Source code for eazy.utils

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import astropy.stats
import astropy.units as u

CLIGHT = 299792458.0 # m/s

TRUE_VALUES = [True, 1, '1', 'True', 'TRUE', 'true', 'y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']
FALSE_VALUES = [False, 0, '0', 'False', 'FALSE', 'false', 'n', 'no', 'N', 'No']

FNU_CGS = u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Hz
FLAM_CGS = u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom

[docs] def bool_param(value, false_values=FALSE_VALUES, true_values=TRUE_VALUES, which='false', check_both=True): """ Flexible booleans If ``which == 'false'``, test that ``value not in false_values``. If ``which == 'true'``, test ``value in true_values``. If ``check_both`` and ``value`` isn't in either list, return the value itself. """ if which == 'false': test = value not in false_values elif which == 'true': test = value in true_values else: raise ValueError("Option ``which`` must be 'true' or 'false'") if check_both: if value not in true_values + false_values: test = value return test
[docs] def path_to_eazy_data(): """ Return internal path to ``eazy/data``. """ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
[docs] def set_warnings(numpy_level='ignore', astropy_level='ignore'): """ Set global numpy and astropy warnings Parameters ---------- numpy_level : 'ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log' Numpy error level (see `numpy.seterr`). astropy_level : 'error', 'ignore', 'always', 'default', 'module', 'once' Astropy error level (see `warnings.simplefilter`). """ from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning np.seterr(all=numpy_level) warnings.simplefilter(astropy_level, category=AstropyWarning)
[docs] def running_median(xi, yi, NBIN=10, reverse=False, bins=None, x_func=np.median, y_func=np.median, std_func=astropy.stats.mad_std, x_kwargs={}, y_kwargs={}, std_kwargs={}, use_biweight=False, integrate=False, **kwargs): """ Binned median/biweight/nmad statistics Parameters ---------- xi : array-like Data of independent variable yi : array-like Data of dependent variable NBIN : int Number of bins along `xi` reverse : bool Calculate bins starting at largest values of `xi` bins : array-like Fixed bins, rather than calculating with `NBIN` x_func : function Function to compute moments of `xi` y_func, std_func : function Functions to compute moments of `yi`. Assumed to be the central value and dispersion, but don't have to be x_kwargs, y_kwargs, std_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to moment functions use_biweight : bool Use robust biweight estimators: - `x_func` : `astropy.stats.biweight_location` - `y_func` : `astropy.stats.biweight_location` - `std_func` : `astropy.stats.biweight_midvariance` integrate : bool Numerically integrate `yi` with the trapezoidal rule within the bins Returns ------- xm, ym, ys : array-like Binned moments of `xi` and `yi` yn : array-like Number of entries per bin """ NPER = xi.size // NBIN if bins is None: so = np.argsort(xi) if reverse: so = so[::-1] bx = np.linspace(0,len(xi),NBIN+1) bins = np.interp(bx, np.arange(len(xi)), xi[so]) if reverse: bins = bins[::-1] NBIN = len(bins)-1 xm = np.ones(NBIN) xs = np.zeros_like(xm) ym = np.zeros_like(xm) ys = np.zeros_like(xm) N = np.zeros(NBIN, dtype=int) if use_biweight: x_func = astropy.stats.biweight_location y_func = astropy.stats.biweight_location std_func = astropy.stats.biweight_midvariance #idx = np.arange(NPER, dtype=int) for i in range(NBIN): in_bin = (xi > bins[i]) & (xi <= bins[i+1]) N[i] = in_bin.sum() #N[i] = xi[so][idx+NPER*i].size if integrate: xso = np.argsort(xi[in_bin]) ma = xi[in_bin].max() mi = xi[in_bin].min() xm[i] = (ma+mi)/2. dx = (ma-mi) ym[i] = np.trapz(yi[in_bin][xso], xi[in_bin][xso])/dx else: xm[i] = x_func(xi[in_bin], **x_kwargs) ym[i] = y_func(yi[in_bin], **y_kwargs) ys[i] = std_func(yi[in_bin], **std_kwargs) return xm, ym, ys, N
[docs] def nmad(data): """ Normalized median absolute deviation statistic Just a wrapper around `astropy.stats.mad_std`. """ import astropy.stats #return 1.48*astropy.stats.median_absolute_deviation(arr) return astropy.stats.mad_std(data)
[docs] def log_zgrid(zr=[0.7,3.4], dz=0.01): """Make a logarithmically spaced redshift grid Parameters ---------- zr : [float, float] Minimum and maximum of the desired grid dz : float Step size, dz/(1+z) Returns ------- zgrid : array-like Redshift grid """ zgrid = np.exp(np.arange(np.log(1+zr[0]), np.log(1+zr[1]), dz))-1 return zgrid
[docs] def trapz_dx(x): """ Return trapezoid rule coefficients, useful for numerical integration using a dot product Parameters ---------- x : array-like Independent variable Returns ------- dx : array_like Coefficients for trapezoidal rule integration. """ dx = np.zeros_like(x) diff = np.diff(x)/2. dx[:-1] += diff dx[1:] += diff return dx
[docs] def clipLog(im, lexp=1000, cmap=[-1.4914, 0.6273], scale=[-0.1,10]): """ Return normalized array like DS9 log """ import numpy as np contrast, bias = cmap clip = (np.clip(im, scale[0], scale[1])-scale[0])/(scale[1]-scale[0]) clip_log = np.clip((np.log10(lexp*clip+1)/np.log10(lexp)-bias)*contrast+0.5, 0, 1) return clip_log
[docs] def get_mw_dust(ra, dec, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around functions to try to query for the MW E(B-V) """ try: ebv = get_dustmaps_dust(ra, dec, web=True) return ebv except: pass try: ebv = get_dustmaps_dust(ra, dec, web=False) return ebv except: pass try: ebv = get_irsa_dust(ra, dec, **kwargs) return ebv except: pass return 0.00
[docs] def get_dustmaps_dust(ra, dec, web=True, **kwargs): "Use" from dustmaps.sfd import SFDQuery, SFDWebQuery from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord coords = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg', frame='icrs') if web: sfd = SFDWebQuery() else: sfd = SFDQuery() ebv = sfd(coords) return ebv
[docs] def get_irsa_dust(ra=53.1227, dec=-27.805089, type='SandF'): """ Get Galactic dust reddening from NED/IRSA at a given position Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float RA/Dec in decimal degrees. type : 'SFD', 'SandF' Dust model, with SandF = Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011 (ApJ 737, 103) SFD = Schlegel et al. 1998 (ApJ 500, 525) Returns ------- ebv : float Color excess E(B-V), in magnitudes """ import os import tempfile import urllib.request from astropy.table import Table from lxml import objectify query = '{0:.4f}+{1:.4f}+equ+j2000'.format(ra, dec) req = urllib.request.Request(query) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) resp_text ='utf-8') root = objectify.fromstring(resp_text) stats = root.result.statistics if type == 'SFD': return float(str(stats.refPixelValueSFD).split()[0]) else: return float(str(stats.refPixelValueSandF).split()[0])
[docs] def fill_between_steps(x, y, z, ax=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Make `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between` work like linestyle='steps-mid'. """ so = np.argsort(x) mid = x[so][:-1] + np.diff(x[so])/2. xfull = np.append(np.append(x, mid), mid+np.diff(x[so])/1.e6) yfull = np.append(np.append(y, y[:-1]), y[1:]) zfull = np.append(np.append(z, z[:-1]), z[1:]) so = np.argsort(xfull) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.fill_between(xfull[so], yfull[so], zfull[so], *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def safe_invert(arr): """ Version-safe matrix inversion using `numpy.linalg.inv` or `numpy.matrix.I` """ try: from numpy.linalg import inv _inv = inv(arr) except: _inv = np.matrix(arr).I.A return _inv
[docs] class GalacticExtinction(object): def __init__(self, EBV=0, Rv=3.1, force=None, radec=None, ebv_type='SandF'): """ Wrapper to use either `specutils.extinction` or the `extinction` modules, which have different calling formats. The results from both of these modules should be equivalent. Parameters ---------- EBV : float Galactic reddening, e.g., from ``. Rv : float Selective extinction ratio, `Rv=Av/(E(B-V))`. radec : None or (float, float) If provided, try to determine EBV based on these coordinates with `get_irsa_dust(type=[ebv_type])` or `dustmaps`. force : None, 'extinction', 'specutils.extinction' Force use one or the other modules. If `None`, then first try to import `specutils.extinction` and if that fails use `extinction`. """ import importlib # Import handler if force == 'specutils.extinction': import specutils.extinction self.module = 'specutils.extinction' elif force == 'extinction': from extinction import Fitzpatrick99 self.module = 'extinction' elif force == 'dust_extinction': from dust_extinction.parameter_averages import F99 self.module = 'dust_extinction' else: modules = [['dust_extinction.parameter_averages', 'F99'], ['extinction','Fitzpatrick99'], ['specutils.extinction','ExtinctionF99']] self.module = None for (mod, cla) in modules: try: _F99 = getattr(importlib.import_module(mod), cla) self.module = mod break except: continue if self.module is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't import extinction module from " "dust_extinction, extinction or specutils") # try: # from specutils.extinction import ExtinctionF99 # self.module = 'specutils.extinction' # except: # from extinction import Fitzpatrick99 # self.module = 'extinction' if radec is not None: self.EBV = get_mw_dust(ra=radec[0], dec=radec[1], type=ebv_type) else: self.EBV = EBV self.Rv = Rv if self.module == 'dust_extinction.parameter_averages': self.f99 = _F99(Rv=self.Rv) elif self.module == 'specutils.extinction': self.f99 = _F99(self.Av) #self.Alambda = f99(self.wave*u.angstrom) else: self.f99 = _F99(self.Rv) #self.Alambda = f99(self.wave*u.angstrom, Av) @property def Av(self): return self.EBV*self.Rv @property def info(self): msg = ('F99 extinction with `{0}`: Rv={1:.1f}, ' 'E(B-V)={2:.3f} (Av={3:.2f})') return msg.format(self.module, self.Rv, self.EBV, self.Av)
[docs] def __call__(self, wave): """ Compute Fitzpatrick99 extinction. Parameters ---------- wave : float or `numpy.ndarray` Observed-frame wavelengths. If no `unit` attribute available, assume units are `astropy.units.Angstrom`. Returns ------- Alambda : like ``wave`` F99 extinction (mags) as a function of wavelength. Output will be set to zero below 909 Angstroms and above 6 microns as the extinction modules themselves don't compute outside that range. """ import astropy.units as u if not hasattr(wave, 'unit'): unit = u.Angstrom else: unit = 1 inwave = np.squeeze(wave).flatten() if self.module == 'dust_extinction.parameter_averages': clip = (inwave*unit > 1/10.*u.micron) clip &= (inwave*unit < 1/0.3*u.micron) else: clip = (inwave*unit > 909*u.angstrom) & (inwave*unit < 6*u.micron) Alambda = np.zeros(inwave.shape) if clip.sum() == 0: return Alambda else: if self.module == 'dust_extinction.parameter_averages': flam = self.f99.extinguish(inwave[clip]*unit, Av=self.Av) Alambda[clip] = -2.5*np.log10(flam) elif self.module == 'specutils.extinction': Alambda[clip] = self.f99(inwave[clip]*unit) else: Alambda[clip] = self.f99(inwave[clip]*unit, self.Av) return Alambda
[docs] def abs_mag_to_luminosity(absmag, pivot=None, output_unit=u.L_sun): """ Convert absolute AB mag to luminosity units Parameters ---------- absmag : array-like Absolute AB magnitude. pivot : float Filter pivot wavelength associated with the magnitude. If no units, then assume `astropy.units.Angstrom`. output_unit : `astropy.units.core.Unit` Desired output unit. Must specify a ``pivot`` wavelength for output power units, e.g., `astropy.unit.L_sun`. """ if pivot is None: nu = 1. else: if hasattr(pivot, 'unit'): wunit = 1 else: wunit = u.Angstrom nu = ((CLIGHT*u.m/u.second)/(pivot*wunit)).to(u.Hz) fjy = 3631*u.jansky * 10**(-0.4*absmag) d10 = (10*u.pc).to( f10 = fjy * 4 * np.pi * d10**2 * nu return
[docs] def zphot_zspec(zphot, zspec, zlimits=None, zmin=0, zmax=4, axes=None, figsize=[6,7], minor=0.5, skip=2, selection=None, catastrophic_limit=0.15, title=None, min_zphot=0.02, alpha=0.2, extra_xlabel='', extra_ylabel='', xlabel=r'$z_\mathrm{spec}$', ylabel=r'$z_\mathrm{phot}$', label_pos=(0.05, 0.95), label_kwargs=dict(ha='left', va='top', fontsize=10), label_prefix='', format_axes=True, color='k', point_label=None, **kwargs): """ Make zphot_zspec plot scaled by log(1+z) and show uncertainties Parameters ---------- zphot : array-like Redshift on dependent axis zspec : array-like Redshift on independent axis zlimits : (N, 2) array Redshifts to use for photo-z errorbars, e.g. from `~eazy.photoz.Photoz.pz_percentiles`, where `N` is the number of objects as in `zphot` and `zspec` zmin, zmax : float Plot limits axes : `matplotlib` axes, None If specified, overplot in existing axes rather than generating a new plot. For example, run the function once to generate the figure and then plot different points onto the existing axes: >>> fig = eazy.utils.zphot_spec(zphot, zspec, selection=sample1) >>> _ = eazy.utils.zphot_spec(zphot, zspec, selection=sample2, >>> axes=fig.axes, color='b') figsize : list Figure canvas dimensions minor : float Axis tick interval skip : int Put axis labels every `skip` ticks selection : array-like Subsample selection (boolean or indices) applied as `zphot[selection]` catastrophic_limit : float Limit to define "catastrophic" failures, which is used for computing precision / outlier statistics printed on the plot title : str Title to add to the plot axes Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec clip = (zphot > min_zphot) & (zspec > zmin) & (zspec <= zmax) if selection is not None: clip &= selection dz = (zphot-zspec)/(1+zspec) #izbest = np.argmin(self.fit_chi2, axis=1) clip_cat = (np.abs(dz) < catastrophic_limit) frac_cat = 1-(clip & clip_cat).sum() / clip.sum() NOUT = (clip & ~clip_cat).sum() gs = GridSpec(2,1, height_ratios=[6,1]) NEW_AXES = axes is None if NEW_AXES: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) else: ax = axes[0] fig = None if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if zlimits is not None: yerr = np.log10(1+np.abs(zlimits.T - zphot)) ax.errorbar(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & ~clip_cat]), np.log10(1+zphot[clip & ~clip_cat]), yerr=yerr[:,clip & ~clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='r', linestyle='None') ax.errorbar(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & clip_cat]), np.log10(1+zphot[clip & clip_cat]), yerr=yerr[:,clip & clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color=color, linestyle='None', label=point_label) else: ax.scatter(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & ~clip_cat]), np.log10(1+zphot[clip & ~clip_cat]), marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='r') ax.scatter(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & clip_cat]), np.log10(1+zphot[clip & clip_cat]), marker='.', alpha=alpha, color=color, label=point_label) if NEW_AXES | format_axes: xt = np.arange(zmin, zmax+0.1, minor) xl = np.log10(1+xt) ax.plot(xl, xl, color='r', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim(xl[0], xl[-1]) ax.set_ylim(xl[0],xl[-1]) xtl = list(xt) if skip > 0: for i in range(1, len(xt), skip): xtl[i] = '' ax.set_xticks(xl) if axes is None: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: if len(axes) == 1: ax.set_xticks(xl) ax.set_xticklabels(xtl); ax.set_xlabel(xlabel + extra_xlabel) ax.set_yticks(xl); ax.set_yticklabels(xtl); ax.set_ylabel(ylabel + extra_ylabel) sample_nmad = nmad(dz[clip]) sample_cat_nmad = nmad(dz[clip & clip_cat]) if label_pos is not None: msg = r'{label_prefix} N={N} ({NOUT}, {err_frac:4.1f}%), $\sigma$={sample_nmad:.4f} ({sample_cat_nmad:.4f})' msg = msg.format(label_prefix=label_prefix, N=clip.sum(), err_frac=frac_cat*100, sample_nmad=sample_nmad, sample_cat_nmad=sample_cat_nmad, NOUT=NOUT) ax.text(label_pos[0], label_pos[1], msg, transform=ax.transAxes) if axes is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0]) else: if len(axes) == 2: ax = axes[1] else: return True if zlimits is not None: yerr = np.abs(zlimits.T-zphot) ax.errorbar(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & ~clip_cat]), dz[clip & ~clip_cat], yerr=yerr[:,clip & ~clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='r', linestyle='None') ax.errorbar(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & clip_cat]), dz[clip & clip_cat], yerr=yerr[:,clip & clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='k', linestyle='None') else: ax.scatter(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & ~clip_cat]), dz[clip & ~clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='r') ax.scatter(np.log10(1+zspec[clip & clip_cat]), dz[clip & clip_cat], marker='.', alpha=alpha, color='k') if fig is not None: ax.set_xticks(xl); ax.set_xticklabels(xtl); ax.set_xlim(xl[0], xl[-1]) ax.set_ylim(-6*sample_nmad, 6*sample_nmad) ax.set_yticks([-3*sample_nmad, 0, 3*sample_nmad]) ax.set_yticklabels([r'$-3\sigma$',r'$0$',r'$+3\sigma$']) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel + extra_xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta z / 1+z$') for a in fig.axes: a.grid() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) return fig else: return True
[docs] def query_html(ra, dec, with_coords=True, replace_comma=True, queries=['CDS','ESO','MAST','ALMA', 'LEG','HSC'], **kwargs): """ Return HTML string of queries around a position Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float Coordinates in decimal degrees with_coords : bool Include '(ra, dec)' in output string replace_comma : bool Replace ',' with URL-safe '%2C' queries : list - CDS: Vizier/CDS catalogs - ESO: ESO archive - MAST: STScI/MAST HST archive - ALMA: ALMA archive - LEG/LEGACY: LegacySurvey map interface - HSC: HSC map interface Returns ------- html : str HTML-formatted string with query links """ if with_coords: html = [f"({ra:.6f}, {dec:.6f})"] else: html = [] # Function/name mapping funcs = [cds_query, eso_query, mast_query, alma_query, show_legacysurvey, hscmap_query] names = ['CDS','ESO','MAST','ALMA', 'LEG','HSC'] query_map = {} for name, func in zip(names, funcs): query_map[name] = func query_map['LEGACY'] = query_map['LEG'] for name in queries: if name in query_map: func = query_map[name] else: continue url = func(ra, dec, **kwargs) html.append(f'<a href="{url}">{name}</a>') html = ' '.join(html) if replace_comma: html = html.replace(',','%2C') return html
[docs] def cds_query(ra, dec, radius=1., unit='s', **kwargs): """ Open browswer with CDS catalog query around central position """ #rd = self.get('pan fk5').strip() rd = f'{ra} {dec}' rdst = rd.replace('+', '%2B').replace('-', '%2D').replace(' ', '+') url = (f'' f'-c={rdst}&-c.r{unit}={radius}') #os.system(f'open {url}') return url
[docs] def eso_query(ra, dec, radius=1., unit='m', dp_types=['CUBE','IMAGE'], extra='', **kwargs): """ Open browser with ESO archive query around central position. Note: ESO query is data footprint **contains*** point """ #ra, dec = self.get('pan fk5').strip().split() # native is deg if unit == 'd': r = f'{radius:.2f}' elif unit == 'm': r = f'{radius/60:.3f}' elif unit == 's': r = f'{radius/3600:.5f}' dp_type = ','.join(dp_types) url = (f'' f'pos={ra},{dec}&r={r}&dp_type={dp_type}{extra}') #os.system(f'open {url}') return url
[docs] def mast_query(ra, dec, instruments=['WFC3','ACS','WFPC2'], mast_radius=1., mast_unit='m', max=1000, **kwargs): """ Open browser with MAST archive query around central position Note: MAST query is **distance to** point """ #ra, dec = self.get('pan fk5').strip().split() if len(instruments) > 0: instr='&sci_instrume='+','.join(instruments) else: instr = '' # native is arcmin if mast_unit == 'd': r = f'{mast_radius*60:.2f}' elif mast_unit == 'm': r = f'{mast_radius:.3f}' elif mast_unit == 's': r = f'{mast_radius/60:.5f}' url = (f'{ra}&DEC={dec}' f'&radius={r}' f'&sci_aec=S{instr}&max_records={max}&outputformat=HTML_Table' '&action=Search') #os.system(f'open {url}') return url
[docs] def alma_query(ra, dec, mirror="", radius=1, unit='m', extra='', **kwargs): """ Open browser with ALMA archive query around central position """ # native is arcmin if unit == 'd': r = f'{radius*60:.2f}' elif unit == 'm': r = f'{radius:.3f}' elif unit == 's': r = f'{radius/60:.5f}' url = (f"https://{mirror}/aq/?result_view=observation" f"&raDec={ra}%20{dec},{r}{extra}") #os.system(f'open "{url}"') return url
[docs] def hscmap_query(ra, dec, open=True, **kwargs): """ Function to open HSC explorer in browser centered on target coordinates """ import os rrad = ra/180*np.pi drad = dec/180*np.pi url = (f"{rrad},%22d%22%3A{drad}" ",%22fovy%22%3A0.00009647627785850188,%22roll%22%3A0%7D,%22sspParams%22%3A%7B%22type%22%3A%22" "SDSS_TRUE_COLOR%22,%22filter%22%3A%5B%22HSC-Y%22,%22HSC-Z%22,%22HSC-I%22%5D,%22simpleRgb" "%22%3A%7B%22beta%22%3A22026.465794806718,%22a%22%3A1,%22bias%22%3A0.05,%22b0%22%3A0%7D,%22" "sdssTrueColor%22%3A%7B%22beta%22%3A40106.59228119989,%22a%22%3A2.594451857120983,%22bias%22%3A0.05," "%22b0%22%3A0%7D%7D,%22externalTiles%22%3A%5B%5D,%22activeReruns%22%3A%5B%22pdr2_wide%22,%22pdr2_dud" "%22%5D%7D") return url
[docs] def show_legacysurvey(ra, dec, layer='dr8', zoom=17, **kwargs): """ Open browser with panner around central position """ #ra, dec = self.get('pan fk5').strip().split() url = (f'{ra}&dec={dec}' f'&layer={layer}&zoom={zoom}') #os.system(f'open {url}') return url
[docs] def interp_conserve(x, xp, fp, left=0., right=0.): """ Interpolation analogous to `numpy.interp` but conserving "flux". Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Desired interpolation locations xp, fp : `numpy.ndarray` The `x` and `y` coordinates of the function to be interpolated. The `x` array can be irregularly spaced but should be increase monotonically. left, right : float Values to use for extrapolation below the minimum and maximum limits of `x`. Returns ------- y : like `x` Interpolated values. Interpolation performed by trapezoidal integration between the midpoints of the output `x` array with `numpy.trapz`. .. note:: For a faster `cython` implementation of this function, see `grizli.utils_c.interp_conserve_c`. """ midpoint = (x[1:]-x[:-1])/2.+x[:-1] midpoint = np.append(midpoint, np.array([x[0],x[-1]])) midpoint = midpoint[np.argsort(midpoint)] int_midpoint = np.interp(midpoint, xp, fp, left=left, right=right) int_midpoint[midpoint > xp.max()] = right int_midpoint[midpoint < xp.min()] = left fullx = np.append(xp, midpoint) fully = np.append(fp, int_midpoint) so = np.argsort(fullx) fullx, fully = fullx[so], fully[so] outy = x*0. dx = midpoint[1:]-midpoint[:-1] for i in range(len(x)): bin = (fullx >= midpoint[i]) & (fullx <= midpoint[i+1]) outy[i] = np.trapz(fully[bin], fullx[bin])/dx[i] return outy
[docs] class emceeChain(): def __init__(self, chain=None, file=None, param_names=[], burn_fraction=0.5, sampler=None): self.param_names = [] if chain is not None: self.chain = chain if file is not None: if 'fits' in file.lower(): self.load_fits(file=file) else: self.load_chain(file=file) self.process_chain(param_names = param_names, burn_fraction=burn_fraction) # if sampler is not None: from numpy import unravel_index max_ix = unravel_index(sampler.lnprobability.argmax(), sampler.lnprobability.shape) = self.chain[max_ix[0], max_ix[1],:] self.is_map = True else: = self.median self.is_map = False
[docs] def process_chain(self, param_names=[], burn_fraction=0.5): """ Define parameter names and get parameter statistics """ self.nwalkers, self.nstep, self.nparam = self.chain.shape if param_names == []: if self.param_names == []: for i in range(self.nparam): param_names.append('a%d' %(i+1)) self.param_names = param_names else: if len(param_names) != self.nparam: print('param_names must have N=%d (or zero) entries' %(self.nparam)) return False self.param_names = param_names self.param_dict = {} for i in range(self.nparam): self.param_dict[self.param_names[i]] = i self.nburn = int(np.round(burn_fraction*self.nstep)) self.stats = {} self.median = np.zeros(self.nparam) for param in self.param_names: pid = self.param_dict[param] self.stats[param] = self.get_stats(pid, burn=self.nburn) self.median[pid] = self.stats[param]['q50']
[docs] def get_stats(self, pid, burn=0, raw=False): """ Get percentile statistics for a parameter in the chain """ if raw: pchain = pid*1. else: pchain = self.chain[:,burn:,pid].flatten() stats = {} stats['q05'] = np.percentile(pchain, 5) stats['q16'] = np.percentile(pchain, 16) stats['q50'] = np.percentile(pchain, 50) stats['q84'] = np.percentile(pchain, 84) stats['q95'] = np.percentile(pchain, 95) stats['mean'] = np.mean(pchain) stats['std'] = np.std(pchain) stats['width'] = (stats['q84']-stats['q16'])/2. return stats
[docs] def show_chain(self, param='a1', chain=None, alpha=0.15, color='blue', scale=1, diff=0, ax = None, add_labels=True, hist=False, autoscale=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a plot of the chain for a given parameter. For plotting, multiply the parameter by `scale` and subtract `diff`. """ if chain is None: pid = self.param_dict[param] chain = self.chain[:,:,pid] if ax is not None: plotter = ax xlabel = ax.set_xlabel ylabel = ax.set_ylabel ylim = ax.set_ylim else: plotter = plt xlabel = plt.xlabel ylabel = plt.ylabel ylim = plt.ylim if hist: h = plotter.hist(chain[:,self.nburn:].flatten(), alpha=alpha, color=color, *args, **kwargs) if add_labels: ylabel('N') xlabel(param) else: for i in range(self.nwalkers): p = plotter.plot(chain[i,:]*scale-diff, alpha=alpha, color=color, *args, **kwargs) if add_labels: xlabel('Step') ylabel(param) # if autoscale: ylim(self.stats[param]['q50']*scale + np.array([-8,8])*self.stats[param]['width']*scale)
[docs] def save_chain(self, file='emcee_chain.pkl', verbose=True): """ Save the chain to a Pkl file """ import cPickle as pickle fp = open(file,'wb') pickle.dump(self.nwalkers, fp) pickle.dump(self.nstep, fp) pickle.dump(self.nparam, fp) pickle.dump(self.param_names, fp) pickle.dump(self.chain, fp) fp.close() if verbose: print('Wrote %s.' %(file))
[docs] def load_chain(self, file='emcee_chain.pkl'): """ Read the chain from the pickle file """ import cPickle as pickle fp = open(file, 'rb') self.nwalkers = pickle.load(fp) self.nstep = pickle.load(fp) self.nparam = pickle.load(fp) self.param_names = pickle.load(fp) self.chain = pickle.load(fp) fp.close()
[docs] def save_fits(self, file='emcee_chain.fits', verbose=True): """ Make a FITS file of an EMCEE chain """ import as pyfits header = pyfits.Header() header.update('NWALKERS', self.nwalkers) header.update('NSTEP', self.nstep) header.update('NPARAM', self.nparam) hdu = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)] for param in self.param_names: header.update('PARAM', param) hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=self.__getitem__(param), header=header, name=param)) hduList = pyfits.HDUList(hdu) hduList.writeto(file, clobber=True, output_verify='silentfix') if verbose: print('Wrote %s.' %(file))
[docs] def load_fits(self, file='emcee_chain.fits'): """ Load emcee chain fits file created by ``save_fits``. """ import as pyfits im = self.nwalkers = im[0].header['NWALKERS'] self.nstep = im[0].header['NSTEP'] self.nparam = im[0].header['NPARAM'] self.param_names = [] self.chain = np.ones((self.nwalkers, self.nstep, self.nparam)) for i in range(self.nparam): self.param_names.append(im[i+1].header['PARAM']) self.chain[:,:,i] = im[i+1].data im.close()
[docs] def parameter_correlations(self, size=8, shrink=5, show=None, file=None): if show is None: show = self.param_names NP = len(show) #fig = unicorn.plotting.plot_init(square=True, aspect=1, xs=size, left=0.05, right=0.01, bottom=0.01, top=0.01, NO_GUI=False, use_tex=False, fontsize=7) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0,hspace=0.0) counter = 0 for i in range(NP): for j in range(NP): counter = counter + 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(NP, NP, counter) a = ax.plot(self[show[i]][:,self.nburn::shrink].flatten(), self[show[j]][:,self.nburn::shrink].flatten(), alpha=0.03, color='black', linestyle='None', marker=',') a = ax.set_xlim(self.stats[show[i]]['q50']-3*self.stats[show[i]]['std'], self.stats[show[i]]['q50']+3*self.stats[show[i]]['std']) a = ax.set_ylim(self.stats[show[j]]['q50']-3*self.stats[show[j]]['std'], self.stats[show[j]]['q50']+3*self.stats[show[j]]['std']) if i == j: a = ax.text(0.5, 0.92, show[i], fontsize=8, color='red', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes) if file is not None: fig.savefig(file)
[docs] def draw_random(self, N=10): """ Draw random sets of parameters from the chain """ #ok_walk = self.sampler.acceptance_fraction > min_acceptance iwalk = np.cast[int](np.random.rand(N)*self.nwalkers) istep = self.nburn + np.cast[int](np.random.rand(N)*(self.nstep-self.nburn)) draw = self.chain[iwalk, istep, :] return draw
def __getitem__(self, param): pid = self.param_dict[param] return self.chain[:,:,pid]
[docs] def contour(self, p1, p2, labels=None, levels=[0.683, 0.955], colors=None, limits=None, bins=20, ax=None, fill=False, **kwargs): """ Plot sigma contours """ import astroML.plotting if isinstance(p1, str): trace1 = self.__getitem__(p1)[:,self.nburn:].flatten() pname1 = p1 else: trace1 = p1.flatten() pname1 = '' if isinstance(p2, str): trace2 = self.__getitem__(p2)[:,self.nburn:].flatten() pname2 = p2 else: trace2 = p2.flatten() pname2 = '' if labels is None: labels = [pname1, pname2] if limits is None: limits = [(t.min(), t.max()) for t in [trace1, trace2]] bins = [np.linspace(limits[i][0], limits[i][1], bins + 1) for i in range(2)] H, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(trace1, trace2, bins=(bins[0], bins[1])) H[H == 0] = 1E-16 Nsigma = astroML.plotting.mcmc.convert_to_stdev(np.log(H)) if ax is None: ax = plt ax.contour(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), 0.5 * (ybins[1:] + ybins[:-1]), Nsigma.T, levels=levels, **kwargs) if fill: if ax is plt: col = plt.gca().collections else: col = ax.collections n_levels = len(levels) if colors is None: dc = 1./(n_levels+1) colors = ['%.2f' %((i+1)*dc) for i in np.arange(n_levels)] print(colors) for i in range(n_levels): print(colors[i]) col[i].set_facecolor(colors[i]) col[i].set_edgecolor(colors[i]) col[i].set_zorder(-10-i) col[i].set_alpha(0.8) if ax is plt: ax.xlabel(labels[0]) ax.ylabel(labels[1]) ax.xlim(limits[0]) ax.ylim(limits[1]) else: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) ax.set_xlim(limits[0]) ax.set_ylim(limits[1])