Source code for eazy.photoz

import os
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np

from collections import OrderedDict

    from tqdm import tqdm
    HAS_TQDM = True
    HAS_TQDM = False
    from grizli.utils import GTable as Table
    from astropy.table import Table

import as pyfits
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyUserWarning

from . import filters as filters_code
from . import param 
from . import igm as igm_module

from . import templates as templates_module 
from .templates import gaussian_templates, bspline_templates

from . import utils 

IGM_OBJECT = igm_module.Inoue14()

__all__ = ["PhotoZ", "TemplateGrid", "template_lsq", "fit_by_redshift"]

DEFAULT_UBVJ_FILTERS = [153,154,155,161] # Maiz-Appellaniz & 2MASS

DEFAULT_RF_FILTERS = [270, 274] # UV tophat
DEFAULT_RF_FILTERS += [156, 157, 158, 159, 160] #SDSS
DEFAULT_RF_FILTERS += [161, 162, 163] # 2MASS


NUVRK_FILTERS = [121, 158, 163]

CDF_SIGMAS = np.linspace(-5, 5, 51)

# nearest, interp

PLOTLY_LAYOUT_KWARGS = {'template':'plotly_white', 'showlegend':False}


[docs] class PhotoZ(object): ZML_WITH_PRIOR = None ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR = None ZPHOT_AT_ZSPEC = None ZPHOT_USER = None def __init__(self, param_file=None, translate_file=None, zeropoint_file=None, load_prior=True, load_products=False, params={}, n_proc=0, cosmology=None, compute_tef_lnp=True, tempfilt=None, tempfilt_data=None, random_seed=0, random_draws=100, **kwargs): """ Main object for fitting templates / photometric redshifts Parameters ---------- param_file : str Parameter filename. If nothing specified, then reads the default parameters from file ``eazy/data/zphot.param.default``. translate_file : str Translation filename for `eazy.param.TranslateFile`. zeropoint_file : str File with catalog zeropoint corrections with `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.read_zeropoint` load_prior : bool Compute the apparent-magnitude prior load_products : bool Load previously-generated `eazy` products if ``zout`` and ``data`` files are found (`~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.load_products`) params : dict Run-time parameters that supersede parameters read from `param_file`. The parameters are set in the following order: 1. Read from `param_file` 2. Add any missing parameters from file ``eazy/data/zphot.param.default`` 3. Override from `params` n_proc : int Number of processes to use for `multiprocessing`-enabled functions. If < 0, then get from `multiprocessing.cpu_count`. cosmology : `astropy.cosmology` object If not specified, generate a flat cosmology with `params['H0', 'OMEGA_M', 'OMEGA_L']`. compute_tef_lnp : bool Precompute likelihood normalization correction for the `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` function. tempfilt : `~eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid` or None Precomputed template grid. random_seed : int Random number seed for e.g., random draws from parameter covariances random_draws : int Number of random draws from fit coefficients used for analytic uncertainties. .. note:: This can create a very large ``coeffs_draws`` array with dimensions ``(NOBJ, random_draws, NTEMP)``. Attributes ---------- NOBJ NZ NFILT NTEMP pivot to_flam to_uJy param : `~eazy.param.EazyParam` Parameters translate : `~eazy.param.TranslateFile` Parsed `translate_file` cat : `~astropy.table.Table` The raw catalog read from `params['CATALOG_FILE']` OBJID ZSPEC RA DEC templates : list List of `~eazy.templates.Template` objects from `params['TEMPLATES_FILE']` filters : list List of `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` objects f_numbers : array (NFILT) Filter numbers of catalog filters in `params['FILTER_FILE']` flux_columns : array (NFILT) Catalog column names of the photometric flux densities err_columns : array (NFILT) Catalog column names of the photometric uncertainties fnu : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Catalog flux densities efnu_orig : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Uncertainties as read from the catalog efnu : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Uncertainties that could have been modified by, e.g., `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.set_sys_err`. This is the array used in the template fit. ok_data : bool array (NOBJ, NFILT) Filters and uncertainties that satisfy the `params['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']` criteria. lc_reddest : array (NOBJ) Reddest (valid) filter pivot wavelength available for each object zp : array (NFILT) Multiplicative "zeropoint correction" scaled factors, applied to `fnu`, `efnu` before fitting with the template photometry. ext_redden : array (NFILT) Values needed to **remove** MW redenning if it has been included in the input catalog (`params['CAT_HAS_EXTCORR']` = True) ext_corr : array (NFILT) MW extinction correction (<= 1) tempfilt : `~eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid` Grid of `templates` integrated through `filters` RES : `~eazy.filters.FilterFile` The full filter file object TEF : `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` Template error function object chi2_fit : array (NOBJ, NZ) chi-squared of the template fit at each redshift grid point fit_coeffs : array (NOBJ, NZ, NTEMP) Fit coefficients for all objects and redshifts full_logprior : array (NOBJ, NZ) Apparent magnitude prior from `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.set_prior` lnp_beta : array (NOBJ, NZ) Beta prior from `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.prior_beta` lnp : array (NOBJ, NZ) Full log-likelihood grid from `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.compute_lnp` lnpmax : array (NOBJ) maximum of lnp(z) zml : array (NOBJ) Maximum-likelihood redshift `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.evaluate_zml` ZML_WITH_PRIOR : bool `zml` was computed with the apparent mag prior ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR : bool `zml` was computed with the beta prior zbest : array (NOBJ) Array where fit coefficients are saved. Generally `zml`, but can be set to something else for, e.g., `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.standard_output`. ZPHOT_AT_ZSPEC : bool `zbest` computed fixing the reshift to `cat['z_spec']` when available ZPHOT_USER : bool `zbest` was supplied by the user chi2_best : array (NOBJ) chi-squared evaluated at z = `zbest` coeffs_best : array (NOBJ) Template coefficients evaluted at z = `zbest` fmodel : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Flux-densities of best-fit template in same units as `fnu` efmodel : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Uncertainties on `fmodel` from covariance matrix coeffs_draws : array (NOBJ, `random_draws`, NTEMP) Random draws from the template fit covariance matrix """ from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM global IGM_OBJECT self.param_file = param_file self.translate_file = translate_file self.zeropoint_file = zeropoint_file self.random_seed = random_seed ### Read parameters self.param = param.read_param_file(param_file, verbose=True) self.translate = param.TranslateFile(translate_file) for key in params: self.param.params[key] = params[key] self.param.verify_params() if 'IGM_SCALE_TAU' in self.param.params: IGM_OBJECT.scale_tau = self.param['IGM_SCALE_TAU'] ### Read templates kws = dict(templates_file=self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE'], velocity_smooth=self.param['TEMPLATE_SMOOTH'], resample_wave=self.param['RESAMPLE_WAVE']) self.templates = templates_module.read_templates_file(**kws) ### Set redshift fit grid self.set_zgrid() ### Set cosmology if cosmology is None: # Simple self.cosmology = LambdaCDM(H0=self.param['H0'], Om0=self.param['OMEGA_M'], Ode0=self.param['OMEGA_L'], Tcmb0=2.725, Ob0=0.048) else: self.cosmology = cosmology ### Read catalog and filters self.fixed_cols = {} self.RES = filters_code.FilterFile(self.param['FILTERS_RES']) self.read_catalog() if self.NFILT < 1: print('\n!! No filters found, maybe a problem with' ' the translate file?\n') return None self.idx = np.arange(self.NOBJ, dtype=int) self.zp = np.ones(self.NFILT) ### Read prior file self.full_logprior = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NZ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) if load_prior: self.set_prior() self.lnp = np.zeros_like(self.full_logprior) self.chi2_fit = np.zeros_like(self.lnp) self.lnp_beta = self.lnp*0. if zeropoint_file is not None: self.read_zeropoint(zeropoint_file) else: self.zp = self.f_numbers*0+1. self.lnpmax = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) self.zml = None self.zbest = np.zeros_like(self.lnpmax) self.chi2_best = np.zeros_like(self.zbest)-1 self.coeffs_best = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NTEMP), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) self.fit_coeffs = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NZ, self.NTEMP), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) self.coeffs_draws = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, random_draws, self.NTEMP), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) self.get_err = False ### Grid of templates interpolated through filter bandpasses if tempfilt is None: msg = 'Template grid: {0} (this may take some time)' print(msg.format(self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE'])) t0 = time.time() self.tempfilt = TemplateGrid(self.zgrid, self.templates, RES=self.param['FILTERS_RES'], f_numbers=self.f_numbers, add_igm=self.param['IGM_SCALE_TAU'], galactic_ebv=self.MW_EBV, Eb=self.param['SCALE_2175_BUMP'], n_proc=n_proc, cosmology=self.cosmology, array_dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE, tempfilt_data=tempfilt_data) t1 = time.time() print('Process templates: {0:.3f} s'.format(t1-t0)) else: self.tempfilt = tempfilt ### Template Error self.set_template_error(compute_tef_lnp=compute_tef_lnp) self.ubvj = None ### Load previously-generated products? if load_products: self.load_products(**kwargs) @property def to_flam(self): """ Conversion factor to :math:`10^{-19} erg/s/cm^2/Å` """ to_flam = 10**(-0.4*(self.param['PRIOR_ABZP']+48.6)) to_flam *= utils.CLIGHT*1.e10/1.e-19/self.pivot**2/self.ext_corr return to_flam @property def to_uJy(self): """ Conversion of observed fluxes to `~astropy.units.microJansky` """ return 10**(-0.4*(self.param.params['PRIOR_ABZP']-23.9)) @property def NOBJ(self): """ Number of objects in catalog """ if not hasattr(self, 'cat'): return 0 else: return len( @property def NFILT(self): """ Number of filters """ if hasattr(self, 'filters'): return len(self.filters) else: return 0 @property def lc(self): """ Filter pivot wavelengths (deprecated, use `pivot`) """ return self.pivot @property def pivot(self): """ Filter `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition.pivot` wavelengths, Angstroms """ if hasattr(self, 'filters'): return np.array([f.pivot for f in self.filters]) else: return None @property def NTEMP(self): """ Number of templates """ if hasattr(self, 'templates'): return len(self.templates) else: return 0 @property def NZ(self): """ Number of redshift grid points """ if hasattr(self, 'zgrid'): return len(self.zgrid) else: return 0 @property def NDRAWS(self): """ Number of random draws, taken from `coeffs_draws` attribute """ return self.coeffs_draws.shape[1] @property def OBJID(self): """ ``id`` column data from the (translated) catalog with size `NOBJ` """ # No test on validity because `read_catalog` should have failed return[self.fixed_cols['id']] @property def ZSPEC(self): """ ``z_spec`` column data from the (translated) catalog (or -1.) with size `NOBJ` """ try: return[self.fixed_cols['z_spec']] except: msg = f"ZSPEC column {self.fixed_cols['z_spec']} not found in catalog" warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return np.full(self.NOBJ, -1, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) @property def RA(self): """ ``ra`` Right Ascension column data from the (translated) catalog (or -1.) with size `NOBJ` """ try: return[self.fixed_cols['ra']] except: msg = f"RA column {self.fixed_cols['ra']} not found in catalog" warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return np.full(self.NOBJ, -1, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) @property def DEC(self): """ ``dec`` Declination column data from the (translated) catalog (or -1.) with size `NOBJ` """ try: return[self.fixed_cols['dec']] except: msg = f"DEC column {self.fixed_cols['dec']} not found in catalog" warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return np.full(self.NOBJ, -1, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) @property def ARRAY_DTYPE(self): """ Array data type from `ARRAY_NBITS` parameter """ if 'ARRAY_NBITS' in self.param.params: if self.param['ARRAY_NBITS'] == 64: ARRAY_DTYPE = np.float64 else: ARRAY_DTYPE = np.float32 else: ARRAY_DTYPE = np.float32 return ARRAY_DTYPE @property def MW_EBV(self): """ Galactic extinction E(B-V) """ if 'MW_EBV' not in self.param.params: return 0. # 0.0354 # MACS0416 else: return self.param.params['MW_EBV']
[docs] def load_products(self, compute_error_residuals=False, fitter='nnls', **kwargs): """ Load results from ``zout`` and ``data`` FITS files created by `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.standard_output`. Parameters ---------- compute_error_residuals : bool Run `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.error_residuals` after reading data fitter : str Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. Returns ------- Sets various internal attributes """ zout_file = '{0}.zout.fits'.format(self.param['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE']) if os.path.exists(zout_file): print('Load products: {0}'.format(zout_file)) data_file = '{0}.data.fits'.format(self.param['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE']) data = self.chi2_fit = data['CHI2'].data*1 self.zout = if 'ZCOEFFS' in data: self.fit_coeffs = data['ZCOEFFS'].data*1 # Do we need priors? beta_prior = False prior = False for zname in ['ZBEST','ZML']: if f'{zname}_WITH_PRIOR' in self.zout.meta: prior = self.zout.meta[f'{zname}_WITH_PRIOR'] beta_prior = self.zout.meta[f'{zname}_WITH_BETA_PRIOR'] self.compute_lnp(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior) self.evaluate_zml(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior) if 'REST_UBVJ' in data: self.ubvj = data['REST_UBVJ'].data*1 print(' ... Fit templates at zout[z_phot] ') if compute_error_residuals: for iter in range(2): self.fit_at_zbest(zbest=self.zout['z_phot'].data, prior=False, fitter=fitter, **kwargs) self.error_residuals() else: self.fit_at_zbest(zbest=self.zout['z_phot'].data, fitter=fitter, **kwargs) data.close()
[docs] def read_catalog(self, verbose=True): """ Read catalog specified in `params['CATALOG_FILE']`. If the catalog is in a format other than FITS, the file format passed to `` is indicated by the `params['CATALOG_FORMAT']` parameter, which defaults to ``ascii.commented_header``. All catalogs must have an ``id`` column, either explicity or "translated" with the `~eazy.param.TranslateFile`. While not required, additional columns ``z_spec``, ``ra``, ``dec``, ``x``, ``y`` are used in some functions and should be included in the catalog or translated. """ if verbose: if hasattr(self.param['CATALOG_FILE'], 'colnames'): print('CATALOG_FILE is a table') else: print('Read CATALOG_FILE:', self.param['CATALOG_FILE']) if hasattr(self.param['CATALOG_FILE'], 'colnames'): = self.param['CATALOG_FILE'] elif 'fits' in self.param['CATALOG_FILE'].lower(): =['CATALOG_FILE'], format='fits') elif self.param['CATALOG_FILE'].lower().endswith('.csv'): =['CATALOG_FILE'], format='csv') else: =['CATALOG_FILE'], format=self.param['CATALOG_FORMAT']) if verbose: print(f' >>> NOBJ = {len(}') # self.NOBJ = len( self.prior_mag_cat = np.zeros(self.NOBJ)-1['FILTERS_RES']+'.npy', [all_filters]) self.filters = [] self.flux_columns = [] self.err_columns = [] self.f_numbers = [] # Some specific columns self.fixed_cols = {'id':'id', 'z_spec':'z_spec', 'ra':'ra', 'dec':'dec', 'x':'x_image', 'y':'y_image'} required_cols = ['id'] warn_cols = ['z_spec','ra','dec'] for k in ['id', 'z_spec', 'ra', 'dec', 'x', 'y']: if k in self.fixed_cols[k] = k else: new = None for ke in self.translate.trans: if self.translate.trans[ke] == k: new = ke if (new is None) | (new not in col_options = {'id':['ID','OBJID','NUMBER'], 'ra':['RA', 'X_WORLD', 'ALPHA_J2000','ALPHA'], 'dec':['DEC', 'Y_WORLD', 'DELTA_J2000', 'DELTA'], 'z_spec':['Z_SPEC','ZSPEC','ZSP'], 'x':['X','X_IMAGE'], 'y':['Y','Y_IMAGE']} if k in col_options: for ke in col_options[k]: for str_method in [str.upper, str.lower, str.title]: if str_method(ke) in new = str_method(ke) break if (new is None) | (new not in if (k in required_cols): msg = (f'Catalog or translate_file must have a {k} ' + f'column') raise ValueError(msg) elif k in warn_cols: msg = (f'No {k} column found in catalog. Some ' 'functionality might not be available.') warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) self.fixed_cols[k] = new for k in if k.startswith('F'): try: f_number = int(k[1:]) except: continue ke = k.replace('F','E') if ke not in continue self.filters.append(self.RES[f_number]) self.flux_columns.append(k) self.err_columns.append(ke) self.f_numbers.append(f_number) msg = '{0} {1} ({2:3d}): {3}' print(msg.format(k, ke, f_number, self.filters[-1].name.split()[0])) # Apply translation for k in self.translate.trans: fcol = self.translate.trans[k] if fcol.startswith('F') & ('FTOT' not in fcol): try: f_number = int(fcol[1:]) except: # Has character at the end f_number = int(fcol[1:-1]) for ke in self.translate.trans: #if self.translate.trans[ke] == 'E{0}'.format(f_number): if self.translate.trans[ke] == fcol.replace('F','E'): break if (k in & (ke in self.filters.append(self.RES[f_number]) self.flux_columns.append(k) self.err_columns.append(ke) self.f_numbers.append(f_number) msg = '{0} {1} ({2:3d}): {3}' print(msg.format(k, ke, f_number, self.filters[-1].name.split()[0])) self.f_numbers = np.array(self.f_numbers) if len(self.f_numbers) == 0: msg = ('No valid filters found in {0}! Check that all flux ' + 'and uncertainty columns are specified / translated ' + 'correctly.') raise ValueError(msg.format(self.param['CATALOG_FILE'])) # Initialize flux arrays self.fnu = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NFILT), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) efnu = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NFILT), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) self.spatial_offset = None self.fmodel = self.fnu*0. self.efmodel = self.fnu*0. # MW extinction correction: dered = fnu/self.ext_corr ext_mag = [f.extinction_correction(self.MW_EBV) for f in self.filters] self.ext_corr = 10**(0.4*np.array(ext_mag)) # Does catalog already have extinction correction applied? # If so, then set an array to put fluxes back in reddened space if self.param.params['CAT_HAS_EXTCORR'] in utils.TRUE_VALUES: self.ext_redden = self.ext_corr else: self.ext_redden = np.ones(self.NFILT) #print(self.flux_columns, self.fnu.shape) for i in range(self.NFILT): self.fnu[:,i] =[self.flux_columns[i]]*1 efnu[:,i] =[self.err_columns[i]]*1 if self.err_columns[i] in self.translate.error: #print('x', efnu[:,i].shape, self.translate.error[self.err_columns[i]], self.err_columns[i]) efnu[:,i] *= self.translate.error[self.err_columns[i]] if self.param['MAGNITUDES'] in utils.TRUE_VALUES: warnings.warn(f'Catalog photometry is given in (AB) magnitudes.' + 'It is **strongly** recommended to measure ' + 'photometry in linear flux density units!', AstropyUserWarning) neg_values = (self.fnu < 0) | (efnu < 0) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AstropyWarning) fluxes = 10**(-0.4*(self.fnu - self.param['PRIOR_ABZP'])) unc = np.log(10)/2.5 * efnu * fluxes fluxes[neg_values] = self.fnu[neg_values] unc[neg_values] = efnu[neg_values] self.fnu = fluxes efnu = unc self.efnu_orig = efnu*1. self.set_sys_err(positive=True) self.set_ok_data() self.lc_zmax = self.zgrid.max() self.clip_wavelength = None
[docs] def read_zeropoint(self, zeropoint_file='zphot.zeropoint'): """ Read zphot.zeropoint file with multiplicative flux corrections The file has format .. code-block:: F205 1.1 F{FN} {scale} where ``FN`` is the filter number in the filter (and translate) file and ``scale`` is *multiplied* to the fluxes and uncertainties of that filter. Parameters ---------- zeropoint_file : str Filename """ lines = open(zeropoint_file).readlines() for line in lines: if not line.startswith('F'): continue fnum = int(line.strip().split()[0][1:]) if fnum in self.f_numbers: ix = self.f_numbers == fnum self.zp[ix] = float(line.split()[1]) else: warnings.warn(f'Filter {fnum} in {zeropoint_file} not ' + 'in the filter list', AstropyUserWarning)
[docs] def make_csv_catalog(self, include_zeropoints=True, scale_to_ujy=True): """ Make a standardized catalog table in CSV format Parameters ---------- include_zeropoints : bool Include zeropoint factors in flux+err columns scale_to_ujy : bool Scale photometry to microJansky units using the ``PRIOR_ABZP`` parameter Returns ------- tab, trans : `~astropy.table.Table` `tab` is the photometric table. `trans` is the column translations that can be put into a `eazy.param.TranslateFile`. """ if scale_to_ujy: to_ujy = self.to_uJy else: to_ujy = 1.0 args = (self.OBJID, self.RA, self.DEC, self.ZSPEC, self.fnu*to_ujy, self.efnu_orig*to_ujy, self.ok_data, self.flux_columns, self.err_columns, self.zp**include_zeropoints, self.f_numbers) tab, trans = self._csv_from_arrays(*args) return tab, trans
@staticmethod def _csv_from_arrays(id, ra, dec, zspec, fnu, efnu_orig, ok_data, flux_columns, err_columns, zp, f_numbers): """ Make catalog from arrays Returns ------- tab, trans : `~astropy.table.Table` `tab` is the photometric table. `trans` is the column translations that can be put into a `eazy.param.TranslateFile`. """ from astropy.table import Table tab = Table() tab['id'] = id tab['ra'] = ra tab['dec'] = dec tab['z_spec'] = zspec tab['ra'].format = '.6f' tab['dec'].format = '.6f' tab['z_spec'].format = '.5f' tr_rows = [] for j, (fc, ec) in enumerate(zip(flux_columns, err_columns)): tab[fc] = fnu[:,j]*zp[j] tab[ec] = efnu_orig[:,j]*zp[j] tab[fc][~ok_data[:,j]] = -99. tab[ec][~ok_data[:,j]] = -99. tr_rows.append([fc, f'F{f_numbers[j]}']) tr_rows.append([ec, f'E{f_numbers[j]}']) tab[fc].format = '.3f' tab[ec].format = '.3f' tr = Table(rows=tr_rows, names=['column', 'trans']) return tab, tr
[docs] def set_template_error(self, TEF=None, compute_tef_lnp=True): """ Set the Template Error Function Parameters ---------- TEF : `eazy.templates.TemplateError` or None If not specified, read from `params['TEMP_ERR_FILE']` and scale by `params['TEMP_ERR_A2']`. compute_tef_lnp : bool Compute the likelihood normalization correction for the `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` function. Returns ------- Sets `TEF`, `TEFgrid` and `compute_tef_lnp` attributes """ if TEF is None: TEF = templates_module.TemplateError(self.param['TEMP_ERR_FILE'], filter_wavelengths=self.pivot, scale=self.param['TEMP_ERR_A2']) self.TEF = TEF self.TEFgrid = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NFILT), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for i in range(self.NZ): self.TEFgrid[i,:] = self.TEF(self.zgrid[i]) # lnP term for TEF if compute_tef_lnp: self.compute_tef_lnp(in_place=True)
[docs] def set_sys_err(self, positive=True, in_place=True): """ Include systematic error in uncertainties from `param['SYS_ERR']`. Parameters ---------- positive : bool Only apply for positive fluxes in `fnu` attribute. in_place : bool Set `efnu` attribute. Or if False, return array as below. Returns ------- efnu : array Full uncertainty: :math:`\mathrm{efnu}^2 = \mathrm{efnu\_orig}^2 + (\mathrm{SYS\_ERR}*\mathrm{fnu})^2` """ if positive: efnu = np.sqrt(self.efnu_orig**2 + (self.param['SYS_ERR']*np.maximum(self.fnu, 0.))**2) else: efnu = np.sqrt(self.efnu_orig**2 + (self.param['SYS_ERR']*self.fnu)**2) if self.param['VERBOSITY'] > 0: print(f"Set sys_err = {self.param['SYS_ERR']:.02f} (positive={positive})") if in_place: self.efnu = efnu.astype(self.ARRAY_DTYPE) else: return efnu.astype(self.ARRAY_DTYPE)
[docs] def set_ok_data(self): """ Determine valid catalog data: - Positive uncertainties - Finite flux densities and uncertainties (`numpy.isfinite`) - Flux densities greater than ``NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD`` parameter Returns ------- nusefilt : array-like Number of valid filters per object. Also sets the following attributes: - `ok_data` : boolean array with dimensions ``(NOBJ, NFILT)`` - `nusefilt` : number of valid filters - `lc_reddest` : Pivot wavelength of reddest valid filter """ self.ok_data = ((self.efnu > 0) & (self.fnu > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) & np.isfinite(self.fnu) & np.isfinite(self.efnu)) self.fnu[~self.ok_data] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9 self.efnu[~self.ok_data] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9 self.nusefilt = self.ok_data.sum(axis=1) self.lc_reddest = np.max(self.ok_data*self.pivot, axis=1) return self.nusefilt
[docs] def set_zgrid(self): """ Set `zgrid` and `trdz` attributes from `Z_MIN`, `Z_MAX`, `Z_STEP`, and `Z_STEP_TYPE` parameters """ zr = [self.param['Z_MIN'], self.param['Z_MAX']] if self.param['Z_STEP_TYPE'] == 0: self.zgrid = np.arange(*zr, self.param['Z_STEP'], dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) elif self.param['Z_STEP_TYPE'] == 1: self.zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr=zr, dz=self.param['Z_STEP']).astype(self.ARRAY_DTYPE) #self.NZ = len(self.zgrid) self.trdz = utils.trapz_dx(self.zgrid)
[docs] def prior_beta(self, w1=1350, w2=1800, dw=100, sample=None, width_params={'k':-5, 'z_split':4, 'sigma0':20, 'sigma1':0.5, 'center':-1.5}): """ Prior on UV slope β to disfavor red low-z galaxies put at z>4 with unphysically-red colors. Beta is defined here as the logarithmic slope between two filters with width `dw` evaluated at wavelengths `w1` and `w2`, set closer to the Lyman break than the usual definition to handle cases at z > 10 where the slope might be constrained by only a single filter. To evaluate the prior, the likelihood of the observed β(z) is computed from a normal distribution with redshift-dependent width set by a logistic function that has width `sigma0` at z < `z_split` and `sigma1` otherwise. `center` specifies the middle of the beta distribution. The prior function is the **cumulative probability P(>β)** for each object at each redshift grid point. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = -5 z_split = 4 sigma0 = 20 sigma1 = 0.5 center = -1.5 zgrid = np.arange(0.1, 6, 0.010) sigma_beta_z = 1./(1+np.exp(-k*(zgrid - z_split)))*sigma0 sigma_beta_z += sigma1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) ax.plot(zgrid, zgrid*0+center, color='k') ax.fill_between(zgrid, center-sigma_beta_z, center+sigma_beta_z, color='k', alpha=0.1) for k in [-2, -5, -8]: sigma_beta_z = 1./(1+np.exp(-k*(zgrid - z_split)))*sigma0 sigma_beta_z += sigma1 ax.plot(zgrid, center+sigma_beta_z, label=f'k = {k}') ax.legend() ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel('redshift') ax.set_ylabel('UV slope beta prior') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) Parameters ---------- w1, w2 : float Rest wavelength of blue and red "filters" for computing UV slope dw : float Width of tophat filters sample : array Boolean or index array for computing only a subset of objects in the catalog width_params : dict Parameters of the prior Returns ------- p_beta : array (NOBJ, NZ) Linear prior probability """ from scipy.stats import norm as normal_distribution wx = np.arange(-0.7*dw, 0.7*dw) wy = wx*0. wy[np.abs(wx) <= dw/2.] = 1 f1 = filters_code.FilterDefinition(wave=wx+w1, throughput=wy) f2 = filters_code.FilterDefinition(wave=wx+w2, throughput=wy) y1 = [t.integrate_filter(f1, flam=True) for t in self.templates] y2 = [t.integrate_filter(f2, flam=True) for t in self.templates] ln_beta_x = np.log([w1, w2]) beta_y = np.array([y1, y2]).T if sample is not None: fit_beta_y =[sample,:,:], beta_y) else: fit_beta_y =, beta_y) ln_fit_beta_y = np.log(fit_beta_y) out_beta_y = (np.squeeze(np.diff(ln_fit_beta_y, axis=2)) / np.diff(ln_beta_x)[0]) # Width of beta distribution, logistic #k = -5 wi = {'k':-5, 'z_split':4, 'sigma0':100, 'sigma1':1, 'center':-1.5} for k in width_params: wi[k] = width_params[k] sigma_z = 1./(1+np.exp(-wi['k']*(self.zgrid - wi['z_split']))) sigma_z = sigma_z*wi['sigma0'] + wi['sigma1'] p_beta = np.zeros_like(out_beta_y) for i in range(self.NZ): n_i = normal_distribution(loc=wi['center'], scale=sigma_z[i]) p_beta[:,i] = (1 - n_i.cdf(out_beta_y[:,i])) return p_beta
[docs] @staticmethod def read_prior(zgrid=None, prior_file='templates/prior_F160W_TAO.dat', prior_floor=1.e-2, **kwargs): """ Read an eazy apparent magnitude prior file Parameters ---------- zgrid : array-like Redshift grid prior_file : str Filename prior_floor : float Forced minimum of (normalized) prior Returns ------- prior_mags : array, (M) Apparent magnitudes of the prior grid for *M* mags prior_data : array, (NZ, M) Linear :math:`P(m, z)` .. plot:: :include-source: # Show the prior import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from eazy import utils, photoz zgrid = utils.log_zgrid((0.001, 7), 0.01) path = utils.path_to_eazy_data() prior_file = os.path.join(path, 'templates/prior_F160W_TAO.dat') prior_mags, prior_data = photoz.PhotoZ.read_prior(zgrid=zgrid, prior_file=prior_file, prior_floor=1.e-2) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) for i, m in enumerate(prior_mags): if (m > 28.1) | (m - np.floor(m) > 0.1): continue ax.plot(np.log(1+zgrid), prior_data[:,i], label=f'm = {m:.1f}', for m_i in np.arange(26.2, 26.9, 0.2): prior_m = photoz.PhotoZ._get_prior_mag(m_i, prior_mags, prior_data) ax.plot(np.log(1+zgrid), prior_m, color='k', linewidth=1, label=f'{m_i:.1f}', alpha=0.2) xt = np.arange(0,7.1,1) ax.set_xticks(np.log(1+xt)) ax.set_xticklabels(xt.astype(int)) ax.set_xlim(0, np.log(8)) ax.grid() ax.legend(ncol=3, fontsize=8, title=os.path.basename(prior_file)) ax.set_xlabel('redshift') ax.set_ylabel('Mag prior') ax.semilogy() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) """ prior_raw = np.loadtxt(prior_file) prior_header = open(prior_file).readline() prior_mags = np.cast[float](prior_header.split()[2:]) NZ = len(zgrid) prior_data = np.zeros((NZ, len(prior_mags))) for i in range(prior_data.shape[1]): prior_data[:,i] = np.interp(zgrid, prior_raw[:,0], prior_raw[:,i+1], left=0., right=0.) prior_data /= np.trapz(prior_data, zgrid, axis=0) prior_data += prior_floor prior_data /= np.trapz(prior_data, zgrid, axis=0) return prior_mags, prior_data
@staticmethod def _get_prior_mag(mag, prior_mags, prior_data): """ Evaluate apparent magnitude prior Parameters ---------- mag : array-like Apparent magnitude Returns ------- prior : array-like Evaluated prior """ mag_clip = np.clip(mag, prior_mags[0], prior_mags[-1]-0.02) mag_ix = np.interp(mag_clip, prior_mags, np.arange(len(prior_mags))) int_mag_ix = int(np.floor(mag_ix)) f = mag_ix-int_mag_ix prior =[:,int_mag_ix:int_mag_ix+2], [1-f, f]) return prior
[docs] def set_prior(self, verbose=True): """ Read `param['PRIOR_FILE']` Sets `prior_mags`, `prior_data`, `prior_mag_cat`, `full_logprior` attributes """ if not os.path.exists(self.param['PRIOR_FILE']): msg = 'PRIOR_FILE ({0}) not found!' warnings.warn(msg.format(self.param['PRIOR_FILE']), AstropyUserWarning) return False # prior_raw = np.loadtxt(self.param['PRIOR_FILE']) # prior_header = open(self.param['PRIOR_FILE']).readline() # # self.prior_mags = np.cast[float](prior_header.split()[2:]) # self.prior_data = np.zeros((self.NZ, len(self.prior_mags))) # # for i in range(self.prior_data.shape[1]): # self.prior_data[:,i] = np.interp(self.zgrid, prior_raw[:,0], # prior_raw[:,i+1], # left=0, right=0) # # self.prior_data /= np.trapz(self.prior_data, self.zgrid, axis=0) # # if 'PRIOR_FLOOR' in self.param.param_names: # prior_floor = self.param['PRIOR_FLOOR'] # self.prior_data += prior_floor # self.prior_data /= np.trapz(self.prior_data, self.zgrid, axis=0) self.prior_mags, self.prior_data = self.read_prior(zgrid=self.zgrid, **self.param.kwargs) if isinstance(self.param['PRIOR_FILTER'], str): ix = self.flux_columns.index(self.param['PRIOR_FILTER']) ix = np.arange(self.NFILT) == ix else: ix = self.f_numbers == int(self.param['PRIOR_FILTER']) if ix.sum() == 0: msg = 'PRIOR_FILTER ({0}) not found in the catalog!' warnings.warn(msg.format(self.param['PRIOR_FILTER']), AstropyUserWarning) self.prior_mag_cat = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE)-1 else: self.prior_mag_cat = self.param['PRIOR_ABZP'] self.prior_mag_cat += -2.5*np.log10(np.squeeze(self.fnu[:,ix])) self.prior_mag_cat[~np.isfinite(self.prior_mag_cat)] = -1 for i in range(self.NOBJ): if self.prior_mag_cat[i] > 0: #print(i) pz = self._get_prior_mag(self.prior_mag_cat[i], self.prior_mags, self.prior_data) self.full_logprior[i,:] = np.log(pz) if verbose: print('Read PRIOR_FILE: ', self.param['PRIOR_FILE'])
[docs] def iterate_zp_templates(self, idx=None, update_templates=True, update_zeropoints=True, iter=0, n_proc=4, save_templates=False, error_residuals=False, prior=True, get_spatial_offset=False, spatial_offset_keys={'apply':True}, **kwargs): """ Iterative detemination of zeropoint corrections """ self.fit_catalog(idx=idx, n_proc=n_proc, prior=prior) if error_residuals: self.error_residuals() if idx is not None: selection = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=bool) selection[idx] = True else: selection = None label = '{0}_zp_{1:03d}'.format(self.param['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'], iter) fig = self.residuals(update_zeropoints=update_zeropoints, ref_filter=int(self.param['PRIOR_FILTER']), selection=selection, update_templates=update_templates, full_label=label, **kwargs) fig_file = '{0}.png'.format(label) fig.savefig(fig_file) if get_spatial_offset: self.spatial_statistics(catalog_mask=selection, output_suffix='_{0:03d}'.format(iter), **spatial_offset_keys) if save_templates: self.save_templates()
[docs] def zphot_zspec(self, selection=None, min_zphot=0.02, zmin=0, zmax=4, include_errors=True, **kwargs): """ Make zphot - zspec comparison plot """ clip = (self.zbest > min_zphot) clip &= (self.ZSPEC > zmin) & (self.ZSPEC <= zmax) if selection is not None: clip &= selection if include_errors: zlimits = self.pz_percentiles(percentiles=[16,84], oversample=5, selection=clip) else: zlimits = None fig = utils.zphot_zspec(self.zbest, self.ZSPEC, zlimits=zlimits, selection=selection, min_zphot=min_zphot, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def save_templates(self, prefix='corr_', ext=None, format=None, overwrite=True, make_param=True): """ Write scaled versions of the templates to files, including a templates definition file """ import shutil pardir = os.path.dirname(self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE']) parfile = os.path.basename(self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE']) new_files = [] for i, templ in enumerate(self.templates): tab = templ.to_table() templ_file = os.path.join('{0}/{1}{2}'.format(pardir, prefix, new_files.append(templ_file) if ext is not None: templ_file += ext print('Save modified template {0}'.format(templ_file)) file_ext = templ_file.split('.')[-1] if (file_ext in ['dat', 'txt']) & (format is None): fmt = 'ascii.commented_header' else: fmt = format if format is not None: tab.write(templ_file, format=format, overwrite=overwrite) else: tab.write(templ_file, overwrite=overwrite) if make_param: new_parfile = os.path.join(pardir, prefix+parfile) print(f'{parfile} >> {new_parfile}') with open(new_parfile,'w') as fp: for i, file in enumerate(new_files): fp.write(f'{i+1} {file} 1.0\n') parfits = os.path.join(pardir, parfile+'.fits') if os.path.exists(parfits): new_parfits = os.path.join(pardir, prefix+parfile+'.fits') print(f'{parfits} >> {new_parfits}') partab = partab['file'] = [os.path.basename(f) for f in new_files] partab.write(new_parfits, overwrite=True)
[docs] def fit_single_templates(self, verbose=True): """ Fit individual templates on the redshift grid """ ampl = np.zeros((self.NTEMP, self.NOBJ, self.NZ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) chi2 = np.zeros((self.NTEMP, self.NOBJ, self.NZ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) chiz = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NOBJ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) amplz = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NOBJ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for i in range(self.NTEMP): print('Process template ', i) templ_i = self.tempfilt.tempfilt[:,i,:].T for j in tqdm(range(self.NZ)): #print(j) tefz = self.TEF(self.zgrid[j]) full_err = np.sqrt(self.efnu**2+(self.fnu*tefz)**2) templ_iz = templ_i[:,j] num = (self.fnu/self.zp/full_err*self.ok_data).dot(templ_iz) den = (1./full_err*self.ok_data).dot(templ_iz**2) ampl_j = num/den amplz[j,:] = ampl_j mz = ampl_j[:,None]*templ_iz[None,:] chi = ((mz-self.fnu/self.zp)*self.ok_data)**2/full_err**2 chiz[j,:] = chi.sum(axis=1) chi2[i,:,:] = chiz.T ampl[i,:,:] = amplz.T chimin = chi2.min(axis=2).min(axis=0) if verbose: print('Compute p(z|T)') logpz = -(chi2 - chimin[None,:,None])/2 pzt = np.exp(logpz).sum(axis=0) pznorm = np.trapz(pzt, self.zgrid, axis=1) logpz -= np.log(pznorm[None,:,None]) return ampl, chi2, logpz
[docs] def fit_parallel(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Back-compatibility, the new function is `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.fit_catalog` """ warnings.warn(f'fit_parallel is deprecated, use fit_catalog', AstropyUserWarning) self.fit_catalog(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fit_catalog(self, idx=None, n_proc=4, verbose=True, get_best_fit=True, prior=False, beta_prior=False, fitter='nnls', **kwargs): """ This is the main function for fitting redshifts for a full catalog and is parallelized by fitting each redshift grid step separately. Parameters ---------- idx : array-like or None Bool or index array for of a subset of objects if you don't want to fit the full catalog. n_proc : int The catalog fit is parallelized by precomputing the `~eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid` photometry and `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` function at each redshift in the and deriving the fit coefficients and chi2 for all objects at that redshift. Number of parallel processes to use. If 0, then run in serial mode. verbose : bool Some control of status messages get_best_fit : bool Get template coefficients at maximum-likelihood redshift after fitting. prior : bool Apply apparent magnitude prior beta_prior : bool Apply UV slope beta priorr fitter : str Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. Returns ------- Updates various attributes, like `chi2_fit`, `fit_coeffs`. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import multiprocessing as mp if 'selection' in kwargs: idx = kwargs['selection'] if idx is None: idx_fit = self.idx selection = self.idx > -1 else: if idx.dtype == bool: idx_fit = self.idx[idx] selection = idx else: idx_fit = idx selection = None # Setup fnu_corr = self.fnu[idx_fit,:]*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_corr = self.efnu[idx_fit,:]*self.ext_redden*self.zp missing = self.fnu[idx_fit,:] < self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] efnu_corr[missing] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. t0 = time.time() if (n_proc == 0) | (mp.cpu_count() == 1): # Serial by redshift np_check = 1 for iz, z in tqdm(enumerate(self.zgrid)): _res = fit_by_redshift(iz, self.zgrid[iz], self.tempfilt(self.zgrid[iz]), fnu_corr, efnu_corr, self.TEF(z), self.zp, self.param.params['VERBOSITY'], fitter) self.chi2_fit[idx_fit,iz] = _res[1] self.fit_coeffs[idx_fit,iz,:] = _res[2] else: # With multiprocessing if n_proc < 0: np_check = mp.cpu_count() else: np_check = np.minimum(mp.cpu_count(), n_proc) pool = mp.Pool(processes=np_check) jobs = [pool.apply_async(fit_by_redshift, (iz, z, self.tempfilt(self.zgrid[iz]), fnu_corr, efnu_corr, self.TEF(z), self.zp, self.param.params['VERBOSITY'], fitter) ) for iz, z in enumerate(self.zgrid)] pool.close() # Gather results for res in tqdm(jobs): iz, chi2, coeffs = res.get(timeout=MULTIPROCESSING_TIMEOUT) self.chi2_fit[idx_fit,iz] = chi2 self.fit_coeffs[idx_fit,iz,:] = coeffs # Compute maximum likelihood redshift zml if get_best_fit: if verbose: print('Compute best fits') self.fit_at_zbest(zbest=None, prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior) else: self.compute_lnp(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior) t1 = time.time() if verbose: msg = 'Fit {0:.1f} s (n_proc={1}, NOBJ={2})' print(msg.format(t1-t0, np_check, len(idx_fit)))
def _fit_at_redshift(self, iobj, z=None, fitter='nnls'): """ Fit template coefficeints at a single redshift .. note :: Implemented but not used """ fnu_i = np.squeeze(self.fnu[iobj, :])*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_i = np.squeeze(self.efnu[iobj,:])*self.ext_redden*self.zp ok_band = (fnu_i/self.zp > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) ok_band &= (efnu_i/self.zp > 0) efnu_i[~ok_band] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. tef_i = self.TEF(z) A = np.squeeze(self.tempfilt(z)) chi2_i, coeffs_i, fmodel, draws = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, tef_i, self.zp, 0, fitter) return chi2_i, coeffs_i, fmodel def _fit_on_zgrid(self, iobj, fitter='nnls'): """ Fit a single object on the redshift grid .. note :: Implemented but not used """ chi2 = np.zeros(self.NZ, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) coeffs = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NTEMP), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for iz, z in enumerate(self.zgrid): _ = self.fit_at_redshift(iobj, z=z, fitter=fitter) chi2[iz,:], coeffs[iz] = _[:2] return iobj, chi2, coeffs
[docs] def evaluate_zml(self, prior=False, beta_prior=False, clip_wavelength=1100): """ Evaluate the maximum likelihood redshift with optional priors Parameters ---------- prior : bool Apply apparent magnitude prior beta_prior : bool Apply UV slope beta prior clip_wavelength : float Parameter for `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.compute_lnp` Returns ------- Sets `zml` attribute """ #izbest = np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) izbest = self.izbest*1 has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 #self.compute_lnp(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior, # clip_wavelength=clip_wavelength) self.zml, _lnpmax = self.get_maxlnp_redshift(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior, clip_wavelength=clip_wavelength) self.zml[~has_chi2] = -1 self.ZML_WITH_PRIOR = prior self.ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR = beta_prior
[docs] def fit_at_zbest(self, zbest=None, prior=False, beta_prior=False, get_err=False, clip_wavelength=1100, fitter='nnls', selection=None, n_proc=0, par_skip=10000, recompute_zml=True, **kwargs): """ Recompute the fit coefficients at the "best" redshift. If `zbest` not specified, then will fit at the maximum likelihood redshift from the `zml` attribute. """ import multiprocessing as mp #izbest = np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) izbest = self.izbest*1 has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 self.get_err = get_err self.zbest_grid = self.zgrid[izbest] #self.chi_best if zbest is None: if (self.zml is None): recompute_zml |= True else: # Recompute if prior options changed recompute_zml |= prior is not self.ZML_WITH_PRIOR recompute_zml |= beta_prior is not self.ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR if recompute_zml: self.evaluate_zml(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior) self.ZPHOT_USER = False # user did *not* specify zbest self.zbest = self.zml else: self.zbest = zbest self.ZPHOT_USER = True # user *did* specify zbest if ((self.param['FIX_ZSPEC'] in utils.TRUE_VALUES) & ('z_spec' in has_zsp = self.ZSPEC > self.zgrid[0] self.zbest[has_zsp] = self.ZSPEC[has_zsp] self.ZPHOT_AT_ZSPEC = True else: self.ZPHOT_AT_ZSPEC = False # Compute Risk function at z=zbest self.zbest_risk = self.compute_best_risk() fnu_corr = self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_corr = self.efnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_corr[~self.ok_data] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. subset = (self.zbest > self.zgrid[0]) & (self.zbest < self.zgrid[-1]) if selection is not None: subset &= selection idx = self.idx[subset] # Set seed np.random.seed(self.random_seed) if n_proc <= 0: np_check = np.maximum(mp.cpu_count() - 2, 1) else: np_check = np.minimum(mp.cpu_count(), n_proc) # Fit in parallel mode t0 = time.time() skip = np.maximum(len(idx)//par_skip, 1) np_check = np.minimum(np_check, skip) if get_err: get_err = self.NDRAWS if skip == 1: # Serial (pass self at end to update arrays in place) _ = _fit_at_zbest_group(idx, fnu_corr[idx,:], efnu_corr[idx,:], self.zbest[idx], self.zp*1, get_err, fitter, self.tempfilt, self.TEF, self.ARRAY_DTYPE, None) _ix, _coeffs_best, _fmodel, _efmodel, _chi2_best, _cdraws = _ self.coeffs_best[_ix,:] = _coeffs_best self.fmodel[_ix,:] = _fmodel self.efmodel[_ix,:] = _efmodel self.chi2_best[_ix] = _chi2_best if get_err: self.coeffs_draws[_ix,:,:] = _cdraws else: # Multiprocessing pool = mp.Pool(processes=np_check) jobs = [pool.apply_async(_fit_at_zbest_group, (idx[i::skip], fnu_corr[idx[i::skip],:], efnu_corr[idx[i::skip],:], self.zbest[idx[i::skip]], self.zp*1, get_err, fitter, self.tempfilt, self.TEF, self.ARRAY_DTYPE, None)) for i in range(skip)] pool.close() pool.join() for res in jobs: _ = res.get(timeout=MULTIPROCESSING_TIMEOUT) _ix, _coeffs_best, _fmodel, _efmodel, _chi2_best, _cdraws = _ self.coeffs_best[_ix,:] = _coeffs_best self.fmodel[_ix,:] = _fmodel self.efmodel[_ix,:] = _efmodel self.chi2_best[_ix] = _chi2_best if get_err: self.coeffs_draws[_ix,:,:] = _cdraws t1 = time.time() print(f'fit_best: {t1-t0:.1f} s (n_proc={np_check}, ' f' NOBJ={subset.sum()})')
[docs] def error_residuals(self, level=1, verbose=True): """ Force error bars to touch the best-fit model """ if verbose: print('`error_residuals`: force uncertainties to match residuals') self.set_sys_err(positive=True, in_place=True) # residual r = np.abs(self.fmodel - self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp) # Update where residual larger than uncertainty upd = (self.efnu > 0) & (self.fnu > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) upd &= (r > level*self.efnu) & (self.fmodel > 0) upd &= np.isfinite(self.fnu) & np.isfinite(self.efnu) self.error_residuals_update = upd self.efnu[upd] = r[upd]/level #np.sqrt(var_new[upd])
def _check_uncertainties(self, apply_correction=False): """ Trying to recalibrate uncertainties based on full catalog fits *testing* """ import astropy.stats from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, LSQUnivariateSpline TEF_scale = 1. #izbest = np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) izbest = self.izbest*1 zbest = self.zgrid[izbest] full_err = self.efnu*0. teff_err = self.efnu*0 teff_err = self.TEF(np.maximum(self.zbest[:,None], self.zgrid[1])) resid = (self.fmodel - self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp)/self.fmodel self.efnu_i = self.efnu_orig*1 eresid = np.sqrt((self.efnu_i/self.fmodel)**2+self.param.params['SYS_ERR']**2 + teff_err**2) okz = (self.zbest > 0.1) & (self.zbest < 3) scale_errors = self.pivot*0. for ifilt in range(self.NFILT): iok = okz & (self.efnu_orig[:,ifilt] > 0) & (self.fnu[:,ifilt] > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) iok &= np.isfinite(resid[:,ifilt]) if iok.sum() < 10: continue # Spline interp xw = self.pivot[ifilt]/(1+self.zbest[iok]) so = np.argsort(xw) #spl = UnivariateSpline(xw[so], resid[iok,ifilt][so], w=1/np.clip(eresid[iok,ifilt][so], 0.002, 0.1), s=iok.sum()*4) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(xw[so], resid[iok,ifilt][so], np.exp(np.arange(np.log(xw.min()+100), np.log(xw.max()-100), 0.2)), w=1/eresid[iok,ifilt][so])#, s=10) nm = utils.nmad((resid[iok,ifilt]-spl(xw))/eresid[iok,ifilt]) print('{3}: {0} {1:d} {2:.2f}'.format(self.flux_columns[ifilt], self.f_numbers[ifilt], nm, ifilt)) scale_errors[ifilt] = nm if apply_correction: self.efnu_i[:,ifilt] *= nm #plt.hist(resid[iok,ifilt], bins=100, range=[-3,3], alpha=0.5) # Overall average lcz =[:, np.newaxis]), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:]) def _make_template_error_function(self, te_wave=None, log_wave=True, selection=None, optimizer=None, optimizer_args={}, in_place=False, sn_limits=[-2, 100], min_err=0.02, scale_errors=False): """ Generate a template error function based on template fit residuals *under development* """ from scipy.optimize import nnls, minimize if optimizer is None: optimizer = nnls if selection is None: selection = (self.zbest > 0.1) & (self.zbest < 5) sigma = self.efnu_orig[selection,:] if hasattr(self, 'err_scale') & scale_errors: sigma *= self.err_scale M = (self.fmodel/self.ext_redden/self.zp)[selection,:]*1 F = self.fnu[selection,:]*1 lcz =[:, np.newaxis]), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:]) lcz = lcz[selection] clip = ((M-F)**2 < 25*(sigma**2+(0.03*M)**2)) & np.isfinite(M) & np.isfinite(F) & (M > 0) & (sigma > 0) _A = np.zeros((clip.sum(), self.NFILT), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) j = 0 _r = np.zeros(clip.sum()) _m = np.zeros(clip.sum()) _w = _m*0. _ix = _A*0 for i in range(self.NFILT): print(i, j) clip_i = clip[:,i] csum = clip_i.sum() _A[j:j+csum,i] = sigma[clip_i, i]**2 _ix[j:j+csum,i] = i+1 _r[j:j+csum] = (F-M)[clip_i, i] _m[j:j+csum] = M[clip_i, i]**2 _w[j:j+csum] = lcz[clip_i, i] j += csum _y = _r**2 _N = clip.sum(axis=0) _ok = _N > 300 _Ax = np.hstack([_A[:, _ok], 0.03**2*_m[:,None]]) _NF = _ok.sum() df = 9 Aspl = bspline_templates(_w, degree=3, df=df, get_matrix=True, log=log_wave) NTEF = Aspl.shape[1] TEF0 = 0.03 #_Ax = np.hstack([(_m*(TEF0*Aspl.T)**2).T, _A[:, _ok]]) _Ax = np.hstack([_A[:, _ok], (_m*(TEF0*Aspl.T)**2).T]) RHS = _y.sum() def _objfun_nmad(scl, _Ax, _r, _NF, norm, indices, verb): val = 0. LHS = _Ax*(scl/norm)**2 sig = np.sqrt(LHS.sum(axis=1)) #val = (utils.nmad(_r/sig)-1)**2 val = 0. for ix in indices: val += (utils.nmad((_r/sig)[ix])-1)**2 #val = (RHS - (_Ax*scl/norm).sum())**2 #val += ((scl[-_NF:]-norm)**2).sum() #val += ((scl[:_NF]/norm-1)**2).sum() #val += ((scl[:]/norm-1)**2).sum()*ix.sum() if verb: print('{0} {1:.4f}'.format(scl/norm, val)) return val def _objfun_resid(scl, _Ax, _y, _NF, norm, verb): val = 0. LHS = _Ax*(scl/norm)**2 for i in range(_NF): ix = _Ax[:,i] > 0 val += (_y[ix].sum() - LHS[ix,:].sum())**2 #val = (RHS - (_Ax*scl/norm).sum())**2 #val += ((scl[-_NF:]-norm)**2).sum() #val += ((scl[:_NF]/norm-1)**2).sum() #val += ((scl[:]/norm-1)**2).sum()*ix.sum() if verb: print('{0} {1:.1f}'.format(scl/norm, val)) return val x0 = np.ones(_Ax.shape[1]) #x0[0] = 2. #x0[NTEF-2:NTEF] = 10. norm = 20. args = (_Ax, _y, _NF, norm, True) _x = minimize(_objfun_resid, x0*norm, args=args, method='COBYLA') indices = [_Ax[:,i] > 0 for i in range(_NF)] args = (_Ax, _r, _NF, norm, indices, True) _x = minimize(_objfun_nmad, x0*norm, args=args, method='COBYLA') coeffs = (_x.x/norm) tef_y =, coeffs[-NTEF:])*TEF0 LHS = _Ax*(coeffs**2) sig = np.sqrt(LHS.sum(axis=1)) sig_band = np.sqrt(LHS[:, :_NF].sum(axis=1)) _band_ix = np.where(_ok)[0] for i in range(_NF): ix = indices[i] msg = '{0:>10} {1:.3f} {2:.2f} {3:.2f}' print(msg.format(self.flux_columns[_band_ix[i]], coeffs[i], utils.nmad(_r[ix]/sig[ix]), utils.nmad(_r[ix]/sig_band[ix]))) # Normalize residuals, uncertainties by model flux E2 = ((F-M)/M)**2 - (sigma/M)**2 clip = (sigma.flatten() > 0) & np.isfinite(M.flatten()) clip &= np.isfinite(F.flatten()) clip &= (np.isfinite(E2.flatten())) & (np.abs(E2.flatten()) < 2) SN = (self.fnu[selection,:]/sigma).flatten() clip &= (SN > sn_limits[0]) & (SN < sn_limits[1]) M = M.flatten()[clip] F = F.flatten()[clip] sigma = sigma.flatten()[clip] lcz = lcz.flatten()[clip] E2 = ((F-M)/M)**2 - (sigma/M)**2 so = np.argsort(lcz) wave_inp = lcz Aspl = bspline_templates(wave_inp, degree=3, df=7, get_matrix=True, log=log_wave) # Sampled wave_samp = np.linspace(wave_inp.min(), wave_inp.max(), 1024) Asamp = bspline_templates(wave_samp, degree=3, df=7, get_matrix=True, log=log_wave) _lsq = optimizer(Aspl, E2, **optimizer_args) coeffs = _lsq[0] spline_samp = if te_wave is None: te_wave = self.TEF.te_x*1 te_y = np.interp(te_wave, wave_samp, np.maximum(spline_samp, min_err), left=spline_samp[0], right=spline_samp[-1]) if in_place: self.TEF = templates_module.TemplateError(file='internal', arrays=(te_wave, te_y), filter_wavelengths=self.pivot, scale=1.0) self.TEFgrid = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NFILT), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for i in range(self.NZ): self.TEFgrid[i,:] = self.TEF(self.zgrid[i]) return te_wave, te_y
[docs] def residuals(self, selection=None, minsn=3, resid_sig_clip=5, update_zeropoints=False, update_templates=False, ref_filter=None, correct_zp=True, n_knots=-1, use_bspline=False, logspline=True, wlimits=[1000, 3.e4], runmed_kwargs={'NBIN':16}, zpanel_kwargs={'zmin':0, 'zmax':4, 'catastrophic_limit':0.15}, full_label=None, ignore_zeropoint=False, ignore_spline=False, run_iterative=True, skip_filters=[], iterative_nsteps=3, **kwargs): """ Show residuals and compute zeropoint offsets selection=None update_zeropoints=False update_templates=False ref_filter=226 correct_zp=True NBIN=None """ import os import matplotlib as mpl import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import scipy.interpolate #import threedhst #from astroML.sum_of_norms import sum_of_norms, norm #izbest = np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) izbest = self.izbest*1 zbest = self.zgrid[izbest] fnu_i = self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp resid = (self.fmodel - fnu_i)/self.fmodel+1 valid = (zbest > self.zgrid[0]) & (zbest < self.zgrid[-1]) if selection is not None: valid &= selection idx = self.idx[valid] ## Full variance teff_err = self.TEF(np.maximum(self.zbest[:,None], self.zgrid[1])) var = fnu_i**2*(self.param.params['SYS_ERR']**2 + teff_err**2) var += (self.efnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp)**2 var *= self.ok_data inv_sig = 1/np.sqrt(var) del(var) ## Data to use sn = self.fnu/self.efnu_orig clip = (sn > minsn) & np.isfinite(inv_sig) clip &= (self.fnu > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) clip &= (resid > 0) & (self.fmodel != 0) clip &= np.isfinite(self.fnu) & np.isfinite(self.efnu) clip &= np.abs(self.fmodel - fnu_i)*inv_sig < resid_sig_clip clip[~valid,:] = False ## Helper arrays # Redshifted filter wavelengths lcz =[izbest][:, np.newaxis]), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:]) so = np.argsort(lcz[clip]) lczso = lcz[clip][so] yp, xp = np.indices(lcz.shape) xpc = xp[clip][so] del(xp) del(yp) ## Splines for template correction if n_knots < 0: n_knots = self.NFILT wlim = np.clip(wlimits, lcz[clip][so][0], lcz[clip][so][-1]) if logspline: wfunc = np.log else: wfunc = np.abs # Dummy if use_bspline: bspl = bspline_templates(wfunc(lcz[clip][so]), df=n_knots, log=False, get_matrix=True, minmax=wfunc(wlim)) else: # Gaussian knots wclip = (lczso > wlim[0]) & (lczso < wlim[1]) wi = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, n_knots), np.cumsum(np.ones(wclip.sum()))/wclip.sum(), wfunc(lczso[wclip])) dw = np.gradient(wi) bspl = gaussian_templates(wfunc(lczso), centers=wi, widths=dw) # Pedestal #bspl = np.hstack([np.ones((clip.sum(), 1)), bspl]) ## Design matrix for lstsq optimization sh = bspl.shape _A = np.hstack([np.zeros((sh[0], self.NFILT)), bspl]) for i in range(self.NFILT): if self.flux_columns[i] not in skip_filters: _A[xpc == i, i] = 1 # Iterative if run_iterative: print('Iterative correction - zeropoint / template') fmodel = self.fmodel[clip][so]*1. mask_zeropoint = np.arange(_A.shape[1]) < self.NFILT mask_spline = np.arange(_A.shape[1]) > self.NFILT _Af = _A[:,:self.NFILT].T*inv_sig[clip][so] nzf = _Af.sum(axis=1) != 0 _Af = _Af[nzf] _As = _A[:,self.NFILT:].T*inv_sig[clip][so] nzs = _As.sum(axis=1) != 0 _As = _As[nzs] #_f, _a = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) corr = np.ones_like(fmodel) zcorr = np.ones(nzf.sum()) scorr = np.ones(nzs.sum()) for _iter in range(iterative_nsteps): # Fit zeropoint _yi = (fnu_i[clip][so] - fmodel*corr)*inv_sig[clip][so] _res = np.linalg.lstsq((_Af*fmodel*corr).T, _yi, rcond=None) zcorr_i = _A[:,:self.NFILT][:,nzf].dot(_res[0]) zcorr *= (1+_res[0]) corr *= 1 + zcorr_i #print('Iterative zeropoints: ', _iter, _res[0]) # Fit spline _yi = (fnu_i[clip][so] - fmodel*corr)*inv_sig[clip][so] _res = np.linalg.lstsq((_As*fmodel*corr).T, _yi, rcond=None) scorr_i = _A[:,self.NFILT:][:,nzs].dot(_res[0]) scorr *= (1+_res[0]) corr *= 1 + scorr_i #_a.plot(lcz[clip][so], 1 + scorr_i, label=f'iter {_iter}') _yx = (fnu_i[clip][so] - fmodel*corr)*inv_sig[clip][so] _N = _A.shape[1] coeffs = np.zeros(_N) coeffs[np.arange(_N)[:self.NFILT][nzf]] += zcorr - 1 coeffs[np.arange(_N)[self.NFILT:][nzs]] += scorr - 1 #_a.semilogx() #_a.set_ylim(0.8, 1.2) else: if ref_filter is None: print('!! Warning - normalization may not be constrained with `ref_filter = None` !!') if ignore_zeropoint: _A[:, :self.NFILT] = 0. elif ignore_spline: _A[:, self.NFILT:] = 0 # weighted by uncertainties _Ax = _A.T*(self.fmodel*inv_sig)[clip][so] _yx = ((fnu_i - self.fmodel)*inv_sig)[clip][so] nonzero = _Ax.sum(axis=1) != 0 ### Least squares _res = np.linalg.lstsq(_Ax[nonzero,:].T, _yx, rcond=None) coeffs = np.zeros(len(nonzero)) coeffs[nonzero] = _res[0] # Zeropoints zp_i = 1 + coeffs[:self.NFILT] if ref_filter is None: #ref_filter = self.param['PRIOR_FILTER'] zp_ref = 1. else: if ref_filter not in self.f_numbers: raise ValueError(f'ref_filter={ref_filter} not found') zp_ref = zp_i[self.f_numbers == ref_filter][0] zp_i /= zp_ref # Spline template correction templ_wave = self.templates[0].wave if use_bspline: templ_spl = bspline_templates(wfunc(templ_wave), df=n_knots, log=False, get_matrix=True, minmax=wfunc(wlim)) else: templ_spl = gaussian_templates(templ_wave, centers=wi, widths=dw) #templ_spl = np.hstack([np.ones_like(templ_wave), templ_spl]) templ_corr = ([self.NFILT:])+1) * zp_ref if use_bspline & (not run_iterative): templ_corr[(templ_wave < wlim[0]) | (templ_wave > wlim[1])] = 1. # residuals with zeropoints _y = (fnu_i/self.fmodel)[clip][so] ####### Figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=[16,4]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 4) # Spectrum ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,:3]) ax.plot(templ_wave, templ_corr, color='k', linewidth=2, alpha=0.5, zorder=10) ax.text(0.9, -0.05, f'N={len(idx)}', ha='left', va='top', fontsize=8, transform=ax.transAxes) if full_label is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.05, full_label, ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=8, transform=ax.transAxes) cmap = cm.rainbow cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=self.NFILT-1) self.zp_delta = zp_i if correct_zp: image_corrections = self.zp*0.+1 else: image_corrections = 1/self.zp # Filters for i, ifilt in enumerate(np.argsort(self.pivot)): ix = xpc == ifilt if ix.sum() == 0: self.zp_delta[ifilt] = 1. continue color = cmap(cnorm(i)) if correct_zp: delta_i = self.zp_delta[ifilt] else: delta_i = 1. #fname = os.path.basename(self.filters[ifilt].name.split()[0]) #if fname.count('.') > 1: # fname = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) fname = self.flux_columns[ifilt] label = '{0:30s} {1:.3f}' label = label.format(fname, delta_i/image_corrections[ifilt]) _ = utils.running_median(lczso[ix], _y[ix], **runmed_kwargs) xm, ym, ys, yn = _ ax.plot(xm, ym/delta_i*image_corrections[ifilt], color=color, alpha=0.8, label=label, linewidth=2) yy = ym/delta_i*image_corrections[ifilt] ax.fill_between(xm, yy-ys/np.sqrt(yn), yy+ys/np.sqrt(yn), color=color, alpha=0.1) try: ax.plot(self.TEF.te_x, self.TEF.te_y*self.TEF.scale+1, color='pink', zorder=1001, label='TEF') except: pass ax.semilogx() ax.set_ylim(0.8,1.2) ax.set_xlim(800,8.e4) l = ax.legend(fontsize=6, ncol=5, loc='upper right', handlelength=0.4) l.set_zorder(-20) ax.grid() ax.vlines([1216., 2175, 3727, 5007, 6563.], 0.8, 1.0, linestyle='--', color='k', zorder=-18) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda_\mathrm{rest}$') ax.set_ylabel('data / template') ## zphot-zspec dz = (self.zbest-self.ZSPEC)/(1+self.ZSPEC) clip = (izbest > 0) & (self.ZSPEC > 0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,-1]) utils.zphot_zspec(self.zbest, self.ZSPEC, axes=[ax], selection=valid, **zpanel_kwargs) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) # update zeropoints in self.zp if update_zeropoints: ref_ix = self.f_numbers == ref_filter self.zp /= self.zp_delta/self.zp_delta[ref_ix] self.zp[self.zp_delta == 1] = 1. # corrected templates if update_templates: print('Reprocess corrected templates') #w_best, locs, widths, xmin, xmax = self.tnorm for templ in self.templates: #templ = self.templates[itemp] templ_wave = templ.wave if use_bspline: templ_spl = bspline_templates(wfunc(templ_wave), df=n_knots, log=False, get_matrix=True, minmax=wfunc(wlim)) else: templ_spl = gaussian_templates(templ_wave, centers=wi, widths=dw) #templ_spl = np.hstack([np.ones_like(templ_wave), templ_spl]) templ_corr = ([self.NFILT:]) + 1) * zp_ref templ_corr[templ.wave < wlim[0]] = 1. templ_corr[templ.wave > wlim[1]] = 1. # Apply correction to template templ.flux *= templ_corr # Recompute filter fluxes from tweaked templates self.tempfilt = TemplateGrid(self.zgrid, self.templates, RES=self.RES, f_numbers=self.f_numbers, add_igm=self.param['IGM_SCALE_TAU'], galactic_ebv=self.MW_EBV, Eb=self.param['SCALE_2175_BUMP'], n_proc=0, cosmology=self.cosmology, array_dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) return fig
[docs] def write_zeropoint_file(self, file='zphot.zeropoint.x'): fp = open(file,'w') for i in range(self.NFILT): fp.write('F{0:<3d} {1:.6f} # {2}\n'.format(self.f_numbers[i], self.zp[i], self.flux_columns[i])) fp.close()
[docs] def show_fit(self, id, id_is_idx=False, zshow=None, show_fnu=0, get_spec=False, xlim=[0.3, 9], show_components=False, show_redshift_draws=False, draws_cmap=None, ds9=None, ds9_sky=True, add_label=True, showpz=0.6, logpz=False, zr=None, axes=None, template_color='#1f77b4', figsize=[8,4], ndraws=100, fitter='nnls', show_missing=True, maglim=None, show_prior=False, show_stars=False, delta_chi2_stars=-20, max_stars=3, show_upperlimits=True, snr_thresh=2., with_tef=True, **kwargs): """ Make plot of SED and p(z) of a single object Parameters ---------- id : int Object ID corresponding to columns in `self.OBJID`. Or if `id_is_idx` is set to True, then is zero-index of the desired object in the catalog array. id_is_idx : bool See `id`. zshow : None, float If a value is supplied, compute the best-fit SED at this redshift, rather than the value in the `self.zbest` array attribute. show_fnu : bool, int - 0: make plots in f-lambda units of 1e-19 erg/s/cm2/A. - 1: plot f-nu units of uJy - 2: plot "nu-Fnu" units of uJy/micron. get_spec : bool If True, just return the SED data rather than make a plot xlim : list Wavelength limits to plot, in microns. show_components : bool Show all of the individual SED components, along with their combination. show_redshift_draws : bool Show templates at different redshifts drawn from the PDF draws_cmap : color map Color map for `show_reshift_draws=True`, defaults to ``. showpz : bool, float Include p(z) panel. If a float, then scale the p(z) panel by a factor of `showpz` relative to half of the full plot width. logpz : bool Logarithmic p(z) plot zr : None or [z0, z1] Range of redshifts to show in p(z) panel. If None, then show the full range in `self.zgrid`. axes : None or list If provided, draw the SED and p(z) panels into the provided axes. If just one axis is provided, then just plot the SED. template_color : color Something `matplotlib` recognizes as a color figsize : (float, float) Figure size ndraws : int Number of random draws for template coefficient uncertainties fitter : str Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. show_missing : bool Show points for "missing" data maglim : (float, float) AB magnitude limits for second axis if ``show_fnu=1``. show_prior : bool Show the apparent magnitude prior on the p(z) panel show_stars : bool Show stellar template fits given `delta_chi2_stars` delta_chi2_stars : float Show stellar templates where ``star_chi2 - gal_chi2 < delta_chi2_stars`` where ``gal_chi2`` is the chi-squared value from the galaxy template fit at the plotted redshift. max_stars : int Maximum number of stars to show that satisfy `delta_chi2_stars` threshold show_upper_limits : bool If False, the upper limit errorbar measurements will not be shown. snr_thresh : float Sets the threshold in SNR required for a detection. This doesn't affect anything related to the fits but non-detections are plotted in a lighter color. with_tef : bool Plot uncertainties including template error function at z. Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object data : dict Dictionary of fit data (photometry, best-fit template, etc.) +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Key | Description | +===============+==============================================+ | ix | catalog index | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | id | object id | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | z | redshift (see `zshow`) | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | z_spec | spectroscopic redshift | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | pivot | pivot wavelengths of filter bandpasses | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | model | best-fit template flux densities | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | emodel | uncertainties on model from fit covariance | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | fobs | observed photometry | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | efobs | observed uncertainties (sys_err but not TEF) | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | valid | fobs/efobs indicate valid data | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | tef | TEF evaluated at `z` | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | templz | observed-frame wavelength of full template | | | spectrum | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | templf | flux density of best-fit template | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | show_fnu | `show_fnu` as passed | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | flux_unit | units of flux density data | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | wave_unit | units of wavelength data | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | chi2 | :math:`\chi^2` of the best-fit template | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | coeffs | template coefficients | +---------------+----------------------------------------------+ """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz import astropy.units as u from cycler import cycler global IGM_OBJECT if id_is_idx: ix = id else: ix = self.idx[self.OBJID == id][0] if hasattr(self, 'h5file'): _data = self.get_object_data(ix) z, fnu_i, efnu_i, ra_i, dec_i, chi2_i, zspec_i, ok_i = _data lnp_i = -0.5*(chi2_i - np.nanmin(chi2_i)) log_prior_i = np.ones(self.NZ) else: z = self.zbest[ix] fnu_i = self.fnu[ix, :] efnu_i = self.efnu[ix,:] ra_i = self.RA[ix] dec_i = self.DEC[ix] lnp_i = self.lnp[ix,:] log_prior_i = self.full_logprior[ix,:].flatten() chi2_i = self.chi2_fit[ix,:] zspec_i = self.ZSPEC[ix] ok_i = self.ok_data[ix,:] if zshow is not None: z = zshow if ds9 is not None: pan = ds9.get('pan fk5') if pan == '0 0': ds9_sky = False if ds9_sky: #for c in ['ra','RA','x_world']: pan = 'pan to {0} {1} fk5' ds9.set(pan.format(ra_i, dec_i)) else: pan = 'pan to {0} {1}' ds9.set(pan.format([self.fixed_cols['x']][ix],[self.fixed_cols['y']][ix])) ## SED fnu_i = np.squeeze(fnu_i)*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_i = np.squeeze(efnu_i)*self.ext_redden*self.zp ok_band = (fnu_i/self.zp > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) ok_band &= (efnu_i/self.zp > 0) efnu_i[~ok_band] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. ## Evaluate coeffs at specified redshift tef_i = self.TEF(z) A = np.squeeze(self.tempfilt(z)) chi2_i, coeffs_i, fmodel, draws = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, tef_i, self.zp, ndraws, fitter) if draws is None: efmodel = 0 else: efmodel = np.percentile(, A), [16,84], axis=0) efmodel = np.squeeze(np.diff(efmodel, axis=0)/2.) ## Full SED templ = self.templates[0] tempflux = np.zeros((self.NTEMP, templ.wave.shape[0]), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for i in range(self.NTEMP): zargs = {'z':z, 'redshift_type':TEMPLATE_REDSHIFT_TYPE} fnu = self.templates[i].flux_fnu(**zargs)*self.tempfilt.scale[i] try: tempflux[i, :] = fnu except: tempflux[i, :] = np.interp(templ.wave, self.templates[i].wave, fnu) templz = templ.wave*(1+z) if self.tempfilt.add_igm: igmz = templ.wave*0.+1 lyman = templ.wave < 1300 igmz[lyman] = IGM_OBJECT.full_IGM(z, templz[lyman]) else: igmz = 1. templf =, tempflux)*igmz if draws is not None: templf_draws =, tempflux)*igmz fnu_factor = 10**(-0.4*(self.param['PRIOR_ABZP']+48.6)) if show_fnu: if show_fnu == 2: templz_power = -1 flam_spec = 1.e29/(templz/1.e4) flam_sed = 1.e29/self.ext_corr/(self.pivot/1.e4) ylabel = (r'$f_\nu / \lambda$ [$\mu$Jy / $\mu$m]') flux_unit = u.uJy / u.micron else: templz_power = 0 flam_spec = 1.e29 flam_sed = 1.e29/self.ext_corr ylabel = (r'$f_\nu$ [$\mu$Jy]') flux_unit = u.uJy else: templz_power = -2 flam_spec = utils.CLIGHT*1.e10/templz**2/1.e-19 flam_sed = utils.CLIGHT*1.e10/self.pivot**2/self.ext_corr/1.e-19 ylabel = (r'$f_\lambda [10^{-19}$ erg/s/cm$^2$]') flux_unit = 1.e-19*u.erg/u.s/**2/u.AA try: data = OrderedDict(ix=ix, id=self.OBJID[ix], z=z, z_spec=zspec_i, pivot=self.pivot, model=fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, emodel=efmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, fobs=fnu_i*fnu_factor*flam_sed, efobs=efnu_i*fnu_factor*flam_sed, valid=ok_i, tef=tef_i, templz=templz, templf=templf*fnu_factor*flam_spec, show_fnu=show_fnu*1, flux_unit=flux_unit, wave_unit=u.AA, chi2=chi2_i, coeffs=coeffs_i) except: data = None ## Just return the data if get_spec: return data ###### Make the plot if axes is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if showpz: fig_axes = GridSpec(1,2,width_ratios=[1,showpz]) else: fig_axes = GridSpec(1,1,width_ratios=[1]) ax = fig.add_subplot(fig_axes[0]) else: fig = None fig_axes = None ax = axes[0] ax.scatter(self.pivot/1.e4, fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, color='w', label=None, zorder=1, s=120, marker='o') ax.scatter(self.pivot/1.e4, fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, marker='o', color=template_color, label=None, zorder=2, s=50, alpha=0.8) if draws is not None: ax.errorbar(self.pivot/1.e4, fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, efmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed, alpha=0.8, color=template_color, zorder=2, marker='None', linestyle='None', label=None) # Missing data missing = (fnu_i < self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) missing |= (efnu_i < 0) # Detection sn2_detection = (~missing) & (fnu_i/efnu_i > snr_thresh) # S/N < 2 sn2_not = (~missing) & (fnu_i/efnu_i <= snr_thresh) # Uncertainty with TEF if with_tef: err_tef = np.sqrt(efnu_i**2+(tef_i*fnu_i)**2) else: err_tef = efnu_i*1 ax.errorbar(self.pivot[sn2_detection]/1.e4, (fnu_i*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_detection], (err_tef*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_detection], color='k', marker='s', linestyle='None', label=None, zorder=10) if show_upperlimits: ax.errorbar(self.pivot[sn2_not]/1.e4, (fnu_i*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_not], (efnu_i*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_not], color='k', marker='s', alpha=0.4, linestyle='None', label=None) pl = ax.plot(templz/1.e4, templf*fnu_factor*flam_spec, alpha=0.5, zorder=-1, color=template_color, label='z={0:.2f}'.format(z)) if show_components: colors = ['#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf'] for i in range(self.NTEMP): if coeffs_i[i] != 0: pi = ax.plot(templz/1.e4, coeffs_i[i]*tempflux[i,:]*igmz*fnu_factor*flam_spec, alpha=0.5, zorder=-1, label=self.templates[i].name.split('.dat')[0], color=colors[i % len(colors)]) elif show_redshift_draws: if draws_cmap is None: draws_cmap = # Draw random values from p(z) pz = np.exp(lnp_i).flatten() pzcum = cumtrapz(pz, x=self.zgrid) if show_redshift_draws == 1: nzdraw = 100 else: nzdraw = show_redshift_draws*1 rvs = np.random.rand(nzdraw) zdraws = np.interp(rvs, pzcum, self.zgrid[1:]) for zi in zdraws: Az = np.squeeze(self.tempfilt(zi)) chi2_zi, coeffs_zi, fmodelz, __ = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, Az, self.TEF(zi), self.zp, 0, fitter) c_i = np.interp(zi, self.zgrid, np.arange(self.NZ)/self.NZ) templzi = templ.wave*(1+zi) if self.tempfilt.add_igm: igmz = templ.wave*0.+1 lyman = templ.wave < 1300 igmz[lyman] = IGM_OBJECT.full_IGM(zi, templzi[lyman]) else: igmz = 1. templfz =, tempflux)*igmz templfz *= flam_spec * (templz / templzi)**templz_power plz = ax.plot(templzi/1.e4, templfz*fnu_factor, alpha=np.maximum(0.1, 1./nzdraw), zorder=-1, color=draws_cmap(c_i)) if draws is not None: templf_width = np.percentile(templf_draws*fnu_factor*flam_spec, [16,84], axis=0) ax.fill_between(templz/1.e4, templf_width[0,:], templf_width[1,:], color=pl[0].get_color(), alpha=0.1, label=None) if show_stars & (not hasattr(self, 'star_chi2')): print('`star_chi2` attribute not found, run `fit_phoenix_stars`.') elif show_stars & hasattr(self, 'star_chi2'): # if __name__ == '__main__': # # debug # ix = _[1]['ix'] # chi2_i = self.chi2_noprior[ix] # ax = _[0].axes[0] delta_chi2 = self.star_chi2[ix,:] - chi2_i good_stars = delta_chi2 < delta_chi2_stars good_stars &= (self.star_chi2[ix,:] - self.star_chi2[ix,:].min() < 100) if good_stars.sum() == 0: msg = 'Min delta_chi2 = {0:.1f} ({1})' sname = self.star_templates[np.argmin(delta_chi2)].name print(msg.format(delta_chi2.min(), sname)) else: # dummy for cycler ax.plot(np.inf, np.inf) star_models = self.star_tnorm[ix,:] * self.star_flux so = np.argsort(self.pivot) order = np.where(good_stars)[0] order = order[np.argsort(delta_chi2[order])] for si in order[:max_stars]: label = self.star_templates[si].name.strip('bt-settl_') label = '{0} {1:5.1f}'.format(label.replace('_', ' '), delta_chi2[si]) print(label) ax.plot(self.pivot[so]/1.e4, (star_models[:,si]*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[so], marker='o', alpha=0.5, label=label) if __name__ == '__main__': ax.legend() if axes is None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if sn2_detection.sum() > 0: ymax = (fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_detection].max() else: ymax = (fmodel*fnu_factor*flam_sed).max() if np.isfinite(ymax): ax.set_ylim(-0.1*ymax, 1.2*ymax) ax.set_xlim(xlim) xt = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 160, 500])*1.e4 ax.semilogx() valid_ticks = (xt > xlim[0]*1.e4) & (xt < xlim[1]*1.e4) if valid_ticks.sum() > 0: xt = xt[valid_ticks] ax.set_xticks(xt/1.e4) ax.set_xticklabels(xt/1.e4) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda_\mathrm{obs}$') ax.grid() if add_label: txt = '{0}\nID={1}' txt = txt.format(self.param['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'], self.OBJID[ix]) #, self.prior_mag_cat[ix]) ax.text(0.95, 0.95, txt, ha='right', va='top', fontsize=7, transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5), zorder=10) ax.legend(fontsize=7, loc='upper left') # Optional mag scaling if show_fnu = 1 for uJy if (maglim is not None) & (show_fnu == 1): ax.semilogy() # Limits ax.scatter(self.pivot[sn2_not]/1.e4, ((3*efnu_i)*fnu_factor*flam_sed)[sn2_not], color='k', marker='v', alpha=0.4, label=None) # Mag axes axm = ax.twinx() ax.set_ylim(10**(-0.4*(np.array(maglim)-23.9))) axm.set_ylim(0,1) ytv = np.arange(maglim[0], maglim[1], -1, dtype=int) axm.set_yticks(np.interp(ytv, maglim[::-1], [1,0])) axm.set_yticklabels(ytv) if show_missing: yl = ax.get_ylim() ax.scatter(self.pivot[missing]/1.e4, self.pivot[missing]*0.+yl[0], marker='h', s=120, fc='None', ec='0.7', alpha=0.6, zorder=-100) ## P(z) if not showpz: return fig, data if axes is not None: if len(axes) == 1: return fig, data else: ax = axes[1] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(fig_axes[1]) chi2 = np.squeeze(chi2_i) prior = np.exp(log_prior_i) #pz = np.exp(-(chi2-chi2.min())/2.)*prior #pz /= np.trapz(pz, self.zgrid) pz = np.exp(lnp_i).flatten() ax.plot(self.zgrid, pz, color='orange', label=None) if show_prior: ax.plot(self.zgrid, prior/prior.max()*pz.max(), color='g', label='prior') ax.fill_between(self.zgrid, pz, pz*0, color='yellow', alpha=0.5, label=None) if zspec_i > 0: ax.vlines(zspec_i, 1.e-5, pz.max()*1.05, color='r', label='zsp={0:.3f}'.format(zspec_i)) if zshow is not None: ax.vlines(zshow, 1.e-5, pz.max()*1.05, color='purple', label='z={0:.3f}'.format(zshow)) if axes is None: ax.set_ylim(0,pz.max()*1.05) if logpz: ax.semilogy() ymax = np.minimum(ax.get_ylim()[1], 100) ax.set_ylim(1.e-3*ymax, 1.8*ymax) if zr is None: ax.set_xlim(0,self.zgrid[-1]) else: ax.set_xlim(zr) ax.set_xlabel('z'); ax.set_ylabel('p(z)') ax.grid() ax.set_yticklabels([]) fig_axes.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.5) if add_label & (zspec_i > 0): ax.legend(fontsize=7, loc='upper left') return fig, data else: return fig, data
[docs] def show_fit_plotly(self, id_i, show_fnu=0, row_heights=[0.6, 0.4], zrange=None, template='plotly_white', showlegend=False, show=False, vertical=True, panel_ratio=[0.5, 0.5], subplots_kwargs={}, layout_kwargs={'template':'plotly_white', 'showlegend':False}, **kwargs): """ Plot SED + p(z) using `plotly` interface """ import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS=['rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'rgb(255, 127, 14)', 'rgb(44, 160, 44)', 'rgb(214, 39, 40)', 'rgb(148, 103, 189)', 'rgb(140, 86, 75)', 'rgb(227, 119, 194)', 'rgb(127, 127, 127)', 'rgb(188, 189, 34)', 'rgb(23, 190, 207)'] def alpha_color(i=0, alpha=0.5): """ Define a plotly color with transparency alpha """ color = DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i].replace(')',f',{alpha:.2f})') return color.replace('rgb','rgba') def pmarker(i=0, alpha=0.5, size=10, **kwargs): """ plotly marker with color + transparency """ color = alpha_color(i=i, alpha=alpha) return dict(color=color, size=size, **kwargs) data = self.show_fit(id_i, get_spec=True, show_fnu=show_fnu) data['filter'] = self.flux_columns clip = (data['templz'] > 0.95*data['pivot'].min()) clip &= (data['templz'] < 1.05*data['pivot'].max()) subplots_kws = {} for k in subplots_kwargs: subplots_kws[k] = subplots_kwargs[k] if vertical: pz_axis = {'row':2, 'col':1} if 'row_heights' not in subplots_kws: subplots_kws['row_heights'] = panel_ratio subplots_kws['rows'] = 2 subplots_kws['cols'] = 1 else: pz_axis = {'row':1, 'col':2} if 'column_widths' not in subplots_kws: subplots_kws['column_widths'] = panel_ratio subplots_kws['rows'] = 1 subplots_kws['cols'] = 2 fig = make_subplots(**subplots_kws) fig.update_layout(**layout_kwargs) ###### SED valid = data['valid'] # & ( < 1.e4) ivalid = np.where(valid)[0] xivalid = np.where(~valid)[0] error_y = dict(type='data', array=data['efobs'][valid], visible=True) hovertempl = "%{text} (%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f} ± %{customdata:.2f})" _sed = go.Scatter(x=data['pivot'][valid]/1.e4, y=data['fobs'][valid], error_y=error_y, text=[data['filter'][i] for i in ivalid], customdata=data['efobs'][valid], name='Observed', mode='markers', marker=pmarker(i=7), hovertemplate=hovertempl) fig.add_trace(_sed, row=1, col=1) if (~valid).sum() > 0: htempl = '%{text} (%{x:.2f}, %{customdata[0]:.2f} ± ' htempl += '%{customdata[1]:.2f})' _missing = go.Scatter(x=data['pivot'][~valid]/1.e4, y=np.zeros((~valid).sum()), text=[data['filter'][i] for i in ivalid], customdata=np.stack((data['fobs'][~valid], data['efobs'][~valid])), name='Missing', mode='markers', marker_symbol='x', marker=pmarker(i=7), hovertemplate=htempl) fig.add_trace(_missing, row=1, col=1) _sed_model = go.Scatter(x=data['pivot']/1.e4, y=data['model'], text=data['filter'], name='Model', mode='markers', marker=pmarker(i=0, size=8), hovertemplate="%{text} (%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})") fig.add_trace(_sed_model, row=1, col=1) _templ = go.Scatter(x=data['templz'][clip]/1.e4, y=data['templf'][clip], name='Template', mode='lines', line=dict(color=alpha_color(i=0, alpha=0.5)), hovertemplate="(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})") fig.add_trace(_templ, row=1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(type="log", title_text='Wavelength, microns', row=1, col=1) # Limits un = data['flux_unit'] ylabel_units = ['F<sub>&lambda;</sub>', 'µJy', 'µJy / µm'] if show_fnu == 0: ylabel = 'Flambda (1e-19)' else: ylabel = f'Flux density ' ylabel += f'({ylabel_units[np.clip(show_fnu, 0, 2)]})' ymax = np.nanpercentile((data['efobs'] + data['model'])[valid], 95) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=ylabel, range=[-0.1*ymax, 1.2*ymax], row=1, col=1) ############ # P(z) if hasattr(self, 'h5file'): lnp_i = self.get_lnp(data['ix']) else: lnp_i = self.lnp[data['ix'],:] _zpdf = go.Scatter(x=self.zgrid, y=(lnp_i - np.nanmax(lnp_i)), name='p(z)', mode='lines', line=dict(color=alpha_color(i=1))) fig.add_trace(_zpdf, **pz_axis) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f'ln P(z)', range=[-50, 2], **pz_axis) fig.update_xaxes(type="linear", title_text='z', **pz_axis) if zrange is not None: fig.update_xaxes(range=zrange, **pz_axis) label = f"ID={id_i}, z={data['z']:.3f}" fig.add_annotation(text=label, xref="x domain", yref="y domain", x=0.95, y=0.95, showarrow=False, **pz_axis) if data['z_spec'] > 0: fig.add_vline(x=data['z_spec'], line=dict(color=alpha_color(i=3)), name='zspec', **pz_axis) #label += f", z_spec={self.ZSPEC[data['ix']]:.3f}" _text = f"z_spec={data['z_spec']:.3f}" fig.add_annotation(text=_text, xref="x domain", yref="y domain", x=0.95, y=0.85, showarrow=False, font=dict(color=alpha_color(i=3)), **pz_axis) if show: return fig
[docs] def observed_frame_fluxes(self, f_numbers=[325], filters=None, verbose=True, n_proc=-1, percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5]): """ Observed-frame fluxes in additional (e.g., unobserved) filters Parameters ---------- f_numbers: list Unit-index of filters specified in `params['FILTER_FILE']`. filters: list, optional Manually-specified `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` objects. If specified, then supercedes `f_numbers`. n_proc: int Number of processors passed to `~eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid`. percentiles: list or None If specified, compute percentiles of the template fluxes based on the random template coefficient draws in `coeffs_draws` attribute. Returns ------- tab: `astropy.table.Table` Table of the observed-frame flux densities with metadata describing the filters. """ from astropy.table import Table if verbose: if filters is None: msg = 'Observed-frame f_numbers: {0}' print(msg.format(f_numbers)) else: fnames = '\n'.join([f'{i:>4} {}' for i, f in enumerate(filters)]) print('Observed-frame filters:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ') print(fnames) _tempfilt = TemplateGrid(self.zgrid, self.templates, RES=self.RES, f_numbers=np.array(f_numbers), add_igm=self.param['IGM_SCALE_TAU'], galactic_ebv=self.MW_EBV, Eb=self.param['SCALE_2175_BUMP'], n_proc=n_proc, verbose=verbose, cosmology=self.cosmology, array_dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE, filters=filters) if filters is None: NOBS = len(f_numbers) else: NOBS = len(filters) f_numbers = [i for i, f in enumerate(filters)] #izbest = np.argmax(self.pz, axis=1) izbest = self.izbest*1 templ_fluxes = _tempfilt.tempfilt[izbest, :, :] if percentiles is not None: draws_resh = np.transpose(self.coeffs_draws, axes=(1,0,2)) tab = Table() for i in range(NOBS): flux_i = (self.coeffs_best*templ_fluxes[:,:,i]).sum(axis=1) tab['obs{0}'.format(f_numbers[i])] = flux_i if percentiles is not None: draws_i = (draws_resh*templ_fluxes[:,:,i]).sum(axis=2) perc = np.percentile(draws_i, percentiles, axis=0) tab['obs{0}_p'.format(f_numbers[i])] = perc.T del(draws_i) key = 'name{0}'.format(f_numbers[i]) tab.meta[key] = _tempfilt.filter_names[i] key = 'pivw{0}'.format(f_numbers[i]) tab.meta[key] =[i] if percentiles is not None: del(draws_resh) return tab
[docs] def rest_frame_fluxes(self, f_numbers=DEFAULT_UBVJ_FILTERS, pad_width=0.5, max_err=0.5, ndraws=1000, percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], simple=False, verbose=1, fitter='nnls', n_proc=-1, par_skip=10000, **kwargs): """ Rest-frame fluxes, refit by down-weighting bands far away from the desired RF band. Parameters ---------- f_numbers : list List of either unit-indices of filters in `self.RES` read from `params['FILTER_FILE']` or `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` objects. pad_width : float Padding around rest-frame wavelength to down-weight observed filters. max_err : float Increased uncertainty outside of `pad_width`. The modified uncertainties are computed as follows: .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pad_width = 0.5 max_err = 0.5 z = 1.5 # Observed-frame pivot wavelengths lc_obs = np.array([10543.5, 12470.5, 13924.2, 15396.6, 7692.3, 8056.9, 9032.7, 4318.8, 5920.8, 3353.6, 35569.3, 45020.3, 57450.3, 79157.5]) lc_rest = 5500. # e.g., rest V x = np.log(lc_rest/(lc_obs/(1+z))) grow = np.exp(-x**2/2/np.log(1/(1+pad_width))**2) TEFz = (2/(1+grow/grow.max())-1)*max_err so = np.argsort(lc_obs) _ = plt.plot(lc_obs[so], TEFz[so]) _ = plt.xlabel('rest wavelength') _ = plt.ylabel('Fractional uncertainty') ndraws : int Number of random draws for ``simple=False`` fits, which does not have to be the same as that used for `coeffs_draws` attribute since the template coefficients are recalculated for every object. If ``simple=True``, then draws are fixed in the stored `coeffs_draws` attribute. percentiles : list Percentiles to return of the computed rest-frame fluxes drawn from the fits including the observed uncertainties simple : bool If ``True`` then just return the rest-frame fluxes of the currrent best fits rather than doing the filter reweighting. fitter : str Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. n_proc, par_skip : int, int Number of processes to use. If zero, then run in serial mode. Otherwise, will run in parallel threads splitting the catalog into ``NOBJ/par_skip`` pieces. Returns ------- rf_tempfilt : array (NZGRID, NTEMP, len(`f_numbers`)) Array of the integrated template fluxes lc_rest : array (len(`f_numbers`)) Rest-frame filter pivot wavelengths rf_fluxes : array (NOBJ, len(`f_numbers`), len(`percentiles`)) Rest-frame fluxes """ import multiprocessing as mp import time NREST = len(f_numbers) if isinstance(f_numbers[0], int): f_list = [self.RES[fn] for fn in f_numbers] else: f_list = [fn for fn in f_numbers] if verbose: fnames = '\n'.join([f'{i:>4} {}' for i, f in enumerate(f_list)]) print('Rest-frame filters:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ') print(fnames) rf_tempfilt = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NTEMP, NREST), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) rf_lc = np.array([f_i.pivot for f_i in f_list]) for i_t, templ in enumerate(self.templates): # Redshift dependent templates iz = np.maximum(templ.zindex(self.zgrid), 0) _rf = [templ.integrate_filter(f_list, z=0, iz=i) for i in range(templ.NZ)] rf_tempfilt[:, i_t, :] = np.array(_rf)[iz,:] # Grid index of best redshfit izbest = self.izbest*1 f_rest = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, NREST, len(percentiles)), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) f_rest += self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. if simple: # Don't refit reweighting filters and get straight # template fluxes if verbose: print(' ... (simple=True) no filter reweighting') coeffsT = np.transpose(self.coeffs_draws, axes=(1,0,2)) rf_iz = rf_tempfilt[izbest,:,:] for i in range(NREST): f_vals = (coeffsT*rf_iz[:,:,i]).sum(axis=2) f_rest[:,i,:] = np.percentile(f_vals, percentiles, axis=0).T del(coeffsT) del(f_vals) return rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest fnu_corr = self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_corr = self.efnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp efnu_corr[~self.ok_data] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. idx = self.idx[self.zbest > self.zgrid[0]] # Set seed np.random.seed(self.random_seed) if (n_proc == 0) | (len(idx) <= par_skip): # Serial _ = _fit_rest_group(idx, fnu_corr[idx,:], efnu_corr[idx,:], izbest[idx], self.zbest[idx], self.zp*1, ndraws, fitter, self.tempfilt, self.ARRAY_DTYPE, rf_tempfilt, percentiles, rf_lc, pad_width, max_err, 0) _ix, _frest = _ f_rest[_ix,:,:] = _frest else: # Threaded if n_proc < 0: n_proc = np.maximum(mp.cpu_count() - 2, 1) skip = np.maximum(len(idx)//par_skip+1, 1) n_proc = np.minimum(n_proc, skip) np_check = np.minimum(mp.cpu_count(), n_proc) t0 = time.time() pool = mp.Pool(processes=np_check) jobs = [pool.apply_async(_fit_rest_group, (idx[i::skip], fnu_corr[idx[i::skip],:], efnu_corr[idx[i::skip],:], izbest[idx[i::skip]], self.zbest[idx[i::skip]], self.zp*1, ndraws, fitter, self.tempfilt, self.ARRAY_DTYPE, rf_tempfilt, percentiles, rf_lc, pad_width, max_err, skip)) for i in range(skip)] pool.close() #pool.join() for res in tqdm(jobs): _ = res.get(timeout=MULTIPROCESSING_TIMEOUT) _ix, _frest = _ f_rest[_ix,:,:] = _frest # t1 = time.time() print(f' ... rest-frame flux: {t1-t0:.1f} s (n_proc={np_check}, ' f' NOBJ={len(idx)})') return rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest
[docs] def compute_tef_lnp(self, in_place=True): """ Uncertainty + TEF component of the log likelihood """ if HAS_TQDM: iters = tqdm(enumerate(self.zgrid)) else: iters = enumerate(self.zgrid) tef_lnp = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, self.NZ), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) for i, z in iters: TEFz = self.TEF(z) var = self.efnu**2 + (TEFz*np.maximum(self.fnu, 0.))**2 tef_lnp[:,i] = -0.5*(np.log(var)*self.ok_data).sum(axis=1) if in_place: self.tef_lnp = tef_lnp return tef_lnp
[docs] def compute_lnp(self, prior=False, beta_prior=False, clip_wavelength=1100, in_place=True): """ Compute log-likelihood from chi2, prior, and TEF terms Parameters ---------- prior : bool Apply apparent magnitude prior beta_prior : bool Apply UV-slope beta prior clip_wavelength : float or None If specified, set pz = 0 at redshifts beyond where `clip_wavelength*(1+z)` is greater than the reddest valid filter for a given object. Returns ------- Updates `lnp`, `lnpmax` attributes. """ import time has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 #min_chi2 = self.chi2_fit[has_chi2,:].min(axis=1) loglike = -self.chi2_fit[has_chi2,:]/2. #pz = np.exp(-(self.chi2_fit[has_chi2,:].T-min_chi2)/2.).T if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print('compute_lnp ({0})'.format(time.ctime())) if hasattr(self, 'tef_lnp'): if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print(' ... tef_lnp') loglike += self.tef_lnp[has_chi2,:] if prior: if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print(' ... full_logprior') loglike += self.full_logprior[has_chi2,:] if clip_wavelength is not None: # Set pz=0 at redshifts where clip_wavelength beyond reddest # filter clip_wz = clip_wavelength*(1+self.zgrid) red_mask = (clip_wz[:,None] > self.lc_reddest[None, has_chi2]).T loglike[red_mask] = -np.inf self.lc_zmax = self.lc_reddest/clip_wavelength - 1 self.clip_wavelength = clip_wavelength if beta_prior: if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print(' ... beta lnp_beta') p_beta = self.prior_beta(w1=1350, w2=1800, sample=has_chi2) self.lnp_beta[has_chi2,:] = np.log(p_beta) self.lnp_beta[~np.isfinite(self.lnp_beta)] = -np.inf loglike += self.lnp_beta[has_chi2,:] # Optional extra prior if hasattr(self, 'extra_lnp'): loglike += self.extra_lnp[has_chi2,:] loglike[~np.isfinite(loglike)] = -1e20 lnpmax = loglike.max(axis=1) pz = np.exp(loglike.T - lnpmax).T log_norm = np.log( lnp = (loglike.T - lnpmax - log_norm).T #lnpmax = -log_norm lnp[~np.isfinite(lnp)] = -1e20 if in_place: self.lnp[has_chi2,:] = lnp self.lnpmax[has_chi2] = -log_norm self.lnp_with_prior = prior self.lnp_with_beta_prior = beta_prior else: return has_chi2, lnp, -log_norm del(lnpmax) del(pz) del(log_norm) del(loglike) del(lnp)
[docs] def get_maxlnp_redshift(self, prior=False, beta_prior=False, clip_wavelength=1100): """Fit parabola to `lnp` to get continuous max(lnp) redshift. Parameters ---------- prior : bool beta_prior : bool clip_wavelength : float Parameters passed to `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.compute_lnp` Returns ------- zml : array (NOBJ) Redshift where lnp is maximized maxlnp : array (NOBJ) Maximum of lnp """ #from scipy import polyfit, polyval from numpy import polyfit, polyval self.compute_lnp(prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior, clip_wavelength=clip_wavelength) # Objects that have been fit has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 #izbest0 = np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) izmax = np.argmax(self.lnp, axis=1)*has_chi2 zbest = self.zgrid[izmax] lnpmax = np.zeros_like(zbest) zbest[izmax == 0] = -1 mask = (izmax > 0) & (izmax < self.NZ-1) & has_chi2 if mask.sum() == 0: return zbest, lnpmax ##### # Analytic parabola fit iz_ = izmax[self.idx[mask]] _x = np.array([self.zgrid[iz-1:iz+2] for iz in iz_]) _y = np.array([self.lnp[iobj, iz-1:iz+2] for iz, iobj in zip(iz_, self.idx[mask])]) dx = np.diff(_x, axis=1).T dx2 = np.diff(_x**2, axis=1).T dy = np.diff(_y, axis=1).T c2 = (dy[1]/dx[1] - dy[0]/dx[0]) / (dx2[1]/dx[1] - dx2[0]/dx[0]) c1 = (dy[0] - c2 * dx2[0])/dx[0] c0 = _y.T[0] - c1*_x.T[0] - c2*_x.T[0]**2 _m = self.idx[mask] zbest[_m] = -c1/2/c2 lnpmax[_m] = c2*zbest[_m]**2+c1*zbest[_m]+c0 del(_x) del(_y) del(iz_) del(dx) del(dx2) del(dy) del(c2) del(c1) del(c0) del(_m) return zbest, lnpmax
@property def izbest(self): """ index of nearest `zgrid` value to `zbest`. """ iz = np.argmin(np.abs(self.zgrid[:,None]-self.zbest[None,:]), axis=0) return iz
[docs] def lcz(self, zbest=None): """ Redshifted filter wavelengths using `zbest`. """ if zbest is None: zbest = self.zbest _lcz =[:, np.newaxis]), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:]) return _lcz
@property def izchi2(self): """ `zgrid` index where `chi2_fit` maximized """ return np.argmin(self.chi2_fit, axis=1) @property def zchi2(self): """ Redshift at `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.izchi2` index. """ return self.zgrid[self.izchi2] @property def izml(self): """ `zgrid` index where `lnp` maximized """ return np.argmax(self.lnp)
[docs] def compute_full_risk(self): """ Full "risk" profile from Tanaka et al. 2017 """ zsq =[:,None], np.ones_like(self.zgrid)[None,:]) L = self._loss((zsq-self.zgrid)/(1+self.zgrid)) Rz = self.lnp*0. has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 hasz = self.zbest > self.zgrid[0] idx = self.idx[hasz & (has_chi2)] for i in idx: Rz[i,:] =[i,:])*L, self.trdz) del(zsq) del(L) del(has_chi2) del(hasz) del(idx) return Rz
#self.full_risk = Rz #self.min_risk = self.zgrid[np.argmin(Rz, axis=1)]
[docs] def compute_best_risk(self): """ "Risk" function from Tanaka et al. 2017 """ has_chi2 = (self.chi2_fit != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0 mask = (has_chi2) & (self.zbest > self.zgrid[0]) zbest_grid =[mask, None], np.ones_like(self.zgrid)[None,:]) L = self._loss((zbest_grid-self.zgrid)/(1+self.zgrid)) #dz = np.gradient(self.zgrid) zbest_risk = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE)-1 zbest_risk[mask] =[mask,:])*L, self.trdz) del(has_chi2) del(mask) del(zbest_grid) del(L) return zbest_risk
@staticmethod def _loss(dz, gamma=0.15): """ Loss for risk function """ return 1-1/(1+(dz/gamma)**2)
[docs] def PIT(self, zspec): """ PIT function for evaluating the calibration of p(z), as described in Tanaka (2017). """ zspec_grid =[:,None], np.ones_like(self.zgrid)[None,:]) zlim = zspec_grid >= self.zgrid #dz = np.gradient(self.zgrid) PIT =*zlim, self.trdz) del(zspec_grid) return PIT
[docs] def pz_percentiles(self, percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], oversample=5, selection=None): """ Compute percentiles of the final PDF(z) Parameters ---------- percentiles : list Percentiles to compute from the p(z) distribution oversample : int Oversampling factor of the redshift grid for smoother interpolation selection : array-like Subsample selection array (bool or indices) Returns ------- zlimits : (NOBJ, M) array Where `M` is the number of `percentiles` requested. """ import scipy.interpolate from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz interpolator = scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator p100 = np.array(percentiles)/100. zlimits = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, p100.size), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) zr = [self.param['Z_MIN'], self.param['Z_MAX']] zgrid_zoom = utils.log_zgrid(zr=zr,dz=self.param['Z_STEP']/oversample) ok = self.zbest > self.zgrid[0] if selection is not None: ok &= selection if ok.sum() == 0: print('pz_percentiles: No objects in selection') return zlimits spl = interpolator(self.zgrid, self.lnp[ok,:], axis=1) pzcum = cumtrapz(np.exp(spl(zgrid_zoom)), x=zgrid_zoom, axis=1) # Akima1DInterpolator can get some NaNs at the end? valid = np.isfinite(pzcum) pzcum[~valid] = 0. pzcmax = pzcum.max(axis=1) pzcum = (pzcum.T / pzcmax).T pzcum[~valid] = 1. #pzcum /= pzcum[-1] #pzcum = cumtrapz(self.pz[ok,:], x=self.zgrid, axis=1) for j, i in enumerate(self.idx[ok]): zlimits[i,:] = np.interp(p100, pzcum[j, :], zgrid_zoom[1:]) del(pzcum) del(p100) del(spl) del(zgrid_zoom) del(valid) del(pzcmax) return zlimits
[docs] def cdf_percentiles(self, cdf_sigmas=CDF_SIGMAS, **kwargs): """ Redshifts of PDF percentiles in terms of σ for a normal distribution, useful for compressing the PDF. """ import scipy.stats cdf_percentiles = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(cdf_sigmas)*100 zlimits = self.pz_percentiles(percentiles=cdf_percentiles, **kwargs) return zlimits
[docs] def find_peaks(self, thres=0.8, min_dist_dz=0.1): """ Find discrete peaks in `lnp` with `peakutils <>`_ module. Parameters ---------- thres: float Threshold passed to `peakutils.indexes`. min_dist_dz: float Peak separation in units of dz*(1+z) """ import peakutils ok = self.zbest > self.zgrid[0] peaks = [0]*self.NOBJ numpeaks = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=int) min_dist = int(min_dist_dz/self.param['Z_STEP']) for j, i in enumerate(self.idx[ok]): indices = peakutils.indexes(np.exp(self.lnp[i,:]), thres=thres, min_dist=min_dist) peaks[i] = indices numpeaks[i] = len(indices) return peaks, numpeaks
[docs] def abs_mag(self, f_numbers=[271, 272, 274], cosmology=None, rest_kwargs={'percentiles':[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], 'pad_width':0.5, 'max_err':0.5, 'verbose':False, 'simple':False}): """ Get absolute mags (e.g., M_UV tophat filters). Parameters ---------- f_numbers : list List of either unit-indices of filters in `self.RES` read from FILTER_FILE or `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` objects. cosmology : `astropy.cosmology` object If ``None``, default to `self.cosmology`. rest_kwargs : dict Arguments passed to `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.rest_frame_fluxes` Returns ------- tab : `astropy.table.Table` Table with rest-frame luminosities. `tab.meta` includes the filter information. """ if cosmology is None: #from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmology cosmology = self.cosmology _rf = self.rest_frame_fluxes(f_numbers=f_numbers, **rest_kwargs) rf_tf, rf_lc, rf = _rf zdm = self.zgrid #utils.log_zgrid([0.01, 13], 0.01) dm = cosmology.distmod(zdm).value - 2.5*np.log10(1+zdm) DM = np.interp(self.zbest, zdm, dm, left=0, right=0) #lc_round = ['{0}'.format(int(np.round(lc/100))*100) # for lc in] tab = Table() tab['DISTMOD'] = DM for i, fn in enumerate(f_numbers): tab.meta['MNAME{0}'.format(fn)] = (self.RES[fn].name, 'Filter name') tab.meta['MWAVE{0}'.format(fn)] = (self.RES[fn].pivot, 'Pivot wavelength, Angstrom') obsm = self.param.params['PRIOR_ABZP'] - 2.5*np.log10(rf[:,i,:]) tab['ABSM_{0}'.format(fn)] = (obsm.T - DM).T return tab
[docs] def sps_parameters(self, UBVJ=DEFAULT_UBVJ_FILTERS, extra_rf_filters=DEFAULT_RF_FILTERS, cosmology=None, simple=False, rf_pad_width=0.5, rf_max_err=0.5, percentile_limits=[2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], template_fnu_units=(1*u.solLum / u.Hz), vnorm_type=2, n_proc=-1, coeffv_min=0, **kwargs): """ Rest-frame colors and population parameters at redshift in ``self.zbest`` attribute Parameters ---------- UBVJ : (int, int, int, int) Filter indices of U, B, V, J filters in `params['FILTER_FILE']`. extra_rf_filters : list If specified, additional filters to calculate rest-frame fluxes LIR_wave : (min_wave, max_wave) Limits in microns to integrate the far-IR SED to calculate LIR. (**removed to always use tabulated in ``param.fits`` file**) cosmology : `astropy.cosmology` Cosmology for calculating luminosity distances, etc. Defaults to flat cosmology with H0, OMEGA_M, OMEGA_L from the parameter file. simple, rf_pad_width, rf_max_err : bool, float, float See `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.rest_frame_fluxes`. template_fnu_units : `astropy.units.Unit`, None Units of templates when converted to ``flux_fnu``, e.g., :math:`L_\odot / Hz` for FSPS templates. If ``None``, then parameters are computed normalizing fits to the V band based on `vnorm_type`. vnorm_type : 1 or 2 V-band normalization type for the tabulated parameters, if ``template_fnu_units = None``. The fit coefficients are first normalized to the template V-band, i.e., such that they give each template's contribution to the observed rest-frame V-band. Then the population parameters are estimated with these coefficients as follows. `vnorm_type = 1` - `coeffs_norm`: coefficients renormalized to template rest-frame V-band - `tab`: table of parameters associated with the templates - `Lv`: V-band luminosity derived from the rest-frame V flux inferred from the photometry >>> Lv_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab['Lv']).sum() >>> mass_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab['mass']).sum() >>> mass = (mass_norm / Lv_norm) * Lv `vnorm_type = 2` - `coeffs_norm`: coefficients renormalized to template rest-frame V-band - `tab`: table of parameters associated with the templates - `Lv`: V-band luminosity derived from the rest-frame V flux inferred from the photometry >>> mass_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab['mass'] / tab['Lv']).sum() >>> mass = (mass_norm / Lv_norm) * Lv The latter, ``vnorm_type = 2``, is the conceptually preferred method, though the former should be used with the `fsps_QSF_12_v3.param <>`_ template set. coeffv_min : float Mininum contribution to the observed v-band flux that contributes to the parameter estimates. Set to a small positive number to limit the contribution of extreme (dusty) M/Lv SFR/Lv templates to the derived parameters. n_proc : int Number of parrallel processes Returns ------- tab: `astropy.table.Table` Table with rest-frame fluxes and population synthesis parameters """ if cosmology is None: #from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmology cosmology = self.cosmology if 'LIR_wave' in kwargs: warnings.warn('LIR_wave parameter is deprecated.'+ ' Include LIR in ``param.fits`` table', AstropyUserWarning) _ubvj = self.rest_frame_fluxes(f_numbers=UBVJ, pad_width=rf_pad_width, max_err=rf_max_err, percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], verbose=False, simple=simple, n_proc=n_proc, **kwargs) self.ubvj_tempfilt, self.ubvj_lc, self.ubvj = _ubvj self.ubvj_f_numbers = UBVJ restU = self.ubvj[:,0,2] restB = self.ubvj[:,1,2] restV = self.ubvj[:,2,2] restJ = self.ubvj[:,3,2] errU = (self.ubvj[:,0,3] - self.ubvj[:,0,1])/2. errB = (self.ubvj[:,1,3] - self.ubvj[:,1,1])/2. errV = (self.ubvj[:,2,3] - self.ubvj[:,2,1])/2. errJ = (self.ubvj[:,3,3] - self.ubvj[:,3,1])/2. template_params_file = self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE']+'.fits' if os.path.exists(template_params_file): tab_temp = has_template_params = True if len(tab_temp) != self.NTEMP: NADD = self.NTEMP - len(tab_temp) msg = 'Warning: adding {0} empty rows to {1} to match NTEMP={2}' print(msg.format(NADD, template_params_file, self.NTEMP)) for j in range(NADD): tab_temp.add_row(vals=None) else: # Dummy msg = """ Couldn't find template parameters file {0} for population synthesis calculations. """ print(msg.format(template_params_file)) has_template_params = False tab_temp = Table() cols = ['Av', 'mass', 'Lv', 'sfr', 'formed_100', 'formed_total', 'LIR', 'energy_abs', 'line_EW_Ha', 'line_C_Ha', 'line_flux_Ha', 'line_EW_O3', 'line_C_O3', 'line_flux_O3', 'line_EW_Hb', 'line_C_Hb', 'line_flux_Hb', 'line_EW_O2', 'line_C_O2', 'line_flux_O2', 'line_EW_Lya', 'line_C_Lya', 'line_flux_Lya'] for c in cols: tab_temp[c] = np.ones(self.NTEMP)*np.nan # Normalize fit coefficients to template V-band # iz = np.argmin(np.abs(self.zgrid[:,None] - self.zbest[None,:]), # axis=0) iz = self.izbest coeffs_norm = self.coeffs_best * self.tempfilt.scale coeffs_norm *= self.ubvj_tempfilt[iz,:,2] # Normalize fit coefficients to unity sum coeffs_norm = (coeffs_norm.T/coeffs_norm.sum(axis=1)).T # Include templates above a threshold contribution to the V-band # flux density if coeffv_min > 0: coeffs_include = coeffs_norm > coeffv_min coeffs_norm[~coeffs_include] = 0 # Convert observed maggies to fnu fnu_units = u.erg/u.s/**2/u.Hz uJy_to_cgs =**2/u.Hz) fnu_scl = 10**(-0.4*(self.param.params['PRIOR_ABZP']-23.9))*uJy_to_cgs dL = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=np.float64)* mask = self.zbest > 0 dL[mask] = cosmology.luminosity_distance(self.zbest[mask]).to( par_table = {} if template_fnu_units is not None: to_physical = fnu_scl*fnu_units*4*np.pi*dL**2/(1+self.zbest) to_physical /= (1*template_fnu_units).to(u.erg/u.second/u.Hz) vnorm_type = 0 else: to_physical = None if self.get_err: par_draws_table = {} coeffs_draws = np.maximum(self.coeffs_draws, 0) # Renorm in rest V band _draws = np.transpose(coeffs_draws*self.tempfilt.scale, axes=(1,0,2)) draws_norm = np.transpose(_draws*self.ubvj_tempfilt[iz,:,2], axes=(0,1,2)) draws_norm = (draws_norm.T/draws_norm.sum(axis=2).T).T del(_draws) if to_physical is not None: rest_draws = np.transpose((coeffs_draws.T*to_physical).T, axes=(1,0,2)) # Remove unit (which should be null) rest_draws = np.array(rest_draws) else: draws_norm = None coeffs_draws = None ##### Redshift-dependent templates / parameters iz0 = np.zeros(self.NOBJ, dtype=int) zb = self.zbest*1 zb[~np.isfinite(zb)] = -1. temp_par_zdep = {} for par in ['mass', 'sfr', 'Lv', 'LIR', 'energy_abs', 'Lu', 'Lj', 'L1400', 'L2800', 'LHa', 'LOIII', 'LHb', 'LOII', 'Av', 'dust1', 'dust2', 'lwAgeV', 'lw_Age_V']: if par not in tab_temp.colnames: #par_table[par] = np.zeros(self.NOBJ) - 99. continue temp_par = tab_temp[par] if temp_par.ndim == 1: temp_par_zdep[par] = temp_par else: # Redshift-dependent parameters temp_matrix = np.zeros_like(self.coeffs_best) zb = self.zbest*1 zb[~np.isfinite(zb)] = -1. for _i, templ in enumerate(self.templates): if templ.NZ == 0: iz = iz0 temp_matrix[:, _i] = temp_par[_i, iz] elif TEMPLATE_REDSHIFT_TYPE == 'interp': par_int = np.interp(zb, templ.redshifts, temp_par[_i, :]) temp_matrix[:, _i] = par_int else: iz = templ.zindex(zb) temp_matrix[:, _i] = temp_par[_i, iz] temp_par_zdep[par] = temp_matrix ##### Use physical units if to_physical is not None: if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print(f' ... Physical quantities directly from coeffs and'+ f' templates ({template_fnu_units})') # Coefficients with units coeffs_rest = (self.coeffs_best.T*to_physical).T # Remove unit (which should be null) coeffs_rest = np.array(coeffs_rest)*self.tempfilt.scale if coeffv_min > 0: coeffs_rest[~coeffs_include] = 0 table_units = {'mass':u.solMass, 'sfr':u.solMass/u.yr, 'Lv':u.solLum, 'LIR':u.solLum, 'energy_abs':u.solLum, 'Lu':u.solLum, 'Lj':u.solLum, 'L1400':u.solLum, 'L2800':u.solLum, 'lwAgeV':u.Gyr, 'lw_age_V':u.Gyr, 'lwAgeR':u.Gyr, 'lw_age_R':u.Gyr, 'LHa':u.solLum, 'LOIII':u.solLum, 'LHb':u.solLum, 'LOII':u.solLum} for par in ['mass', 'sfr', 'Lv', 'LIR', 'energy_abs', 'Lu', 'Lj', 'L1400', 'L2800', 'LHa', 'LOIII', 'LHb', 'LOII']: if par not in temp_par_zdep: #par_table[par] = np.zeros(self.NOBJ) - 99. continue temp_par = temp_par_zdep[par] par_value = (coeffs_rest*temp_par).sum(axis=1) if self.get_err: par_draws = (rest_draws*temp_par).sum(axis=2) par_table[par] = par_value if par in table_units: par_table[par] *= table_units[par] elif hasattr(tab_temp[par], 'unit'): if tab_temp[par].unit is not None: par_table[par] *= tab_temp[par].unit if self.get_err: par_draws_table[par] = par_draws par_table['MLv'] = par_table['mass']/par_table['Lv'] # Light-weighted (V) parameters for par in ['Av', 'dust1', 'dust2', 'lwAgeV', 'lw_Age_V']: if par not in temp_par_zdep: continue if par in ['Av', 'dust1', 'dust2']: # Dust calculated as tau = Sum(tau*coeff) / Sum(1*coeff) if par == 'Av': Av_tau = 0.4*np.log(10) else: Av_tau = 1. temp_par = np.exp(temp_par_zdep[par]*Av_tau) is_dust = True else: is_dust = False temp_par = temp_par_zdep[par] par_value = (coeffs_norm*temp_par).sum(axis=1) if is_dust: temp_ones = np.ones_like(temp_par) par_denom = (coeffs_norm*temp_ones).sum(axis=1) par_value = np.log(par_value/par_denom) / Av_tau par_table[par] = par_value if par in table_units: par_table[par] *= table_units[par] if self.get_err & is_dust: # Light-weighted params tau_num = (draws_norm*temp_par).sum(axis=2) tau_den = (draws_norm*(temp_par*0+1)).sum(axis=2) tau_dust = np.log(tau_num/tau_den) / Av_tau par_draws_table[par] = tau_dust del(tau_num) del(tau_den) del(tau_dust) if self.get_err: del(rest_draws) else: ### Mass & SFR, normalize to V band and then scale by V luminosity if vnorm_type == 1: # For use with fsps_QSF_12 templates # Why is this required???? Lv_norm = (coeffs_norm*temp_par_zdep['Lv']).sum(axis=1) Lv_norm *= u.solLum vdenom = 1. else: # The "correct" way, parameters have to be normalized # to V-band, also Lv_norm = 1.*u.solLum vdenom = temp_par_zdep['Lv'] Mv = (coeffs_norm*temp_par_zdep['mass']/vdenom).sum(axis=1) #MLv *= u.solMass #/ u.solLum Mv *= u.solMass Mv *= 1./Lv_norm LIRv = (coeffs_norm*temp_par_zdep['LIR']/vdenom).sum(axis=1) LIRv *= u.solLum LIRv *= 1./Lv_norm # Absorbed energy if 'energy_abs' in tab_temp.colnames: energy_abs_v = (coeffs_norm * temp_par_zdep['energy_abs']/vdenom).sum(axis=1) energy_abs_v *= u.solLum energy_abs_v *= 1./Lv_norm else: energy_abs_v = LIRv*0. # # Comute LIR directly from templates as tab_temp['LIR'] # templ_LIR = np.zeros(self.NTEMP) # for j in range(self.NTEMP): # templ = self.templates[j] # clip = (templ.wave > LIR_wave[0]*1e4) # clip &= (templ.wave < LIR_wave[1]*1e4) # templ_LIR[j] = np.trapz(templ.flux[0,clip], templ.wave[clip]) # # LIR_norm = (coeffs_norm*templ_LIR).sum(axis=1)*u.solLum # LIRv = LIR_norm / Lv_norm SFRv = (coeffs_norm*temp_par_zdep['sfr']/vdenom).sum(axis=1) #SFRv *= u.solMass / u.yr / u.solLum SFRv *= u.solMass / u.yr SFRv *= 1./Lv_norm # Now compute Lv from rest-frame V flux fnu = restV*fnu_scl*(fnu_units) Lnu = fnu*4*np.pi*dL**2 pivotV = self.ubvj_lc[2]*u.Angstrom*(1+self.zbest) nuV = (const.c/pivotV).to(u.Hz) Lv = (nuV*Lnu).to(u.L_sun) # Av, compute based on linearized extinction corrections # NB: dust1 is tau, not Av, which differ by a factor of # log(10)/2.5 Av_tau = 0.4*np.log(10) if 'dust1' in temp_par_zdep: tau_corr = np.exp(temp_par_zdep['dust1']) elif 'dust2' in temp_par_zdep: tau_corr = np.exp(temp_par_zdep['dust2']) else: tau_corr = 1. # Force use Av if available if 'Av' in temp_par_zdep: tau_corr = np.exp(temp_par_zdep['Av']*Av_tau) tau_num = (coeffs_norm*tau_corr).sum(axis=1) tau_den = (coeffs_norm*(tau_corr*0+1)).sum(axis=1) tau_dust = np.log(tau_num/tau_den) Av = tau_dust / Av_tau lw_age_V = -99*u.Gyr for k in ['ageV', 'lwAgeV', 'lw_Age_V']: if 'ageV' in temp_par_zdep: age_norm = (coeffs_norm*temp_par_zdep['ageV']).sum(axis=1) age_norm *= u.Gyr lw_age_V = age_norm break par_table['Lv'] = Lv par_table['mass'] = Mv*Lv par_table['sfr'] = SFRv*Lv par_table['LIR'] = LIRv*Lv par_table['energy_abs'] = energy_abs_v*Lv par_table['Av'] = Av par_table['lw_age_V'] = lw_age_V par_table['MLv'] = Mv # Make the full table tab = Table() tab['restU'] = restU tab['restU_err'] = errU tab['restB'] = restB tab['restB_err'] = errB tab['restV'] = restV tab['restV_err'] = errV tab['restJ'] = restJ tab['restJ_err'] = errJ tab['dL'] = column_formats = {'dL':'.1e', 'mass':'.2e', 'sfr': '.3f', 'Lv': '.2e', 'LIR': '.2e', 'energy_abs': '.2e', 'Lu': '.2e', 'Lj': '.2e', 'L1400': '.2e', 'L2800': '.2e', 'lw_age_V':'.2f', 'lwAgeV':'.2f', 'MLv':'.2f', 'Av':'.2f', 'ssfr':'.2e', 'LHa':'.2e', 'LOIII':'.2e', 'LHb':'.2e', 'LOII':'.2e'} for col in par_table: tab[col] = par_table[col] for col in tab.colnames: if col in column_formats: tab[col].format = column_formats[col] else: tab[col].format = '.3f' # Add percentile columns from coefficient draws if self.get_err: # Propagate coeff covariance to parameters if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: print(' ... Get uncertainties') if to_physical is None: if vnorm_type == 1: # For use with fsps_QSF_12 templates # Why is this required???? Lv_draws = (draws_norm*temp_par_zdep['Lv']).sum(axis=2) Lv_draws *= u.solLum vdenom = 1. else: # The "correct" way, parameters have to be normalized # to V-band, also arr = (draws_norm*temp_par_zdep['Lv']).sum(axis=2) Lv_draws = np.ones_like(arr)*u.solLum vdenom = temp_par_zdep['Lv'] massv_draws = (draws_norm*temp_par_zdep['mass']/vdenom).sum(axis=2) massv_draws *= u.solMass SFR_draws = (draws_norm*temp_par_zdep['sfr']/vdenom).sum(axis=2) SFR_draws *= u.solMass/u.yr LIR_draws = (draws_norm*temp_par_zdep['LIR']/vdenom).sum(axis=2) LIR_draws *= u.solLum par_draws_table['Lv'] = Lv_draws par_draws_table['mass'] = (massv_draws / Lv_draws)*Lv par_draws_table['LIR'] = (LIR_draws / Lv_draws)*Lv par_draws_table['sfr'] = (SFR_draws / Lv_draws)*Lv # Light-weighted params tau_num = (draws_norm*tau_corr).sum(axis=2) tau_den = (draws_norm*(tau_corr*0+1)).sum(axis=2) tau_dust = np.log(tau_num/tau_den) / Av_tau par_draws_table['Av'] = tau_dust del(tau_num) del(tau_den) del(tau_dust) else: # Computed earlier with units pass par_draws_table['ssfr'] = (par_draws_table['sfr'] / par_draws_table['mass']) for col in par_draws_table: pcol = col+'_p' #print('xxx', col, par_draws_table[col].shape) tab[pcol] = np.percentile(par_draws_table[col], percentile_limits, axis=0).T if col in column_formats: tab[pcol].format = column_formats[col] else: tab[pcol].format = '.3f' if 'sfr' in tab.colnames: tab['sfr'].description = 'SFR over last 100 Myr' if 'LIR' in tab.colnames: tab['LIR'].description = 'IR luminosity = energy_abs' for c in ['lw_Age_V', 'lwAgeV', 'AgeV']: if c in tab.colnames: tab[c].description = 'Light-weighted age (V band)' for col in tab.colnames: bad = ~np.isfinite(tab[col]) tab[col][bad] = -9e29 for k in ['SYS_ERR', 'TEMP_ERR_FILE', 'TEMP_ERR_A2', 'PRIOR_FILTER', 'PRIOR_ABZP', 'IGM_SCALE_TAU', 'APPLY_IGM', 'TEMPLATES_FILE']: tab.meta[k] = self.param[k] for i, templ in enumerate(self.templates): tab.meta[f'TEMPL{i:03d}'] = tab.meta['ZBEST_USER'] = self.ZPHOT_USER tab.meta['ZBEST_AT_ZSPEC'] = self.ZPHOT_AT_ZSPEC tab.meta['ZML_WITH_PRIOR'] = self.ZML_WITH_PRIOR tab.meta['ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR'] = self.ZML_WITH_BETA_PRIOR tab.meta['RFSIMPLE'] = simple, 'RF fluxes without reweighting' tab.meta['COEFFVM'] = coeffv_min, 'Threshold template contribution to rest-V' tab.meta['VNORMTYP'] = vnorm_type, 'Vnorm method (0=units)' for i in range(self.NFILT): f_i = self.f_numbers[i] c_i = self.flux_columns[i] comment = 'ZP offset in filter {0} ({1})'.format(f_i, c_i) tab.meta['ZP{0}'.format(f_i)] = self.zp[i], comment tab.meta['FNUSCALE'] = (fnu_scl, 'Scale factor to f-nu CGS') tab.meta['COSMOL'] = (, 'Cosmological model') tab.meta['COS_OM'] = (cosmology.Om0, 'Omega matter') tab.meta['COS_OL'] = (cosmology.Ode0, 'Omega lambda') tab.meta['COS_H0'] = (cosmology.H0.value, 'Hubble constant') tab.meta['RF_PADW'] = (rf_pad_width, 'pad_width for RF fluxes') tab.meta['RF_PADM'] = (rf_max_err, 'max_err for RF fluxes') # Additional Rest-frame filters if len(extra_rf_filters) > 0: _ex = self.rest_frame_fluxes(f_numbers=extra_rf_filters, pad_width=rf_pad_width, max_err=rf_max_err, percentiles=[16,50,84], verbose=False, n_proc=n_proc, simple=simple) extra_tempfilt, extra_lc, extra_rest = _ex for ir, f_n in enumerate(extra_rf_filters): tab['rest{0}'.format(f_n)] = extra_rest[:,ir,1] tab['rest{0}'.format(f_n)].format = '.3f' rwidth = (extra_rest[:,ir,2]-extra_rest[:,ir,0])/2. tab['rest{0}_err'.format(f_n)] = rwidth tab['rest{0}_err'.format(f_n)].format = '.3f' fname = self.RES[f_n].name.split(' lambda_c')[0] tab.meta['name{0}'.format(f_n)] = (fname, 'Filter name') tab.meta['pivot{0}'.format(f_n)] = (self.RES[f_n].pivot, 'Pivot wavelength, Angstrom') del(extra_tempfilt) del(extra_rest) del(coeffs_norm) del(coeffs_draws) del(draws_norm) return tab
[docs] def standard_output(self, zbest=None, prior=False, beta_prior=False, UBVJ=DEFAULT_UBVJ_FILTERS, extra_rf_filters=DEFAULT_RF_FILTERS, cosmology=None, simple=False, rf_pad_width=0.5, rf_max_err=0.5, save_fits=True, get_err=True, percentile_limits=[2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], fitter='nnls', n_proc=0, clip_wavelength=1100, absmag_filters=[271, 272, 274], run_find_peaks=False, **kwargs):# """ Full output to ``zout.fits`` file. First refits the coefficients at `zml` and optionally `zbest`. Computes redshift statistics and then sends arguments to `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.sps_parameters` for rest-frame colors, masses, etc. Parameters ---------- zbest : array (NOBJ), None If provided, derive properties at this specified redshift. Otherwise, defaults in internal `zml` maximum-likelihood redshift. prior : bool Include the apparent magnitude prior in `lnp`. beta_prior : bool Include the UV slope prior in `lnp` (`~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.prior_beta`). UBVJ : list of 4 ints Filter indices of U, B, V, J filters in `params['FILTER_FILE']`. extra_rf_filters : list If specified, additional filters to calculate rest-frame fluxes cosmology : `astropy.cosmology` object Cosmology for calculating luminosity distances, etc. Defaults to flat cosmology with H0, OM, OL from the parameter file. LIR_wave : (min_wave, max_wave) Limits in `microns` to integrate the far-IR SED to calculate LIR. **removed to always use LIR in ``param.fits`` file** simple, rf_pad_width, rf_max_err : bool, float, float See `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.rest_frame_fluxes`. save_fits : bool / int - 0: Return just the parameter table - 1: Return the parameter table and data HDU and write '.data.fits' file - 2: Same as above, but also include template coeffs at all redshifts, which can be a very large array with dimensions (NOBJ, NZ, NFILT). get_err : bool Get parameter percentiles at `percentile_limits`. fitter : 'nnls', 'bounded' Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. absmag_filters : list Optional list of filters to compute absolute (AB) magnitudes Returns ------- tab : `astropy.table.Table` Table object. Output columns described `here <../eazy/zout_columns.html>`_. hdu : `` or None More fit data (coeffs, zgrid) needed for recreating fit state with `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.load_products`. See `save_fits`. """ import as pyfits from .version import __version__ if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 1: print('Get best fit coeffs & best redshifts') tab = Table() tab['id'] = self.OBJID for col in ['ra', 'dec', 'z_spec']: if self.fixed_cols[col] in tab[col] =[self.fixed_cols[col]] tab['nusefilt'] = self.nusefilt # Fit at max-lnp (default if zbest = None) first and record this # information no matter what. self.fit_at_zbest(zbest=None, prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior, get_err=get_err, fitter=fitter, n_proc=n_proc, clip_wavelength=clip_wavelength) tab['z_ml'] = self.zbest tab['z_ml_chi2'] = self.chi2_best tab['z_ml_risk'] = self.zbest_risk # Fit at the user's requested zbest, which defaults to # z_pdf if zbest is None if zbest is not None: self.fit_at_zbest(zbest=zbest, prior=prior, beta_prior=beta_prior, get_err=get_err, fitter=fitter, n_proc=n_proc, clip_wavelength=clip_wavelength) try: zlimits = self.pz_percentiles(percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], oversample=5) except: print('Couldn\'t compute pz_percentiles') zlimits = np.zeros((self.NOBJ, 5), dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) - 1 # min/max observed wavelengths of valid data lc_full =, 1)), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:]) tab['lc_min'] = (lc_full*(self.ok_data + 1e10*(~self.ok_data))).min(axis=1) tab['lc_max'] = (lc_full*self.ok_data).max(axis=1) tab['lc_max'].format = tab['lc_min'].format = '.1f' if run_find_peaks: peaks, numpeaks = self.find_peaks() tab['numpeaks'] = numpeaks tab['z_phot'] = self.zbest tab['z_phot_chi2'] = self.chi2_best #chi2_fit.min(axis=1) tab['z_phot_risk'] = self.zbest_risk self.Rz = self.compute_full_risk() tab['z_min_risk'] = self.zgrid[np.argmin(self.Rz, axis=1)] tab['min_risk'] = self.Rz.min(axis=1) tab['z_raw_chi2'] = self.zchi2 tab['raw_chi2'] = self.chi2_fit.min(axis=1) tab['z025'] = zlimits[:,0] tab['z160'] = zlimits[:,1] tab['z500'] = zlimits[:,2] tab['z840'] = zlimits[:,3] tab['z975'] = zlimits[:,4] for col in tab.colnames[-6:]: tab[col].format='8.4f' tab.meta['version'] = (__version__, 'Eazy-py version') tab.meta['prior'] = (prior, 'Prior applied ({0})'.format(self.param.params['PRIOR_FILE'])) tab.meta['betprior'] = (beta_prior, 'Beta prior applied') tab.meta['fitter'] = (fitter, 'Optimization method for template fits') if self.param['VERBOSITY'] >= 1: print(f'Get parameters (UBVJ={UBVJ}, simple={simple})') if (('template_fnu_units' not in kwargs) & ('fsps_QSF_12_v3' in self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE'])): # Need old V-band normalization method for the NMF templates if 0: warnings.warn(f"Setting template_fnu_units=None for " + f"{self.param['TEMPLATES_FILE']} templates", AstropyUserWarning) if 'vnorm_type' not in kwargs: kwargs['vnorm_type'] = 1 kwargs['template_fnu_units'] = None sps_tab = self.sps_parameters(UBVJ=UBVJ, extra_rf_filters=extra_rf_filters, cosmology=cosmology, rf_pad_width=rf_pad_width, rf_max_err=rf_max_err, percentile_limits=percentile_limits, simple=simple, n_proc=n_proc, **kwargs) for col in sps_tab.colnames: tab[col] = sps_tab[col] for key in sps_tab.meta: tab.meta[key] = sps_tab.meta[key] if len(absmag_filters) > 0: print('Abs Mag filters', absmag_filters) absm = self.abs_mag(f_numbers=absmag_filters, cosmology=cosmology, rest_kwargs={'percentiles':percentile_limits, 'pad_width':rf_pad_width, 'max_err':rf_max_err, 'simple':simple}) for c in absm.colnames: tab[c] = absm[c] for key in absm.meta: tab.meta[key] = absm.meta[key] if save_fits < 1: return tab, None root = self.param.params['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'] if os.path.exists('{0}.zout.fits'.format(root)): os.remove('{0}.zout.fits'.format(root)) tab.write('{0}.zout.fits'.format(root), format='fits') self.param.write('{0}.zphot.param'.format(root)) self.write_zeropoint_file('{0}.zphot.zeropoint'.format(root)) self.translate.write('{0}.zphot.translate'.format(root)) hdu = pyfits.HDUList(pyfits.PrimaryHDU()) #hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(self.OBJID.astype(np.uint32), name='ID')) hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(self.zbest.astype(np.float32), name='ZBEST')) hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(self.zgrid.astype(np.float32), name='ZGRID')) hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(self.chi2_fit.astype(np.float32), name='CHI2')) h = hdu[-1].header h['PRIOR'] = (prior, 'Prior applied ({0})'.format(self.param.params['PRIOR_FILE'])) h['BPRIOR'] = (beta_prior, 'UV beta prior applied') # Template coefficients hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU((self.coeffs_best*self.tempfilt.scale).astype(np.float32), name='COEFFS')) h = hdu[-1].header h['ABZP'] = (self.param['PRIOR_ABZP'], 'AB zeropoint') h['NTEMP'] = (self.NTEMP, 'Number of templates') for i, t in enumerate(self.templates): h['TEMP{0:04d}'.format(i)] = if save_fits == 2: hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(self.fit_coeffs.astype(np.float32), name='ZCOEFFS')) hdu.writeto('{0}.data.fits'.format(root), overwrite=True) return tab, hdu
[docs] def get_match_index(self, id=None, rd=None, verbose=True): """ Get object index of closest match based either on `id` (exact) or closest to specified ``(ra, dec) = rd``. """ import astropy.units as u if id is not None: ix = np.where(self.OBJID == id)[0][0] if verbose: print('ID={0}, idx={1}'.format(id, ix)) return ix # From RA / DEC idx, dr =[rd[0]*u.deg, rd[1]*u.deg], self_radec=(self.fixed_cols['ra'], self.fixed_cols['dec'])) if verbose: msg = 'ID={0}, idx={1}, dr={2:.3f}' print(msg.format(self.OBJID[idx[0]], idx[0], dr[0])) return idx[0]
[docs] def to_prospector(self, id=None, rd=None): """ Get the photometry and filters in a format that Prospector can use """ from sedpy.observate import Filter ix = self.get_match_index(id, rd) ZP = self.param['PRIOR_ABZP'] maggies = self.fnu[ix,:]*10**(-0.4*ZP) maggies_unc = self.efnu[ix,:]*10**(-0.4*ZP) dq = (self.fnu[ix,:] > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) & (self.efnu[ix,:] > 0) & np.isfinite(self.fnu[ix,:]) & np.isfinite(self.efnu[ix,:]) sedpy_filters = [] for i in range(self.NFILT): if dq[i]: filt = self.filters[i] sedpy_filters.append(Filter(data=[filt.wave, filt.throughput],[0])) pivot = np.array([f.wave_pivot for f in sedpy_filters]) lightspeed = 2.998e18 # AA/s conv = pivot**2 / lightspeed * 1e23 / 3631 pdict = {'maggies': maggies[dq], 'maggies_unc': maggies_unc[dq], 'maggies_toflam':1/conv, 'filters':sedpy_filters, 'wave_pivot':pivot, 'phot_catalog_id':self.OBJID[ix]} return pdict
[docs] def get_grizli_photometry(self, id=1, rd=None, grizli_templates=None): """ Get photometry dictionary of a given object that can be used with `grizli` fits. """ from collections import OrderedDict import astropy.units as u if grizli_templates is not None: template_list = [templates_module.Template( arrays=(grizli_templates[k].wave, grizli_templates[k].flux), name=k) for k in grizli_templates] tempfilt = TemplateGrid(self.zgrid, template_list, RES=self.RES, f_numbers=self.f_numbers, add_igm=self.param['IGM_SCALE_TAU'], galactic_ebv=self.MW_EBV, Eb=self.param['SCALE_2175_BUMP'], cosmology=self.cosmology, array_dtype=self.ARRAY_DTYPE) else: tempfilt = None if rd is not None: ti = Table() ti['ra'] = [rd[0]] ti['dec'] = [rd[1]] idx, dr =, self_radec=(self.fixed_cols['ra'], self.fixed_cols['dec'])) idx = idx[0] dr = dr[0] else: idx = np.where(self.OBJID == id)[0][0] dr = 0 notobs_mask = self.fnu[idx,:] < self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] sed = self.show_fit(idx, show_fnu=False, xlim=[0.3, 9], get_spec=True, id_is_idx=True) sed['fobs'][notobs_mask] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. sed['efobs'][notobs_mask] = self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD'] - 9. photom = OrderedDict() photom['flam'] = sed['fobs']*1.e-19 photom['eflam'] = sed['efobs']*1.e-19 photom['filters'] = self.filters photom['tempfilt'] = tempfilt photom['pz'] = self.zgrid, np.exp(self.lnp[idx,:]) return photom, self.OBJID[idx], dr
[docs] def rest_frame_SED(self, idx=None, norm_band=155, c='k', min_sn=3, median_args=dict(NBIN=50, use_median=True, use_nmad=True, reverse=False), get_templates=True, make_figure=True, scatter_args=None, show_uvj=True, axes=None, **kwargs): """ Make Rest-frame SED plot idx: selection array """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec if isinstance(norm_band, int): init_sed_data = True if hasattr(self, 'rf_sed_data'): rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest = self.rf_sed_data if rf_lc == self.RES[norm_band].pivot: init_sed_data = False if init_sed_data: rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest = self.rest_frame_fluxes(f_numbers=[norm_band], pad_width=0.5, percentiles=[2.5,16,50,84,97.5], simple=True) self.rf_sed_data = (rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest) else: rf_tempfilt, rf_lc, f_rest = norm_band norm_flux = f_rest[:,0,2] fnu_norm = (self.fnu[idx,:].T/norm_flux[idx]).T fmodel_norm = (self.fmodel[idx,:].T/norm_flux[idx]).T output_data = {} lcz =[:, np.newaxis]), self.pivot[np.newaxis,:])[idx,:] clip = (self.efnu[idx,:] > 0) & (self.fnu[idx,:] > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) & np.isfinite(self.fnu[idx,:]) & np.isfinite(self.efnu[idx,:]) clip *= self.fnu[idx,:]/self.efnu[idx,:] > min_sn wave = lcz[clip] flam = fnu_norm[clip]/(wave/rf_lc[0])**2 flam_obs = fmodel_norm[clip]/(wave/rf_lc[0])**2 output_data['phot_wave'] = wave output_data['phot_flam'] = flam output_data['phot_flam_model'] = flam_obs # Running median xm, ym, ys, N = utils.running_median(wave, flam, **median_args) output_data['sed_wave'] = xm output_data['sed_flam'] = ym output_data['sed_nmad'] = ys xm, ym, ys, N = utils.running_median(wave, flam_obs, **median_args) output_data['sed_flam_model'] = ym output_data['sed_flam_model_nmad'] = ys if get_templates: sp = self.show_fit(self.OBJID[idx][0], get_spec=True) templf = [] for i in self.idx[idx]: sp = self.show_fit(self.OBJID[i], get_spec=True) sp_i = sp['templf']/(norm_flux[i]/(1+self.zbest[i])**2) templf.append(sp_i) med = np.median(np.array(templf), axis=0)/3.6 tmin = np.percentile(np.array(templf), 16, axis=0)/3.6 tmax = np.percentile(np.array(templf), 84, axis=0)/3.6 output_data['templ_wave'] = self.templates[0].wave output_data['templ_flam'] = np.array(templf) output_data['templ_med'] = med output_data['templ_p16'] = tmin output_data['templ_p84'] = tmax if not make_figure: return output_data # Make figure if axes is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,4]) else: fig = None # UVJ? if (self.ubvj is not None) & show_uvj: UV = -2.5*np.log10(self.ubvj[:,0,2]/self.ubvj[:,2,2]) VJ = -2.5*np.log10(self.ubvj[:,2,2]/self.ubvj[:,3,2]) ok = np.isfinite(UV) & np.isfinite(VJ) gs = GridSpec(1,2, width_ratios=[2,3]) if axes is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) else: ax = axes[0] sc = ax.scatter(VJ[ok], UV[ok], c='k', vmin=-1, vmax=1., alpha=0.01, marker='.', edgecolor='k', zorder=-1) sc = ax.scatter(VJ[idx], UV[idx], c=c, vmin=-1, vmax=1., alpha=0.2, marker='o', edgecolor='k', zorder=1) if axes is None: ax.set_xlabel(r'$V-J$ (rest)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$U-V$ (rest)') ax.set_xlim(-0.2,2.8); ax.set_ylim(-0.2,2.8) ax.grid() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1]) else: ax = axes[1] else: gs = GridSpec(1,1, width_ratios=[1]) if axes is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) else: ax = axes[1] ax.plot(xm, np.maximum(ym, 0.01), color=c, linewidth=2, alpha=0.4) ax.fill_between(xm, np.maximum(ym+ys, 0.001), np.maximum(ym-ys, 0.001), color=c, alpha=0.4) if scatter_args is not None: ax.scatter(wave, flam, **scatter_args) if get_templates: ax.plot(self.templates[0].wave[::5], med[::5], color=c, linewidth=1, zorder=2) ax.fill_between(self.templates[0].wave[::5], tmin[::5], tmax[::5], color=c, linewidth=1, zorder=2, alpha=0.1) # MIPS if hasattr(self, 'mips_scaled'): # MIPS flux in this catalog zeropoint # mips_scaled = kate_sfr['f24tot']*10**(0.4*(self.param.params['PRIOR_ABZP']-23.9)) mips_obs = self.mips_scaled/norm_flux/(24.e4/(1+self.zbest)/rf_lc[0])**2#/2 ok_mips = (mips_obs > 0) xm, ym, ys, N = utils.running_median(24.e4/(1+self.zbest[idx & ok_mips]), np.log10(mips_obs[idx & ok_mips]), NBIN=10, use_median=True, use_nmad=True, reverse=False) ax.fill_between(xm, np.maximum(10**(ym+ys), 1.e-4), np.maximum(10**(ym-ys), 1.e-4), color=c, alpha=0.4) ax.scatter(24.e4/(1+self.zbest[idx & ok_mips]), mips_obs[idx & ok_mips], color=c, marker='.', alpha=0.1) ax.set_xlim(2000,120.e5) ax.scatter(rf_lc[0], 1, marker='x', color=c, zorder=1000) if 'xlim' in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs['xlim']) if 'ylim' in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs['ylim']) else: ax.set_ylim(9.e-4,4) if axes is None: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda_\mathrm{rest}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$f_\lambda\ /\ f_V$') ax.loglog() ax.grid() gs.tight_layout(fig) #fig.tight_layout() return output_data, fig
[docs] def spatial_statistics(self, band_indices=None, xycols=None, is_sky=True, nbin=(50,50), bins=None, apply=False, min_sn=10, catalog_mask=None, statistic='median', zrange=[0.05, 4], verbose=True, vm=(0.92, 1.08), output_suffix='', save_results=True, make_plot=True, cmap='plasma', figsize=5, plot_format='png', close=True, scale_by_uncertainties=False): """ Show statistics as a function of position Parameters ---------- band_indices : list of int, None Indices of the bands to process, in the order of the `self.pivot`, `self.filters`, etc. lists. If None, do all of them. statistic : str See `scipy.stats.binned_statistic_2d`. """ from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.stats # Coordinate things if xycols is None: xycols = (self.fixed_cols['ra'], self.fixed_cols['dec']) xc =[xycols[0]] yc =[xycols[1]] xr = [xc.min(), xc.max()] yr = [yc.min(), yc.max()] dx, dy = xr[1]-xr[0], yr[1]-yr[0] aspect = dy/dx if bins is None: px, py = 1/nbin[0], 1/nbin[1] xbins = np.linspace(xr[0]-px*dx, xr[1]+px*dx, nbin[0]) ybins = np.linspace(yr[0]-py*dy, yr[1]+py*dy, nbin[1]) else: xbins, ybins = bins if is_sky: xr = xr[::-1] cosd = np.cos(np.mean(yc)/180*np.pi) aspect /= cosd # Residuals if scale_by_uncertainties: resid = (self.fmodel/self.ext_redden/self.zp - self.fnu)/self.efnu else: resid = (self.fmodel - self.fnu*self.ext_redden*self.zp)/self.fmodel # Data mask mask = (self.fnu/self.efnu_orig > min_sn) & (self.efnu > 0) & (self.fnu > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) & np.isfinite(resid) object_mask = (self.zbest > zrange[0]) & (self.zbest < zrange[1]) if catalog_mask is not None: object_mask &= catalog_mask mask = (mask.T & object_mask).T # By filter if band_indices is None: band_indices = range(self.NFILT) for i in band_indices: col_i = self.flux_columns[i] f_name = self.tempfilt.filter_names[i].split()[0] msum = mask[:,i].sum() label = '{0} / {1} (N={2:>6d})'.format(col_i, f_name, msum) if msum == 0: continue ret = binned_statistic_2d(xc[mask[:,i]], yc[mask[:,i]], resid[mask[:,i],i]+1, bins=(xbins, ybins), statistic=statistic) if apply & (statistic in ['mean', 'median', astropy.stats.biweight_location]): self.apply_spatial_offset(i, ret, xycols=xycols) if verbose: print(label + ' (applied)') else: if verbose: print(label) if save_results: save_file = '{0}_{1}{2}.{3}'.format(self.param.params['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'], col_i, output_suffix, 'npy'), [[i, col_i, f_name, msum, min_sn], ret]) if make_plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[figsize, figsize*aspect]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(ret.statistic.T, vmin=vm[0], vmax=vm[1], extent=(ret.x_edge[0], ret.x_edge[-1], ret.y_edge[0], ret.y_edge[-1]), origin='lower', cmap=cmap) ax.set_xlim(xr) ax.set_ylim(yr) #ax.set_title(label) ax.text(0.05, 0.97, label, ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=8, zorder=2000, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.8)) ax.set_xlabel(xycols[0]) ax.set_ylabel(xycols[1]) ax.grid(zorder=500) ax.set_aspect(1./cosd) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) fig_file = '{0}_{1}{2}.{3}'.format(self.param.params['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'], col_i, output_suffix, plot_format) fig.savefig(fig_file) if close: plt.close()
[docs] def apply_spatial_offset(self, f_ix, bin2d, xycols=None): """ Apply a spatial zeropoint offset determined from spatial_statistics. """ if xycols is None: xycols = (self.fixed_cols['ra'], self.fixed_cols['dec']) xc =[xycols[0]] yc =[xycols[1]] nx = len(bin2d.x_edge) ny = len(bin2d.y_edge) ex = np.arange(nx) ey = np.arange(ny) ix = np.cast[int](np.interp(xc, bin2d.x_edge, ex)) iy = np.cast[int](np.interp(yc, bin2d.y_edge, ey)) corr = bin2d.statistic[ix, iy] corr[~np.isfinite(corr)] = 1 if self.spatial_offset is not None: self.spatial_offset[:,f_ix] *= corr else: self.spatial_offset = np.ones_like(self.fnu) self.spatial_offset[:,f_ix] *= corr mask = (self.fnu[:,f_ix] > self.param['NOT_OBS_THRESHOLD']) mask &= (self.efnu_orig[:,f_ix] > 0) self.fnu[mask,f_ix] *= corr[mask] self.efnu_orig[mask,f_ix] *= corr[mask] self.set_sys_err(positive=True, in_place=True)
[docs] def fit_phoenix_stars(self, filter_mask=None, wave_lim=[3000, 4.e4], apply_extcorr=False, sys_err=None, stars=None, sonora=True, just_dwarfs=False, lowz_kwargs={}): """ Fit grid of Phoenix stars `apply_extcorr` defaults to False because stars not necessarily "behind" MW extinction """ if stars is None: if just_dwarfs: if sonora: sonora_templates = templates_module.load_sonora_stars() else: sonora_templates = [] _ = templates_module.load_LOWZ_templates(**lowz_kwargs) lowz_csv, lowz_templates = _ stars = sonora_templates + lowz_templates else: stars = templates_module.load_phoenix_stars(add_carbon_star=False, sonora_dwarfs=sonora) self.star_templates = stars tflux = [t.integrate_filter(self.filters, z=0, include_igm=False) for t in self.star_templates] templ_params = [[float(s[1:]) for s in'_')[1:4]] for t in stars] self.star_teff = np.array(templ_params)[:,0] self.star_logg = np.array(templ_params)[:,1] self.star_zmet = np.array(templ_params)[:,2] if apply_extcorr: self.star_flux = (np.array(tflux)*self.ext_corr).T else: self.star_flux = np.array(tflux).T self.NSTAR = self.star_flux.shape[1] # Least squares normalization of stellar templates if sys_err is None: _wht = 1/(self.efnu**2+(self.param.params['SYS_ERR']*self.fnu)**2) else: _wht = 1/(self.efnu**2+(sys_err*self.fnu)**2) _wht /= self.zp**2 _wht[(~self.ok_data) | (self.efnu <= 0)] = 0 clip_filter = (self.pivot < wave_lim[0]) | (self.pivot > wave_lim[1]) if filter_mask is not None: clip_filter &= filter_mask _wht[:, clip_filter] = 0 _num =*self.zp*_wht, self.star_flux) _den=*_wht, self.star_flux**2) _den[_den == 0] = 0 self.star_tnorm = _num/_den # Chi-squared self.star_chi2 = np.zeros(self.star_tnorm.shape, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(self.NSTAR): _m = self.star_tnorm[:,i:i+1]*self.star_flux[:,i] self.star_chi2[:,i] = ((self.fnu*self.zp - _m)**2*_wht).sum(axis=1) self.star_min_ix = np.argmin(self.star_chi2, axis=1) self.star_min_chi2 = self.star_chi2.min(axis=1) self.star_min_chinu = self.star_min_chi2 / (self.nusefilt - 1) self.star_gal_chi2 = ((self.fnu*self.zp - self.fmodel)**2*_wht).sum(axis=1)
def _redshift_pairs(self, rix=None): """ Redshift differences of pairs TBD """ import itertools if rix is None: rix = self.zbest > 0 r0 = np.mean(self.RA[rix]) d0 = np.mean(self.DEC[rix]) cosd = np.cos(d0/180*np.pi) r0 = (self.RA[rix]-r0)*cosd*3600 d0 = (self.DEC[rix]-d0)*3600 zix = self.zbest[rix] pair_inds = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(range(rix.sum()),2)))
def _obj_nnls(coeffs, A, fnu_i, efnu_i): fmodel =, A) return -0.5*np.sum((fmodel-fnu_i)**2/efnu_i**2)
[docs] class TemplateGrid(object): def __init__(self, zgrid, templates, RES='FILTERS.RES.latest', f_numbers=[156], add_igm=True, galactic_ebv=0, Eb=0, n_proc=4, interpolator=None, filters=None, verbose=2, cosmology=None, array_dtype=np.float32, tempfilt_data=None): """ Integrate filters through filters on a redshift grid Parameters ---------- zgrid : array Redshift grid templates : list List of `~eazy.templates.Template` objects RES : str Filename of a `~eazy.filters.FilterFile`, or the object itself. f_numbers : list List of *unit-indexed* filter numbers for the desired filters to integrate. add_igm : bool Add IGM absorption as a function of redshift galactic_ebv : float MW extinction :math:`E(B-V)` Eb : float Extra dust bump Drude profile to apply to galactic extinction n_proc : int Number of parallel processes interpolator : None See `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.TemplateGrid.init_interpolator` filters : list, optional Explicit list of filters to bypass `RES` and `f_numbers` verbose : int Some control over status messages cosmology : `astropy.cosmology` object (Not really used here) array_dtype : dtype Data type for computed arrays tempfilt_data : array Precomputed array of integrated fluxes Attributes ---------- NZ NFILT NTEMP pivot zgrid : array (NZ) Redshfit grid trdz : array (NZ) Array for trapezoid integration as a dot product (see `~eazy.utils.trapz_dx`) tempfilt : array (NZ, NTEMP, NFILT) Templates integrated through filter bandpasses on the redshift grid. spline : interpolator Spline interpolator that interpolates `tempfilt` at a specified redshift """ import multiprocessing as mp import astropy.units as u from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 self.templates = templates self.RES = RES self.f_numbers = f_numbers self.add_igm = add_igm self.galactic_ebv = galactic_ebv self.ARRAY_DTYPE = array_dtype if cosmology is None: cosmology = WMAP9 self.cosmology = cosmology #self.NTEMP = len(templates) #self.NZ = len(zgrid) self.zgrid = zgrid self.trdz = utils.trapz_dx(self.zgrid) = np.diff(zgrid) self.idx = np.arange(self.NZ, dtype=int) if filters is None: if hasattr(RES, 'filters'): all_filters = RES else: if os.path.exists(RES+'.npy'): all_filters = np.load(RES+'.npy', allow_pickle=True)[0] else: all_filters = filters_code.FilterFile(RES) filters = [all_filters[fnum] for fnum in f_numbers] self.filter_names = np.array([ for f in filters]) self.filters = filters #self.NFILT = len(self.filters) if tempfilt_data is None: self.tempfilt = np.zeros((self.NZ, self.NTEMP, self.NFILT), self.ARRAY_DTYPE) if n_proc >= 0: # Parallel if n_proc == 0: pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) else: np_check = np.minimum(mp.cpu_count(), n_proc) pool = mp.Pool(processes=np_check) jobs = [pool.apply_async(_integrate_tempfilt, (itemp, templates[itemp], zgrid, RES, f_numbers, add_igm, galactic_ebv, Eb, filters)) for itemp in range(self.NTEMP)] pool.close() #pool.join() for res in tqdm(jobs): itemp, tf_i = res.get(timeout=MULTIPROCESSING_TIMEOUT) if verbose > 1: self.tempfilt[:,itemp,:] = tf_i if verbose > 1: for itemp in range(self.NTEMP): msg = 'Template {0:>3}: {1} (NZ={2}).' print(msg.format(itemp, templates[itemp].name, templates[itemp].NZ)) else: # Serial for itemp in tqdm(range(self.NTEMP)): itemp, tf_i = _integrate_tempfilt(itemp, templates[itemp], zgrid, RES, f_numbers, add_igm, galactic_ebv, Eb, filters) if verbose > 1: msg = 'Process template {0} (NZ={1}).' print(msg.format(templates[itemp].name, templates[itemp].NZ)) self.tempfilt[:,itemp,:] = tf_i else: # Precomputed if verbose: print('TemplateGrid: user-provided tempfilt_data') if tempfilt_data.shape != (self.NZ, self.NTEMP, self.NFILT): msg = f'Precomputed `tempfilt_data` shape ' msg += f'({tempfilt_data.shape})' msg += f' is not ({self.NZ}, {self.NTEMP}, {self.NFILT})!' raise ValueError(msg) self.tempfilt = tempfilt_data # Check for bad values. Not sure where they're coming from? bad = ~np.isfinite(self.tempfilt) if bad.sum(): print('Fix bad values in `tempfilt` (N={0})'.format(bad.sum())) self.tempfilt[bad] = 0 self.interpolator_function = interpolator self.init_interpolator(interpolator=interpolator) self.scale = np.ones(self.NTEMP) @property def NOBJ(self): """ Number of objects in catalog """ if not hasattr(self, 'cat'): return 0 else: return len( @property def NFILT(self): """ Number of filters """ if hasattr(self, 'filters'): return len(self.filters) else: return 0 @property def lc(self): """ Filter pivot wavelengths (deprecated, use `pivot`) """ return self.pivot @property def pivot(self): """ Filter pivot wavelengths """ if hasattr(self, 'filters'): return np.array([f.pivot for f in self.filters]) else: return None @property def NTEMP(self): """ Number of templates """ if hasattr(self, 'templates'): return len(self.templates) else: return 0 @property def NZ(self): """ Number of redshift grid points """ if hasattr(self, 'zgrid'): return len(self.zgrid) else: return 0
[docs] def init_interpolator(self, interpolator=None): """ Initialize filter flux interpolator Parameters ---------- interpolator : None or a `scipy.interpolate` class. Defaults to `scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator` which has desirable smooth behavior robust to large curvature in the interpolated data. """ import scipy.interpolate # Spline interpolator if interpolator is None: self.spline = scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(self.zgrid, self.tempfilt, axis=0) self.interpolator_function = scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator else: self.spline = interpolator(self.zgrid, self.tempfilt, axis=0) self.interpolator_function = interpolator
[docs] def apply_SFH_constraint(self, max_mass_frac=0.5, cosmology=None, sfh_file='templates/fsps_full/fsps_QSF_12_v3.sfh.fits'): """ Set interpolated template fluxes to zero for a given redshift/tmeplate combination if the accumulated stellar mass fraction at ages older than the age of the universe is greater than `max_mass_frac`. Requires the "sfh.fits" file. .. warning:: The implementation seems to work but the results when applied to running on a full catalog don't seem very reliable, probably caused by the effect of clipping out templates at discrete redshifts. """ from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u if cosmology is None: #from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmology cosmology = self.cosmology sfh = mass_accum = np.cumsum(sfh['SFH'][::-1,:], axis=0) mass_accum = (mass_accum / mass_accum[-1,:])[::-1,:] t_accum = sfh['time'] t_lb = cosmology.age(self.zgrid) for iz in range(self.NZ): t_ix = np.where(*u.Gyr <= t_lb[iz])[0][-1] mass_ix = mass_accum[t_ix,:] clip = mass_ix > max_mass_frac self.tempfilt[iz,clip,:] *= 0 # Reinit interpolator self.init_interpolator(interpolator=self.interpolator_function)
[docs] def __call__(self, z): """ Interpolate filter flux grid at specified redshift """ return self.spline(z)*self.scale[:,None]
def _integrate_tempfilt(itemp, templ, zgrid, RES, f_numbers, add_igm, galactic_ebv, Eb, filters): """ For multiprocessing filter integration """ import astropy.units as u global IGM_OBJECT if filters is None: all_filters = np.load(RES+'.npy', allow_pickle=True)[0] filters = [all_filters[fnum] for fnum in f_numbers] NZ = len(zgrid) NFILT = len(filters) if add_igm: igm = IGM_OBJECT #igm_module.Inoue14(scale_tau=add_igm) else: igm = 1. f99 = utils.GalacticExtinction(EBV=galactic_ebv, Rv=3.1) # Add bump with Drude profile in template rest frame width = 350 l0 = 2175 tw = templ.wave Abump = Eb/4.05*(tw*width)**2/((tw**2-l0**2)**2+(tw*width)**2) Fbump = 10**(-0.4*Abump) tempfilt = np.zeros((NZ, NFILT)) for iz in range(NZ): lz = templ.wave*(1+zgrid[iz]) # IGM absorption if add_igm: igmz = templ.wave*0.+1 lyman = templ.wave < 1300 igmz[lyman] = igm.full_IGM(zgrid[iz], lz[lyman]) else: igmz = 1. # Galactic Redenning red = (lz > 910.) & (lz < 6.e4) A_MW = templ.wave*0. A_MW[red] = f99(lz[red]) F_MW = 10**(-0.4*A_MW) for ifilt in range(NFILT): fnu = templ.integrate_filter(filters[ifilt], scale=igmz*F_MW*Fbump, z=zgrid[iz], include_igm=False, redshift_type=TEMPLATE_REDSHIFT_TYPE) tempfilt[iz, ifilt] = fnu return itemp, tempfilt
[docs] def fit_by_redshift(iz, z, A, fnu_corr, efnu_corr, TEFz, zp, verbose, fitter): """ Fit all objects in the catalog at a given reshift for parallelization Parameters ---------- iz : int Index of the redshift grid z : float Redshift value A : array (NTEMP, NFILT) `~eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid` photometry evaluated at redshift `z`. fnu_corr, efnu_corr : array (NOBJ, NFILT) Flux densities and uncertainties *without* MW extinction and *with* `~eazy.photoz.PhotoZ.zp` zeropoint corrections TEFz : array (NFILT) `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` evaluated at redshift `z`. zp : array (NFILT) Zeropoint corrections needed to back out of `efnu_corr` verbose : int Prints status message if ``verbose > 2``. fitter : str Least-squares method for template fits. See `~eazy.photoz.template_lsq`. Returns ------- iz : int Same as input, used for collecting results from parallel threads chi2 : array (NOBJ) :math:`\chi^2` of the template fits coeffs : array (NOBJ, NTEMP) Template normalization coefficients """ NOBJ, NFILT = fnu_corr.shape#[0] NTEMP = A.shape[0] chi2 = np.zeros(NOBJ, dtype=fnu_corr.dtype) coeffs = np.zeros((NOBJ, NTEMP), dtype=fnu_corr.dtype) #TEFz = TEF(z) if verbose > 2: print('z={0:7.3f}'.format(z)) for iobj in range(NOBJ): fnu_i = fnu_corr[iobj, :] efnu_i = efnu_corr[iobj,:] ok_band = (efnu_i > 0) if ok_band.sum() < 2: continue _res = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, False, fitter) chi2[iobj], coeffs[iobj], fmodel, draws = _res return iz, chi2, coeffs
def _fit_at_zbest_group(ix, fnu_corr, efnu_corr, zbest, zp, get_err, fitter, tempfilt, TEF, ARRAY_DTYPE, _self): """ Standalone function for fitting individual objects and getting coefficients and random draws """ #TEF, tempfilt = np.load(savefile, allow_pickle=True) NOBJ = len(ix) NTEMP = tempfilt.NTEMP NDRAWS = 100 if get_err > 1: NDRAWS = int(get_err) else: coeffs_draws = None if _self is None: coeffs_best = np.zeros((NOBJ, tempfilt.NTEMP), dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) fmodel = np.zeros((NOBJ, tempfilt.NFILT), dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) efmodel = np.zeros((NOBJ, tempfilt.NFILT), dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) chi2_best = np.zeros(NOBJ, dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) if get_err: coeffs_draws = np.zeros((NOBJ, NDRAWS, tempfilt.NTEMP), dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) else: # In place, avoid making copies coeffs_best = _self.coeffs_best fmodel = _self.fmodel efmodel = _self.efmodel chi2_best = _self.chi2_best if get_err: coeffs_draws = _self.coeffs_draws idx = np.where((zbest > tempfilt.zgrid[0]) & (zbest < tempfilt.zgrid[-1]))[0] for iobj in idx: zi = zbest[iobj] A = tempfilt(zi) TEFz = TEF(zi) fnu_i = fnu_corr[iobj, :] efnu_i = efnu_corr[iobj,:] if get_err: _ = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, NDRAWS, fitter) chi2, coeffs_best[iobj,:], fmodel[iobj,:], draws = _ if draws is None: efmodel[iobj,:] = -1 else: #tf = self.tempfilt(zi) efm = np.diff(np.percentile(, A), [16,84], axis=0), axis=0)/2. efmodel[iobj,:] = efm coeffs_draws[iobj, :, :] = draws else: _ = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, False, fitter) chi2, coeffs_best[iobj,:], fmodel[iobj,:], draws = _ chi2_best[iobj] = chi2 if _self is None: return ix, coeffs_best, fmodel, efmodel, chi2_best, coeffs_draws else: return True def _fit_rest_group(ix, fnu_corr, efnu_corr, izbest, zbest, zp, get_err, fitter, tempfilt, ARRAY_DTYPE, rf_tempfilt, percentiles, rf_lc, pad_width, max_err, threads): """ Standalone function for fitting rest-frame fluxes for individual objects """ from tqdm import tqdm #TEF, tempfilt = np.load(savefile, allow_pickle=True) NOBJ = len(ix) NTEMP = tempfilt.NTEMP NREST = rf_tempfilt.shape[2] f_rest = np.zeros((NOBJ, NREST, len(percentiles)), dtype=ARRAY_DTYPE) idx = np.where((zbest > tempfilt.zgrid[0]) & (zbest < tempfilt.zgrid[-1]))[0] if threads == 0: iters = tqdm(idx) else: iters = idx NDRAWS = 100 if get_err > 1: NDRAWS = get_err for iobj in iters: fnu_i = fnu_corr[iobj,:]*1 efnu_i = efnu_corr[iobj,:]*1 z = zbest[iobj] if (z < 0) | (~np.isfinite(z)): continue A = tempfilt(z) iz = izbest[iobj] for i in range(NREST): ## Grow uncertainties away from RF band #lc_i =[i] lc_i = rf_lc[i] # Normal in log wavelength x = np.log(lc_i/( grow = np.exp(-x**2/2/np.log(1/(1+pad_width))**2) TEFz = (2/(1+grow/grow.max())-1)*max_err _ = template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, NDRAWS, fitter) chi2_i, coeffs_i, fmodel_i, draws = _ if draws is None: f_rest[iobj,i,:] = -1. else: dval =, rf_tempfilt[iz,:,i]) f_rest[iobj,i,:] = np.percentile(dval, percentiles, axis=0) del(dval) return ix, f_rest #BOUNDED_DEFAULTS = {'bounds':(1.e3, 1.e18), 'method': 'bvls', 'tol': 1.e-8, 'verbose': 0} BOUNDED_DEFAULTS = {'bound_range':[0.05, 20], 'method': 'trf', 'tol': 1.e-8, 'verbose': 0, 'normalize_type':0} def _fit_obj(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, ndraws, fitter): """ Wrapper for back-compatibility """ warnings.warn(f'_fit_obj is deprecated, use template_lsq', AstropyUserWarning) return template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, ndraws, fitter)
[docs] def template_lsq(fnu_i, efnu_i, A, TEFz, zp, ndraws, fitter): """ This is the main least-squares function for fitting templates to photometry at a given redshift Parameters ---------- fnu_i : array (NFILT) Flux densities, **including extinction and zeropoint corrections** efnu_i : array (NFILT) Uncertainties, **including extinction and zeropoint corrections** A : array (NTEMP, NFILT) Design matrix of templates integrated through filter bandpasses at a particular redshift, z (not specified but implicit) TEFz : array (NFILT) `~eazy.templates.TemplateError` evaluated at same redshift as `A`. zp : array (NFILT) Multiplicative zeropoint corrections needed to back out from `efnu_i` and test for valid data ndraws : int If > 0, take `ndraws` random coefficient draws from fit covariance matrix fitter : str Template fitting method. The only stable option so far is 'nnls' for non-negative least squares with `scipy.optimize.nnls`, other options under development (e.g, 'bounded', 'regularized'). Returns ------- chi2_i : float Chi-squared of the fit coeffs : array (NTEMP) Template coefficients fmodel : array (NFILT) Flux densities of the best-fit model coeffs_draw : array (`ndraws`, NTEMP) Random draws from covariance matrix, if `ndraws` > 0 """ from scipy.optimize import nnls import scipy.optimize global MIN_VALID_FILTERS global BOUNDED_DEFAULTS sh = A.shape # Valid fluxes ok_band = (efnu_i/zp > 0) & np.isfinite(fnu_i) & np.isfinite(efnu_i) if ok_band.sum() < MIN_VALID_FILTERS: coeffs_i = np.zeros(sh[0]) fmodel =, A) return np.inf, np.zeros(A.shape[0]), fmodel, None var = efnu_i**2 + (TEFz*np.maximum(fnu_i, 0.))**2 rms = np.sqrt(var) # Nonzero templates ok_temp = (np.sum(A, axis=1) > 0) if ok_temp.sum() == 0: coeffs_i = np.zeros(sh[0]) fmodel =, A) return np.inf, np.zeros(A.shape[0]), fmodel, None # Least-squares fit Ax = (A/rms).T[ok_band,:]*1 try: if fitter == 'nnls': coeffs_x, rnorm = nnls(Ax[:,ok_temp], (fnu_i/rms)[ok_band]) elif fitter == 'nnls0': Ai = A[ok_temp,:][:,ok_band].T LHS = (Ai.T/var).dot(Ai) RHS = (Ai.T/var).dot(fnu_i[ok_band]) coeffs_x, rnorm = nnls(LHS, RHS) elif fitter == 'bounded': func = scipy.optimize.lsq_linear if 'bound_range' in BOUNDED_DEFAULTS: br = BOUNDED_DEFAULTS['bound_range'] else: br = [0.05, 20] #print('xxx BR: ', br) ### Normalize templates normalize_type = 0 if 'normalize_type' in BOUNDED_DEFAULTS: normalize_type = BOUNDED_DEFAULTS['normalize_type'] bound_kwargs = {} for k in BOUNDED_DEFAULTS: if k not in ['bound_range','normalize_type']: bound_kwargs[k] = BOUNDED_DEFAULTS[k] if normalize_type == 0: # Fit templates individually norm = (Ax[:,ok_temp].T*(fnu_i/rms)[ok_band]).sum(axis=1) norm /= (Ax[:,ok_temp].T**2).sum(axis=1) norm = norm[norm > 0] bounds = (br[0]*norm.min(), br[1]*norm.max()) A0 = 1 else: A0 = A[ok_temp,0] A0nn = A0 > 0 A0t = (A[ok_temp,:].T/A0).T[A0nn] bounds = (br[0]*A0t.min(), br[1]*A0t.max()) lsq_out = func(Ax[:,ok_temp]/A0, (fnu_i/rms)[ok_band], bounds=bounds, **bound_kwargs) coeffs_x = lsq_out.x/A0 elif fitter.startswith('normal'): # print('Fit with normal equations') # Transform A to normal equations ivmat = np.diag(1./var[ok_band]) Ai = A[:,ok_band].T if '-1' in fitter: An = np.ones(A.shape[0]) elif '-p' in fitter: # Normalize each template to the *photometry* in a given band band_index = int(fitter.split('-p')[1].split('_')[0]) An = A[:,band_index]/fnu_i[band_index] elif '-b' in fitter: # Normalize each template to a given band band_index = int(fitter.split('-b')[1].split('_')[0]) An = A[:,band_index] elif '-m' in fitter: # Normalize by maximum ratio of templates to photometry okb = ok_band & (fnu_i/efnu_i > 3) An = np.full(A.shape[0], (A[ok_temp,:]/fnu_i)[:,okb].max()) else: # Normalize by median template flux value An = np.full(A.shape[0], np.median(Ai[:,ok_temp])) Ai /= An Ai = Ai[:,ok_temp] LHS = # Regularization if '_' in fitter: n_col = ok_temp.sum() lamb = float(fitter.split('_')[1])*np.identity(n_col) #lamb[5] *= 5 #lamb[-1] *= 5 LHS += lamb RHS =[ok_band]) if '-lstq' in fitter: coeffs_x = np.linalg.lstsq(LHS, RHS) else: coeffs_x, rnorm = nnls(LHS, RHS) coeffs_x /= An[ok_temp] elif fitter.startswith('regularized'): # With regularization if '_' in fitter: lamb = float(fitter.split('_')[1]) else: lamb = 0.5 Ai = Ax[:,ok_temp]*1 An = np.median(Ai) # Ai /= An n_col = Ai.shape[1] y = (fnu_i/rms)[ok_band] LHS, RHS = + lamb * np.identity(n_col), #coeffs_x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(LHS, RHS, rcond=None) coeffs_x = np.linalg.solve(LHS, RHS)#, rcond=None) coeffs_x /= An elif fitter == 'lstsq': _res = np.linalg.lstsq(Ax[:,ok_temp], (fnu_i/rms)[ok_band], rcond=None) coeffs_x = _res[0] else: raise ValueError(f'fitter {fitter} not recognized') coeffs_i = np.zeros(sh[0]) coeffs_i[ok_temp] = coeffs_x except: coeffs_i = np.zeros(sh[0]) fmodel =, A) chi2_i = ((fnu_i-fmodel)**2/var)[ok_band].sum() coeffs_draw = None if ndraws > 0: if fitter == 'nnls': ok_temp = coeffs_i > 0 LHSx = Ax[:,ok_temp]*1 An = np.ones(A.shape[0]) mat =, LHSx) elif fitter == 'nnls0': # LHS already A.T @ C-1 @ A ok_nz = (coeffs_x > 0) mat = LHS[ok_nz,:][:,ok_nz] ok_temp[np.where(ok_temp)[0][~ok_nz]] = False An = np.ones(A.shape[0]) elif fitter.startswith('normal'): # LHS already limited to valid templates ok_nz = (coeffs_x != 0) LHSx = LHS[ok_nz,:][:,ok_nz] ok_temp[np.where(ok_temp)[0][~ok_nz]] = False mat =, LHSx) coeffs_draw = np.zeros((ndraws, A.shape[0])) #try: if ok_temp.sum() > 0: covar = utils.safe_invert(mat) draws = np.random.multivariate_normal((coeffs_i*An)[ok_temp], covar, size=ndraws) coeffs_draw[:, ok_temp] = draws/An[ok_temp] else: #print('Error getting coeffs draws') #coeffs_draw = None pass return chi2_i, coeffs_i, fmodel, coeffs_draw