ``z``. Returns ------- iz : int Array index, i.e, ``self.flux[iz,:]`` frac : float, optional Fraction for interpolation, if ``redshift_type == 'interp'``. """ zint = np.interp(z, self.redshifts, np.arange(self.NZ), left=0, right=self.NZ-1) if redshift_type == 'nearest': iz = np.round(zint).astype(int) elif redshift_type == 'interp': iz = int(np.floor(zint)) if z < self.redshifts[0]: frac = 1. elif iz < self.NZ-1: frac = 1. - ( (z - self.redshifts[iz]) / np.diff(self.redshifts)[iz] ) else: frac = 1. return iz, frac elif redshift_type == 'floor': iz = int(np.floor(zint)) else: raise ValueError(f"redshift_type ({redshift_type}) must be " + "'nearest', 'interp', or 'floor'.") return iz
[docs] def zscale(self, z, scalar=1, include_igm=True, **kwargs): """Redshift the template and multiply by a scalar. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift to use. scalar : float or array Multiplicative factor. Additional factor of 1./(1+z) is implicit. include_igm : bool Include Inoue (2014) IGM absorption (also can be passed as ``apply_igm`` in ``kwargs``.) Returns ------- ztemp : `~eazy.templates.Template` Redshifted and scaled spectrum. """ if 'apply_igm' in kwargs: include_igm = kwargs['apply_igm'] if include_igm: igmz = self.igm_absorption(z, pow=include_igm) else: igmz = 1. return Template(arrays=(self.wave*(1+z), self.flux_flam(z=z)*scalar/(1+z)*igmz), name=f'{} z={z}')
[docs] def integrate_filter(self, filt, flam=False, scale=1., z=0, include_igm=False, redshift_type='nearest', iz=None): """ Integrate the template through a `FilterDefinition` filter object. .. note:: The `grizli` interpolation function `grizli.utils_c.interp.interp_conserve_c` will be used if available. Parameters ---------- filt : `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` object or a list of them Filter(s) to interpolate flam : bool Return integrated fluxes in f-lambda, rather than f-nu scale : float, array Scale factor applied to template before integrating. If an array is specified, it must have the same size as the template ``wave`` array. z : float Redshift the template before integrating through the filter include_igm : bool Include IGM absorption redshift_type : str See `~eazy.templates.Template.zindex`. iz : int Evaluate for a specific index of the ``flux`` array rather than calculating with ``zindex`` Returns ------- fnu : float or array Template integrated through one or more filters from ``filt``. By defaults has units of fnu .. note:: The interpolated fluxes *do not* include factors of (1+z) from the redshifted templates. """ try: import grizli.utils_c interp = grizli.utils_c.interp.interp_conserve_c except ImportError: interp = utils.interp_conserve if hasattr(filt, '__len__'): filts = filt single = False else: filts = [filt] single = True if include_igm > 0: igmz = self.igm_absorption(z, pow=include_igm) else: igmz = 1. # Fnu flux density, with IGM and scaling if iz is None: fnu = self.flux_fnu(z=z, redshift_type=redshift_type) else: fnu = self.flux_fnu(iz=iz) fnu *= scale*igmz fluxes = [] for filt_i in filts: templ_filt = interp(filt_i.wave.astype(float), self.wave.astype(float)*(1+z), fnu.astype(float), left=0, right=0) # f_nu/lam dlam == f_nu d (ln nu) integrator = np.trapz temp_int = integrator(filt_i.throughput*templ_filt/filt_i.wave, filt_i.wave) temp_int /= filt_i.norm if flam: temp_int *= utils.CLIGHT*1.e10/(filt_i.pivot/(1+z))**2 fluxes.append(temp_int) if single: return fluxes[0] else: return np.array(fluxes)
[docs] def igm_absorption(self, z, scale_tau=1., pow=1): """ Compute IGM absorption with `eazy.igm.Inoue14`. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift to use for IGM absorption factors scale_tau : float Scale factor multiplied to of IGM ``tau`` values pow : float Scale the absorption strength as ``eazy.igm.Inoue14()**pow``. """ try: from . import igm as igm_module except: from eazy import igm as igm_module igm = igm_module.Inoue14(scale_tau=scale_tau) igmz = self.wave*0.+1 lyman = self.wave < 1300 igmz[lyman] = igm.full_IGM(z, (self.wave*(1+z))[lyman])**pow return igmz
[docs] def integrate_filter_list(self, filters, include_igm=True, norm_index=None, **kwargs): """ Integrate template through all filters filters: list of `~eazy.filters.Filter` objects [rewritten as simple wrapper] """ fluxes = self.integrate_filter(filters, include_igm=include_igm, **kwargs) if isinstance(norm_index, int): fluxes /= fluxes[norm_index] return fluxes
[docs] def to_table(self, formats={'wave':'.5e', 'flux':'.5e'}, with_units=False, flatten=True): """ Return template as an `astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- formats : dict Set ``format`` attributes of table columns with_units : bool Set ``unit`` attributes of table columns flatten : bool If no redshift dependence (``NZ==0``), columns are 1D arrays. Returns ------- tab : `astropy.table.Table` Output table """ from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u import copy tab = Table() tab['wave'] = self.wave tab['flux'] = self.flux.T if with_units: tab['wave'].unit = u.Angstrom tab['flux'].unit = self.flux_unit for c in tab.colnames: if c in formats: tab[c].format = formats[c] tab.meta = copy.deepcopy(self.meta) if self.NZ > 1: tab.meta['NZ'] = self.NZ for j in range(self.NZ): tab.meta[f'Z{j}'] = self.redshifts[j] else: if flatten: tab['flux'] = self.flux[0,:] return tab
[docs] class ModifiedBlackBody(object): def __init__(self, Td=47, beta=1.6, q=2.34, alpha=-0.75): """ Modified black body: nu**beta * BB(nu, Td) + FIR-radio correlation Parameters ---------- Td : float Dust temperature beta : float Slope parameter q : float FIR-radio normalization alpha : float Radio spectral slope: ``fnu = (nu/1.4e9)**alpha`` """ self.Td = Td self.q = q self.beta = beta self.alpha = alpha @property def bb(self): """ `astropy.modeling.models.BlackBody` function with ``self.Td`` dust temperature """ from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody return BlackBody(temperature=self.Td*u.K)
[docs] def __call__(self, wave, q=None): """ Return modified BlackBody (fnu) as a function of wavelength Parameters ---------- wave : array Wavelength array. If no ``unit`` attribute, assume `astropy.units.micron`. q : float Parameter of FIR-radio correlation. If not specified, use internal ``self.q``. """ from astropy.constants import L_sun, h, k_B, c if not hasattr(wave, 'unit'): mu = wave*u.micron else: mu = wave nu = (c/mu).to(u.Hz).value mbb = (*nu**self.beta).value lim = (mu > 40*u.micron) & (mu < 120*u.micron) lir = np.trapz(mbb[lim][::-1], nu[lim][::-1]) if q is None: q = self.q radio = 10**(np.log10(lir/3.75e12)-q) radio *= (nu/1.4e9)**self.alpha return (mbb+radio)
def __repr__(self): label = r'$T_\mathrm{{{{d}}}}$={0:.0f}, $\beta$={1:.1f}' return label.format(self.Td, self.beta)
PHOENIX_LOGG_FULL = [3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5] PHOENIX_LOGG = [4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5] PHOENIX_TEFF_FULL = [400.0, 420.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0, 1050.0, 1100.0, 1150.0, 1200.0, 1250.0, 1300.0, 1350.0, 1400.0, 1450.0, 1500.0, 1550.0, 1600.0, 1650.0, 1700.0, 1750.0, 1800.0, 1850.0, 1900.0, 1950.0, 2000.0, 2100.0, 2200.0, 2300.0, 2400.0, 2500.0, 2600.0, 2700.0, 2800.0, 2900.0, 3000.0, 3100.0, 3200.0, 3300.0, 3400.0, 3500.0, 3600.0, 3700.0, 3800.0, 3900.0, 4000.0, 4100.0, 4200.0, 4300.0, 4400.0, 4500.0, 4600.0, 4700.0, 4800.0, 4900.0, 5000.0] PHOENIX_TEFF = [400., 420., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1050., 1100., 1150., 1200., 1300., 1400., 1500., 1600., 1700., 1800., 1900., 2000., 2100., 2200., 2300., 2400., 2500., 2600., 2700., 2800., 2900., 3000., 3100., 3200., 3300., 3400., 3500., 3600., 3700., 3800., 3900., 4000., 4200., 4400., 4600., 4800., 5000., 5500., 5500, 6000., 6500., 7000.] PHOENIX_ZMET_FULL = [-2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, -0., 0.5] PHOENIX_ZMET = [-1.0, -0.5, -0.]
[docs] def load_phoenix_stars(logg_list=PHOENIX_LOGG, teff_list=PHOENIX_TEFF, zmet_list=PHOENIX_ZMET, add_carbon_star=True, file='bt-settl_t400-7000_g4.5.fits', sonora_dwarfs=True, lowz_dwarfs=False, lowz_kwargs={}): """ Load Phoenix stellar templates Parameters ---------- logg_list : list List of logg values of the PHOENIX grid teff_list : list List of Teff values of the PHOENIX grid zmet_list : list List of ZMET metallicities of the PHOENIX grid add_carbon_star : bool Include ``templates/stars/carbon_star.txt`` template file : str PHOENIX grid file, available at sonora_dwarfs : bool Include Sonora dwarf models (Marley et al. 2018), see `~eazy.templates.load_sonora_stars` lowz_dwarfs : bool Include LOWZ dwarf models (Meisner et al. 2021), see `~eazy.templates.load_LOWZ_templates` lowz_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for `~eazy.templates.load_LOWZ_templates` Returns ------- stars : list List of `~eazy.templates.Template` objects of the stellar models """ try: from urllib.request import urlretrieve except: from urllib import urlretrieve from astropy.table import Table import as pyfits paths = ['/tmp', './templates/', './'] hdu = None for path in paths: templ_path = os.path.join(path, file) if os.path.exists(templ_path): print(f'phoenix_templates: {templ_path}') hdu = break if hdu is None: #url = '' url = '' print('Fetch {0}/{1}'.format(url, file)) #os.system('wget -O /tmp/{1} {0}/{1}'.format(url, file)) res = urlretrieve('{0}/{1}'.format(url, file), filename=templ_path) hdu = tab =[1]) tstars = [] N = tab['flux'].shape[1] for i in range(N): teff = tab.meta['TEFF{0:03d}'.format(i)] logg = tab.meta['LOGG{0:03d}'.format(i)] if 'ZMET{0:03d}'.format(i) in tab.meta: met = tab.meta['ZMET{0:03d}'.format(i)] else: met = 0. if (logg not in logg_list) | (teff not in teff_list) | (met not in zmet_list): #print('Skip {0} {1}'.format(logg, teff)) continue label = 'bt-settl_t{0:05.0f}_g{1:3.1f}_m{2:.1f}'.format(teff, logg, met) arrays = (tab['wave'], tab['flux'][:, i]) tstars.append(Template(arrays=arrays, name=label, redfunc=None)) cfile = 'templates/stars/carbon_star.txt' if add_carbon_star & os.path.exists(cfile): sp =, format='ascii.commented_header') if add_carbon_star > 1: import scipy.ndimage as nd cflux = nd.gaussian_filter(sp['flux'], add_carbon_star) else: cflux = sp['flux'] tstars.append(Template(arrays=(sp['wave'], cflux), name='carbon-lancon2002')) if sonora_dwarfs: tstars += load_sonora_stars() if lowz_dwarfs: tstars += load_LOWZ_templates(**lowz_kwargs) return tstars
def load_sonora_stars(): """ Load Sonora brown dwarf models: Marley et al. (2018, Get the templates from """ import glob paths = ['/tmp', './templates/', './'] found = False for path in paths: templ_path = os.path.join(path, 'sonora') if os.path.exists(templ_path): print(f'sonora_stars: {templ_path}') found = True break if not found: return [] files = glob.glob(os.path.join(templ_path, 'sonora*fits')) files.sort() stars = [] for file in files: name = ' ' + os.path.basename(file).split('.fits')[0] stars.append(Template(file=file, name=name)) return stars def download_LOWZ_templates(verbose=True): """ Download LOWZ brown dwarf templates from Meisner et al. (2021) """ import tarfile from import download_file from astropy.table import Table module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(module_path, 'data/templates/lowz') csv_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'LOWZ_models_index.csv') if verbose: print(f'LOWZ (Meisner et al.) templates in {data_path}') if os.path.exists(data_path): return data_path, csv_file os.makedirs(data_path) # models.tar.gz remote_url = '' if verbose: print(f"Download LOWZ models.tar.gz") file_path = download_file(remote_url, cache=True) with, 'r:gz') as fp: fp.extractall(path=data_path) if not os.path.exists(csv_file): if verbose: print(f"Download LOWZ_models_index.csv") csv ='', format='') csv.write(csv_file, overwrite=True, format='csv') return data_path, csv_file def load_LOWZ_templates(metallicity=[-2.5, 1.0], logg=[3.5, 5.25], teff=[500, 1600], ctoo=[0.1, 0.55, 0.85], logkzz=[-1.,2.,10.], verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Read LOWZ templates (Meisner et al. 2021) Parameters ---------- metallicity : (float, float) Range of metallicities from [-2.5, 1.0], inclusive of limits logg : (float, float) Range of log g from [2.5, 5.25], inclusive of limits teff : (float, float) Range of effective temperature from [500, 1600], inclusive of limits ctoo : list Discrete values of the CTOO grid [0.1, 0.55, 0.85] logkzz : list Discrete values of the LOGKZZ grid [-1, 2, 10] Returns ------- csv : `~astropy.table.Table` Summary table with the parameter selections stars : list List of `~eazy.templates.Template` objects """ from tqdm import tqdm from astropy.table import Table data_path, csv_file = download_LOWZ_templates(verbose=verbose) csv = for c in list(csv.colnames): csv.rename_column(c, c.lower()) subset = csv['metallicity'] >= metallicity[0] subset &= csv['metallicity'] <= metallicity[1] subset &= csv['logg'] >= logg[0] subset &= csv['logg'] <= logg[1] subset &= csv['teff'] >= teff[0] subset &= csv['teff'] <= teff[1] subset &= np.in1d(csv['ctoo'], ctoo) subset &= np.in1d(csv['logkzz'], logkzz) if verbose: print(f'Load {subset.sum()} LOWZ BD templates') name_str = 'LOWZ_t{teff:04.0f}_g{logg:.1f}_m{metallicity:.1f}' name_str += '_ctoo{ctoo:.2f}_kz{logkzz:.0f}' stars = [] for row in tqdm(csv[subset]): file_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'models', row['filename']) name = name_str.format(**row) stars.append(Template(file=file_path, name=name, to_angstrom=1.e4)) return csv[subset], stars def param_table(templates): """ Try to generate parameters for a list of templates from their metadata (TBD) """ pass
[docs] def bspline_templates(wave, degree=3, df=6, get_matrix=True, log=False, clip=1.e-4, minmax=None): """ B-spline basis functions, modeled after `patsy.splines <>`_ """ from collections import OrderedDict from scipy.interpolate import splev order = degree+1 n_inner_knots = df - order inner_knots = np.linspace(0, 1, n_inner_knots + 2)[1:-1] norm_knots = np.concatenate(([0, 1] * order, inner_knots)) norm_knots.sort() if log: xspl = np.log(wave) else: xspl = wave*1 if minmax is None: mi = xspl.min() ma = xspl.max() else: mi, ma = minmax width = ma-mi all_knots = norm_knots*width+mi n_bases = len(all_knots) - (degree + 1) basis = np.empty((xspl.shape[0], n_bases), dtype=float) coefs = np.identity(n_bases) basis = splev(xspl, (all_knots, coefs, degree)) for i in range(n_bases): out_of_range = (xspl < mi) | (xspl > ma) basis[i][out_of_range] = 0 wave_peak = np.round(wave[np.argmax(basis, axis=1)]) maxval = np.max(basis, axis=1) for i in range(n_bases): basis[i][basis[i] < clip*maxval[i]] = 0 if get_matrix: return np.vstack(basis).T temp = OrderedDict() for i in range(n_bases): key = 'bspl {0} {1:.0f}'.format(i, wave_peak[i]) temp[key] = Template(arrays=(wave*1., basis[i]), name=key, meta={'wave_peak':wave_peak[i]}) #temp[key].name = key #temp[key].wave_peak = wave_peak[i] temp.knots = all_knots = degree temp.xspl = xspl return temp
[docs] def gaussian_templates(wave, centers=[], widths=[], norm=False): """ Make Gaussian "templates" for the template correction """ _x = np.array([1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*w**2)**norm*np.exp(-(wave-c)**2/2/w**2) for c, w in zip(centers, widths)]) return _x.T